You'll hand out tomatoes to your neighbors if you feed them this miraculous mixture in July.
Feeding tomatoes with ash - a great way to nourish the plant with useful substances. If you fertilize tomatoes in July, you can get a more generous harvest. How to do this, we will tell in today’s article.
Feeding tomatoes with ashes is good for several reasons. First of all, it's free. Secondly, such fertilizer does not have any chemical components in the composition. Extremely pure organic! And this feeding can be done literally in minutes. It is very convenient when there are many other household chores.
Ash helps tomatoes grow faster. This is a great way to protect the plant from phytophthora and other unpleasant diseases. In addition, ash can be used at different stages of tomato maturation. For example, if you fertilize this substance planted seedlings, it will accelerate its survival and root formation.
An adult plant will also thank you if you feed it with ash. It increases the stress resistance of tomatoes and improves the quality of the fruits themselves. So the harvest will be much better!
How to make fertilizing from ash To make fertilizing from ash, you will need 1 kg of ash itself, as well as 1 kg of mustard mackerel and egg shell. Of course, in such an amount of the last two ingredients on the farm may not be. But you can go to any gardening store or order the necessary components online.
Mix all the components, and then sprinkle the resulting mixture all the beds with tomatoes. Ideally this dressing is suitable for greenhouses. After the fertilizer is on the soil, it must be heavily watered. This will speed up the learning process. That's it!
For tomatoes, other natural fertilizers can be used, for example dairy products. Feeding with whey is an effective technique that experienced gardeners actively use on their plots. This allows you to increase yield and protect plants from fungal diseases.
This natural fertilizer brings invaluable benefits to plants. The zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and amino acids that make up it help plants actively build up green mass and give quality fruits.
In addition, when spraying, the sour-milk solution covers the leaves with a thin film, which is an impassable barrier for fungi. And insect pests die because they cannot digest the lactose contained in the serum.
If you need to carry out root treatment, dilute the serum in water at room temperature in a proportion of 1 to 10. Field this solution root system within a radius of 50 cm from the stems of plants. Extraroot feeding is better carried out with a solution of water and serum in a proportion of 3 to 1. For better adherence, add a few spoons of liquid soap.
Only a freshly prepared product should be used. If milk fungi begin to ferment, unwanted pathogenic microflora may appear, harmful to plants.
Great importance in growing tomatoes is played by how you prepare the ground for planting seedlings. It can be fertilized in advance. For example, to use for this poultry litter. It has all the necessary organic substances and nitrogen. Throw fertilizer in the beds where the tomatoes will grow. Superphosphates can also be added to it. In this case, the crops will receive full feeding.
A solution made of yeast should be used in the spring, a day before landing. Mix potassium permanganate and 10 grams of yeast on a bucket of water. The yeast should be infused for the day. The solution should be poured 220 ml per hole.
The ash is also suitable for soil treatment. It contains a lot of potassium, which is useful for the soil. 100 grams of ash per hole will be enough. Also after planting seedlings, you need to sprinkle the top with compost or black soil.
After that, humus can be used. After 10 days after planting, treat the soil with a solution of water and chicken humus. Use a 1:15 ratio. Add the solution to the ground. Sprinkle wood ash on top. The result is a double feeding.
If you do not mind using store fertilizers on the beds, I advise you to pay attention to nitroammophosca. How to use this substance, I wrote earlier. Look for a useful article on the link!

Feeding tomatoes with ashes is good for several reasons. First of all, it's free. Secondly, such fertilizer does not have any chemical components in the composition. Extremely pure organic! And this feeding can be done literally in minutes. It is very convenient when there are many other household chores.
Ash helps tomatoes grow faster. This is a great way to protect the plant from phytophthora and other unpleasant diseases. In addition, ash can be used at different stages of tomato maturation. For example, if you fertilize this substance planted seedlings, it will accelerate its survival and root formation.

An adult plant will also thank you if you feed it with ash. It increases the stress resistance of tomatoes and improves the quality of the fruits themselves. So the harvest will be much better!
How to make fertilizing from ash To make fertilizing from ash, you will need 1 kg of ash itself, as well as 1 kg of mustard mackerel and egg shell. Of course, in such an amount of the last two ingredients on the farm may not be. But you can go to any gardening store or order the necessary components online.

Mix all the components, and then sprinkle the resulting mixture all the beds with tomatoes. Ideally this dressing is suitable for greenhouses. After the fertilizer is on the soil, it must be heavily watered. This will speed up the learning process. That's it!
For tomatoes, other natural fertilizers can be used, for example dairy products. Feeding with whey is an effective technique that experienced gardeners actively use on their plots. This allows you to increase yield and protect plants from fungal diseases.
This natural fertilizer brings invaluable benefits to plants. The zinc, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus and amino acids that make up it help plants actively build up green mass and give quality fruits.

In addition, when spraying, the sour-milk solution covers the leaves with a thin film, which is an impassable barrier for fungi. And insect pests die because they cannot digest the lactose contained in the serum.
If you need to carry out root treatment, dilute the serum in water at room temperature in a proportion of 1 to 10. Field this solution root system within a radius of 50 cm from the stems of plants. Extraroot feeding is better carried out with a solution of water and serum in a proportion of 3 to 1. For better adherence, add a few spoons of liquid soap.

Only a freshly prepared product should be used. If milk fungi begin to ferment, unwanted pathogenic microflora may appear, harmful to plants.
Great importance in growing tomatoes is played by how you prepare the ground for planting seedlings. It can be fertilized in advance. For example, to use for this poultry litter. It has all the necessary organic substances and nitrogen. Throw fertilizer in the beds where the tomatoes will grow. Superphosphates can also be added to it. In this case, the crops will receive full feeding.
A solution made of yeast should be used in the spring, a day before landing. Mix potassium permanganate and 10 grams of yeast on a bucket of water. The yeast should be infused for the day. The solution should be poured 220 ml per hole.

The ash is also suitable for soil treatment. It contains a lot of potassium, which is useful for the soil. 100 grams of ash per hole will be enough. Also after planting seedlings, you need to sprinkle the top with compost or black soil.
After that, humus can be used. After 10 days after planting, treat the soil with a solution of water and chicken humus. Use a 1:15 ratio. Add the solution to the ground. Sprinkle wood ash on top. The result is a double feeding.

If you do not mind using store fertilizers on the beds, I advise you to pay attention to nitroammophosca. How to use this substance, I wrote earlier. Look for a useful article on the link!
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