The best fertilizer for garden vegetables
Sourdough for cucumbers
To obtain a rich harvest of cucumbers, they need to be fed regularly! For this perfect sourdough.
To make it simple:
1. Fill the bucket 2/3 cut crusts of bread, cover with water and press down with something heavy, otherwise the crust will float up when the bread starts to turn sour.
2. Place the bucket in a warm place for a week.
3. Dilute ferment 2 l of water.
4. Pour this bread means cucumbers at the root.
Such feeding can be carried out once a week from beginning of flowering until the beginning of decay.
Coniferous infusion get rid of aphids
For this 500g. pine or spruce needles pour 2 l of water and allow to steep in a dark place during the week. Before use, dilute with water (1:7)and spray.
Tobacco against the Colorado potato beetle
This method of fighting the Colorado bug I discovered by accident. As the young people relax at the cottage with a barbecue and, of course, cigarettes. Knowing my negative attitude towards Smoking, the boys took a small metal bucket, poured water into it and throwing there butts.
In the evening I decided to collect Colorado beetles. Without hesitation, picked up the bucket of cigarette butts and began to shake him bugs. Later I decided to see if the beetles spread. But it turned out that they are all dead!
Can you imagine what poison this tobacco!
Onion peel from the yellowing leaves of cucumbers
The cucumbers began to turn yellow leaves? Feed them onion infusion. To do this in a metal bucket of warm water, add 1st. onion skin. Place the bucket on the fire, bring to boil and allow to stand for 2 hours. Then from a watering can pour the infusion of the leaves of cucumbers.
Feed the onion smelling salts
The tips of the feathers pale bow, and the feather has become yellowish! It lacks nitrogen. To fill it will help a solution of ammonia.
He does so: in 10l. water, spread 3st.lies. of ammonia. And in the evening pour the onions with the solution under the root.
In order to live, plants need to eat. Its nutrients they get from soil. Of course, in the garden soil you already have main source of nutrients. But it must be constantly replenished. This should be done primarily through soil organic, then mineral fertilizers.
Organic fertilizer
It is a natural organic fertilizer. It would seem that it is something than can hurt the soil? But the unreasonable application of manures to soil is as harmful as its deficiency. An experienced gardener will never make cheese manure into the soil, and will reconstruct it in the compost. The cattle manure contained straw-based has all important nutrients. He matched horse manure, but it's too calorific. Horse manure is good for the early gaskets greenhouses. As a fertilizer it is used in the form of compost.
Bird droppings
Droppings of poultry, particularly chicken manure, is a very strong fertilizer. It contains more nitrogen than manure, it also contains phosphorus and potassium, but in much smaller amounts. Why in this superactive, you ask, bird manure is used so inactive.
The reasons are mainly two:
In addition, fresh manure is too reactive, causing and can cause harm to plants.
However, science has found a way out. Today the industry offers gardeners use a dry bird droppings. It is prepared by heat drying at very high temperatures. The result is a granular fertilizer gray. The odor, however, remains, but its original is not to compare. The nutrients in the litter remain dry, but the weed seeds, helminth eggs and the flies are dying.
Dry droppings should be diluted with water at the rate of 100 g per 10 l of water, insist and use to feed plants during the growing season.
Even better to prepare compost by mixing dry litter and peat in the ratio 1:2. If you want you can add this compost and mineral fertilizers.
Green manure
Wonderful organic fertilizer — herbal nutrient solution.
How to cook it?
Nitrogen from legumes
Legumes have a great ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen. These plants are "working" together with the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Clover, vetch, lupine, and vegetable crops — peas and beans — a great isotonicity. Plants planted in the beds where in the previous year, growing legumes, virtually no need for additional dressing. By the way, legumes and even loosen the soil, because their roots spread deeply in breadth. The aboveground mass of legumes is also a good green manure.
Natural minerals
To the group of natural mineral fertilizers can be attributed to the improvers of the soil, for example, stone flour. This stone dust, quarry waste, and stone industry. The composition of flour depends on the processed rocks. The most valuable sand stone, granite and basalt, it is a source of trace elements and mineral substances, has the ability to hold large amounts of water that are important for improving sandy soils. In General, any stone flour improves soil structure, restrain the removal of nutrients from it.
Especially love the nutrients and improves the lumpy structure of the soil calcium. It neutralizes excessive acidity. It must be borne in mind that the dose of calcium fertilizers to inflate or reaction of the soil solution will be alkaline. To correct the mistake would be difficult, and the alkali will damage the plants. Calcium make gradually and directionally. For example, loam, stone dust, containing calcium, can be used only once.
Also interesting: 7 great fertilizers with kitchen table
Wood ash is a great fertilizer for your vegetable garden
Peat is the cure for a vegetable garden. Usually peat is considered as a therapeutic agent for a vegetable garden. Its main merit is that it has the property to absorb a lot of water and thus regulating humidity of the soil. It is used to improve the structure on light sandy soils. But on the damp, clay soils peat may to a certain extent, to bind the excess moisture. However, the peat moss can acidify the soil, then to neutralize the need to use dolomite flour or lime. Peat contains almost no nutrients, therefore it should be enriched with mineral fertilizers, compost, stone flour.published
Source: vk.com/bestvkclub?w=wall-85254668_25434
To obtain a rich harvest of cucumbers, they need to be fed regularly! For this perfect sourdough.
To make it simple:
1. Fill the bucket 2/3 cut crusts of bread, cover with water and press down with something heavy, otherwise the crust will float up when the bread starts to turn sour.
2. Place the bucket in a warm place for a week.
3. Dilute ferment 2 l of water.
4. Pour this bread means cucumbers at the root.
Such feeding can be carried out once a week from beginning of flowering until the beginning of decay.

Coniferous infusion get rid of aphids
For this 500g. pine or spruce needles pour 2 l of water and allow to steep in a dark place during the week. Before use, dilute with water (1:7)and spray.
Tobacco against the Colorado potato beetle
This method of fighting the Colorado bug I discovered by accident. As the young people relax at the cottage with a barbecue and, of course, cigarettes. Knowing my negative attitude towards Smoking, the boys took a small metal bucket, poured water into it and throwing there butts.
In the evening I decided to collect Colorado beetles. Without hesitation, picked up the bucket of cigarette butts and began to shake him bugs. Later I decided to see if the beetles spread. But it turned out that they are all dead!
Can you imagine what poison this tobacco!
Onion peel from the yellowing leaves of cucumbers
The cucumbers began to turn yellow leaves? Feed them onion infusion. To do this in a metal bucket of warm water, add 1st. onion skin. Place the bucket on the fire, bring to boil and allow to stand for 2 hours. Then from a watering can pour the infusion of the leaves of cucumbers.
Feed the onion smelling salts
The tips of the feathers pale bow, and the feather has become yellowish! It lacks nitrogen. To fill it will help a solution of ammonia.
He does so: in 10l. water, spread 3st.lies. of ammonia. And in the evening pour the onions with the solution under the root.
In order to live, plants need to eat. Its nutrients they get from soil. Of course, in the garden soil you already have main source of nutrients. But it must be constantly replenished. This should be done primarily through soil organic, then mineral fertilizers.
Organic fertilizer

It is a natural organic fertilizer. It would seem that it is something than can hurt the soil? But the unreasonable application of manures to soil is as harmful as its deficiency. An experienced gardener will never make cheese manure into the soil, and will reconstruct it in the compost. The cattle manure contained straw-based has all important nutrients. He matched horse manure, but it's too calorific. Horse manure is good for the early gaskets greenhouses. As a fertilizer it is used in the form of compost.
Bird droppings
Droppings of poultry, particularly chicken manure, is a very strong fertilizer. It contains more nitrogen than manure, it also contains phosphorus and potassium, but in much smaller amounts. Why in this superactive, you ask, bird manure is used so inactive.
The reasons are mainly two:
- first, bird manure, extremely unpleasant odor,
- secondly, it contains a large number of seeds of weeds and eggs of helminths.
In addition, fresh manure is too reactive, causing and can cause harm to plants.
However, science has found a way out. Today the industry offers gardeners use a dry bird droppings. It is prepared by heat drying at very high temperatures. The result is a granular fertilizer gray. The odor, however, remains, but its original is not to compare. The nutrients in the litter remain dry, but the weed seeds, helminth eggs and the flies are dying.
Dry droppings should be diluted with water at the rate of 100 g per 10 l of water, insist and use to feed plants during the growing season.
Even better to prepare compost by mixing dry litter and peat in the ratio 1:2. If you want you can add this compost and mineral fertilizers.
Green manure
Wonderful organic fertilizer — herbal nutrient solution.
How to cook it?
- To tear grass. Best to start with nettles.
- The grass chopped, and then put in a plastic or wooden barrel and fill with water. During the fermentation slurry will foam, so the barrel top to pour is impossible.
- Herbal muck you need every day to stir with a stick to release the accumulated oxygen. In warm Sunny summer green manure will ferment is particularly strong.
- Often gardeners complain, that the grass produces too muck strong, unpleasant odor. It can be eliminated, if you add in the liquid a few drops of Valerian extract.
- After about two weeks the muck brighten. Fermentation is over, the green manure can be applied.
Nitrogen from legumes
Legumes have a great ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen. These plants are "working" together with the nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Clover, vetch, lupine, and vegetable crops — peas and beans — a great isotonicity. Plants planted in the beds where in the previous year, growing legumes, virtually no need for additional dressing. By the way, legumes and even loosen the soil, because their roots spread deeply in breadth. The aboveground mass of legumes is also a good green manure.

Natural minerals
To the group of natural mineral fertilizers can be attributed to the improvers of the soil, for example, stone flour. This stone dust, quarry waste, and stone industry. The composition of flour depends on the processed rocks. The most valuable sand stone, granite and basalt, it is a source of trace elements and mineral substances, has the ability to hold large amounts of water that are important for improving sandy soils. In General, any stone flour improves soil structure, restrain the removal of nutrients from it.
Especially love the nutrients and improves the lumpy structure of the soil calcium. It neutralizes excessive acidity. It must be borne in mind that the dose of calcium fertilizers to inflate or reaction of the soil solution will be alkaline. To correct the mistake would be difficult, and the alkali will damage the plants. Calcium make gradually and directionally. For example, loam, stone dust, containing calcium, can be used only once.
Also interesting: 7 great fertilizers with kitchen table
Wood ash is a great fertilizer for your vegetable garden
Peat is the cure for a vegetable garden. Usually peat is considered as a therapeutic agent for a vegetable garden. Its main merit is that it has the property to absorb a lot of water and thus regulating humidity of the soil. It is used to improve the structure on light sandy soils. But on the damp, clay soils peat may to a certain extent, to bind the excess moisture. However, the peat moss can acidify the soil, then to neutralize the need to use dolomite flour or lime. Peat contains almost no nutrients, therefore it should be enriched with mineral fertilizers, compost, stone flour.published
Source: vk.com/bestvkclub?w=wall-85254668_25434