Why feed strawberries with ash during flowering
I met yesterday at the dacha with my neighbor, grandfather Athanasius, he is very smart and experienced gardener. The whole village consults him, so I came to ask for fertilizer. vegetable.
“I feed strawberries with ash during flowering. Picking up a bucket of berries in one go! he began his story, and I pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil to keep important advice in mind.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to do it. fertilizeI want a good harvest. All summer residents on notice!
Unfortunately, almost all fertile black soil has long been depleted, and to obtain qualityIt is necessary to fertilize the soil well. And here comes the help of wood ash! After all, what is the point of buying fertilizers specifically, if you planted beets for that purpose to save at least a little...
Even our grandmothers used ordinary ash from the oven as fertilizer. Ash is a real treasure trove of valuable substances for plants, helps to improve the composition of the soil, favors the development of beneficial soil bacteria. And wood ash is an excellent ecological remedy against cabbage mite, snails and aphids.
In order to protect your site from these pests, just sprinkle the ash earth around the plants.
In addition to the nutritional function, ash perfectly helps in the fight against some weeds. For example, horsetail, which prefers acidic soils, with standard liming of the soil simply stops growing and dies.
To achieve an increase in the yield of strawberries and strawberries by almost 25-30%, it is necessary to spray the bushes during flowering. This helps to increase the mass of berries.
Under the bushes of strawberries before the next irrigation or rain, it is necessary to make small handfuls of crushed dry wood ash. You can also use ash solution or decoction of ash.
My neighbor advises to prepare an ash solution as follows: “Put, then ash in a bucket, well, or immediately into a watering pot.” The proportions are as follows: 10 liters 1 cup of powder. Pour water from the barrel into the container (the water should not be cold), mix the solution well and use it for watering plants! ?
Water the plants with ash should be 1 time every 10 days, having previously checked whether the soil is dry.
To prepare useful for plants feeding, ash can be insisted. To do this, fill the bucket one-third with ash, pour hot water and insist for 48 hours. After the right time, the infusion should be strained, and only then used for root feeding or spraying garden crops.
You need to spray the plants in the evening in quiet weather. Such processing can be done 2-3 times a month.
Another option for fertilizing ash - broth. Ask for 300 grams of ash, pour boiling water and boil for half an hour. The broth must be cooled, strained and diluted with 10 liters of water. To fertilize better adhered to the leaves, it is worth adding 45 grams of household soap.
But dry ash is introduced into the soil during the excavation of the bed in autumn, which is prepared for planting in the spring. On 1 square meter takes about 600 grams of ash. In spring, each square meter of the bed is sprinkled with a glass of wood ash, after which the ground is leveled.
I also suggest you learn how to make and use organic fertilizer from weeds.
You only need three components: water, weeds from your site and a handful of nitrogen fertilizers to improve fermentation. One barrel of 200 liters during the summer with a reserve will provide a standard garden plot with food!
The experience of Grandfather Athanasius proves that thanks to affordable and absolutely free fertilizer in the form of ash, even a small garden with low fertility land can successfully bear fruit and delight. cropper.
And what fertilizer for vegetables and berries do you use in your summer cottage? I would love to read about your experience in the comments!
“I feed strawberries with ash during flowering. Picking up a bucket of berries in one go! he began his story, and I pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil to keep important advice in mind.
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you how to do it. fertilizeI want a good harvest. All summer residents on notice!
Unfortunately, almost all fertile black soil has long been depleted, and to obtain qualityIt is necessary to fertilize the soil well. And here comes the help of wood ash! After all, what is the point of buying fertilizers specifically, if you planted beets for that purpose to save at least a little...
Even our grandmothers used ordinary ash from the oven as fertilizer. Ash is a real treasure trove of valuable substances for plants, helps to improve the composition of the soil, favors the development of beneficial soil bacteria. And wood ash is an excellent ecological remedy against cabbage mite, snails and aphids.
In order to protect your site from these pests, just sprinkle the ash earth around the plants.
In addition to the nutritional function, ash perfectly helps in the fight against some weeds. For example, horsetail, which prefers acidic soils, with standard liming of the soil simply stops growing and dies.
To achieve an increase in the yield of strawberries and strawberries by almost 25-30%, it is necessary to spray the bushes during flowering. This helps to increase the mass of berries.
Under the bushes of strawberries before the next irrigation or rain, it is necessary to make small handfuls of crushed dry wood ash. You can also use ash solution or decoction of ash.
My neighbor advises to prepare an ash solution as follows: “Put, then ash in a bucket, well, or immediately into a watering pot.” The proportions are as follows: 10 liters 1 cup of powder. Pour water from the barrel into the container (the water should not be cold), mix the solution well and use it for watering plants! ?
Water the plants with ash should be 1 time every 10 days, having previously checked whether the soil is dry.
To prepare useful for plants feeding, ash can be insisted. To do this, fill the bucket one-third with ash, pour hot water and insist for 48 hours. After the right time, the infusion should be strained, and only then used for root feeding or spraying garden crops.
You need to spray the plants in the evening in quiet weather. Such processing can be done 2-3 times a month.
Another option for fertilizing ash - broth. Ask for 300 grams of ash, pour boiling water and boil for half an hour. The broth must be cooled, strained and diluted with 10 liters of water. To fertilize better adhered to the leaves, it is worth adding 45 grams of household soap.
But dry ash is introduced into the soil during the excavation of the bed in autumn, which is prepared for planting in the spring. On 1 square meter takes about 600 grams of ash. In spring, each square meter of the bed is sprinkled with a glass of wood ash, after which the ground is leveled.
I also suggest you learn how to make and use organic fertilizer from weeds.
You only need three components: water, weeds from your site and a handful of nitrogen fertilizers to improve fermentation. One barrel of 200 liters during the summer with a reserve will provide a standard garden plot with food!
The experience of Grandfather Athanasius proves that thanks to affordable and absolutely free fertilizer in the form of ash, even a small garden with low fertility land can successfully bear fruit and delight. cropper.
And what fertilizer for vegetables and berries do you use in your summer cottage? I would love to read about your experience in the comments!