All You need to know about nuts

1. Why nuts must be soaked.
2. What nuts are the most useful.
3. What nut is the most fatty and promotes weight gain.
4. With what best combination of nuts.
5. How many nuts can you eat per day. 1. Why nuts need to soak? Everyone knows that nuts – heavy enough food for absorption and digestion since they contain proteins and fats. Many nuts cause bloating, discomfort in the stomach. Also, unfortunately, the quality and freshness of the nuts sold in stores and markets, leaves much to be desired...So, first, it is advisable to buy nuts in shell, not roasted and not salted, and, secondly, to soak. That gives us their soaking?in water starts a fermentation process, after which they are more easily absorbed and digested.a nice bonus – a taste of nuts changes is revealed in a completely different way. How to soak: Fill with cold water at least 12 hours. Then we peel them and eat. Store and soak the nuts only in a glass container. After soaking are not stored more than a day, in water. Also, notice that the peeled nuts quickly Porada, so it's best not to buy the peeled nuts and clean them yourself after soaking. 2. What nuts are the most useful? There is no General useful nut for all. Different people suits different. Need to know the health status and complaints person to advise which nuts will be most useful. All nuts are vegetable protein, also contain healthy amino acids. The basic nuts and their properties: Almonds – the leader in content of calcium among nuts. Not recommended for people prone to herpes. Hazelnut – helps to cleanse the liver. Cashews are the highest content of vitamin E and the least fat at the same time, among the nuts. Pistachios – contains more iron than calcium. Also contains lutein. Useful for the prevention of vision problems. Walnut - useful for reproducting system contains folic acid and vitamin E. Is an antioxidant. 3. What nut is the most fatty and promotes weight gain. The fat and calories of the pecan. It really is possible to gain weight. People with underweight, highly recommend it. 4. With what best combination of nuts. Nuts combines with almost all the fruits and nuts. Perfect to add to smoothies, salads. The perfect combination – with a green salad. Greens helps their digestion, in this combination they won't even have to soak. Do not combine any protein foods. 5. How many nuts can you eat per day. Recommended daily intake of nuts, when properly balanced diet, not more than 50 grams per day. But, individually, you must know the human diet to recommend the exact rate of the day. I hope I was able to answer the most frequently asked questions and my recommendations will help someone feel better! Their nuts can also take the delicious recipes! In my Instagram already they are, but I will take them here! Two delicious dessert from almonds:

Almond milk 250 ml:stuff 15-20 almonds (soaked and peeled), beat in a blender with 200 ml of water + 1-2 tsp of agave syrup. Filter. Ready! Store in the refrigerator no more than days. Excellent to use in smoothies, chicory/coffee, or as a standalone drink.

Marzipan 15-18 stuff:-100 gr. of almonds
-40-50 grams. powdered sugar (absolutely not a helpful product, but with any substitutes, unfortunately, marzipan is not tasty).-lemon juice 1/3 tsp Almonds, soaked and peeled, leave the napkin to dry. Then grind in a blender with the icing sugar and lemon juice. The resulting "dough" spread in molds and refrigerate for 2-3 hours minimum. Without the molds, just a ball to roll.
Source: natalidiet.blogspot.com/2014/05/blog-post_31.html#more