Nutmeg helped to adjust digestion, remove the crunch in the bones, relieved migraines! No wonder the ancestors called it the “royal bean”.
Nutmeg The fruit of the evergreen tree of the muscat family, which can live up to 100 years and bear fruit for the first 40 years of life. For a year, one muscat tree gives more than a thousand nuts, which look like an apricot.
Quality product can be obtained from nuts that bloomed 3-4 months. It is from these fruits that the maximum benefit can be obtained by using pulp as a spice that has a rich aroma and a sweet-bitter taste.
Nutmeg: useful properties and contraindications Benefits of nutmeg appreciated by the inhabitants of ancient Rome at the beginning of the first century. However, this product became widespread about a thousand years ago. Even then, it was used as a stimulant of brain function and a means to combat fatigue. Nutmeg also helped to cope with feelings of anxiety.
It is equally useful and nutmeg One of the most abundant aromatic oils. It is extracted from the kernels of ripe fruits of the muscat tree by ordinary distillation after grinding. It is used in aromatherapy, perfumery, cosmetology, medicine.
With the development of civilization, nutmeg began to be grown in many countries, which made these fruits available not only to the rich, but also to ordinary people. Now without this spice it is difficult to imagine the kitchen of any self-respecting hostess.
Benefits of nutmeg
Also nutmeg stimulates digestive processes, so any dish is absorbed better with it. This allows you to use the spice even for weight loss. It is considered particularly useful in this regard. kefir. This mixture is suitable for those who suffer from a deficiency of proteins, fats and vitamins.
But despite a number of useful properties, nutmeg has contraindications, which are mainly associated with exceeding the norm of its reception.
It is impossible to abuse nutmeg, because its stimulating effect exerts an additional load on the nervous and cardiovascular system. In addition, in large doses, it causes nausea, hallucinations and even death. Safe dose of spice - approximately 0.1 grams per 1 serving of food.
Earlier we talked about the benefits of different types of nuts. No wonder they have always been so popular. However, nuts should be consumed correctly to reap the greatest benefit.
Tell me how often you use nutmeg in the kitchen. Do you know what to do without this wonderful spice?
Quality product can be obtained from nuts that bloomed 3-4 months. It is from these fruits that the maximum benefit can be obtained by using pulp as a spice that has a rich aroma and a sweet-bitter taste.

Nutmeg: useful properties and contraindications Benefits of nutmeg appreciated by the inhabitants of ancient Rome at the beginning of the first century. However, this product became widespread about a thousand years ago. Even then, it was used as a stimulant of brain function and a means to combat fatigue. Nutmeg also helped to cope with feelings of anxiety.

It is equally useful and nutmeg One of the most abundant aromatic oils. It is extracted from the kernels of ripe fruits of the muscat tree by ordinary distillation after grinding. It is used in aromatherapy, perfumery, cosmetology, medicine.

With the development of civilization, nutmeg began to be grown in many countries, which made these fruits available not only to the rich, but also to ordinary people. Now without this spice it is difficult to imagine the kitchen of any self-respecting hostess.
Benefits of nutmeg
- Stimulation of immunity
- Improving circulation
- Help for arthritis
- Improving potency in men
- Strengthen hair and nails
- Protection against rheumatism
Also nutmeg stimulates digestive processes, so any dish is absorbed better with it. This allows you to use the spice even for weight loss. It is considered particularly useful in this regard. kefir. This mixture is suitable for those who suffer from a deficiency of proteins, fats and vitamins.

But despite a number of useful properties, nutmeg has contraindications, which are mainly associated with exceeding the norm of its reception.
It is impossible to abuse nutmeg, because its stimulating effect exerts an additional load on the nervous and cardiovascular system. In addition, in large doses, it causes nausea, hallucinations and even death. Safe dose of spice - approximately 0.1 grams per 1 serving of food.

Earlier we talked about the benefits of different types of nuts. No wonder they have always been so popular. However, nuts should be consumed correctly to reap the greatest benefit.
Tell me how often you use nutmeg in the kitchen. Do you know what to do without this wonderful spice?