One teaspoon of this product contains daily intake of omega-3
In Your presentation, nuts and seeds are snacks, due to which the person gaining weight? A quarter of the calories in nuts and seeds is fat origin. But there is an important difference between the fat in whole plant foods and the fat that is present in foods like meat and milk, processed foods prepared with hydrogenated oils and refined vegetable oil.
In nuts and seeds many antioxidants and other protective substances. They provide valuable vegetable protein and fiber.The basis of their fat is useful for connection of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including essential fatty acids) that help us to absorb and use nutrients.
Animal fat is another thing. In meat and milk a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol, while nuts and seeds are little saturated fat and no cholesterol. The structure of the fats in nuts and seeds are also a little reminiscent of hydrogenated fats that are used in senecah, and many other products.
These harmful fats are overcrowded modified fatty acids that are produced by chemical means. It liquid oils turn into solid molecules of an unnatural shape. Finally, in contrast to refined vegetable oils, which are purified from the useful components, nuts and seeds provide an abundance of nutrients, like nature intended.
It is very important to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, and that a small amount of fat that we consume should be from whole plant foods. As in nuts and grains contains a lot of fat, it is important that the portions of the food were small. Add a spoon of Flaxseed in your morning cereal instead of margarine spread a little almond butter on toast or add a few walnuts to the salad.
Cashews are particularly rich in zinc, almonds – calcium, flax seed and many other seeds – magnesium. One Brazil nut contains more than two of the recommended daily norms of selenium.
Flax seed and omega-3
Milled Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil is a particularly useful choice because they are very rich in essential fatty acids omega-3. Fatty acids omega-3 can help to build cell membranes and support the immune system. They also fight the harmful fats that cause cancer.
You can easily get the daily norm of omega-3 of one teaspoon of Flaxseed oil or a tablespoon of flax seed. To protect the oil from being damaged by oxygen, it must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Use it in small amounts for salads and baked potatoes. But not cook food with this oil, because heating damages the fatty acids omega-3.
Ground flax seed is a very good choice because, in addition to omega-3, they provide a powerful anticancerogenic called lignans, which can be especially effective in hormone-dependent tumors.
In order to absorb the necessary substances from the seed. It is necessary to grind. The whole seeds pass through the digestive tract and will come out naturally. To use flax seed, grind it fresh in a spice mill or coffee. Spoon grated seed can be added to the smoothies, or sprinkled on her morning cereal, salad or other dish.
That's why these stickers on fruits! It is IMPORTANT for buyers!Whole grains: which grains MUST be soaked
Rubbed the seed is a substitute for eggs in pancake recipes and pancake. To make a "flax egg" in many of these recipes, mix a tablespoon of grated flax seed with three tablespoons of water. A minute later the resulting mass will zapustitsya and adopt a consistency resembling the consistency of egg. published
Source: www.vita.org.ru/veg/veg-health/meal-prev-cancer4.htm#5.9
In nuts and seeds many antioxidants and other protective substances. They provide valuable vegetable protein and fiber.The basis of their fat is useful for connection of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (including essential fatty acids) that help us to absorb and use nutrients.

Animal fat is another thing. In meat and milk a lot of saturated fat and cholesterol, while nuts and seeds are little saturated fat and no cholesterol. The structure of the fats in nuts and seeds are also a little reminiscent of hydrogenated fats that are used in senecah, and many other products.
These harmful fats are overcrowded modified fatty acids that are produced by chemical means. It liquid oils turn into solid molecules of an unnatural shape. Finally, in contrast to refined vegetable oils, which are purified from the useful components, nuts and seeds provide an abundance of nutrients, like nature intended.
It is very important to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, and that a small amount of fat that we consume should be from whole plant foods. As in nuts and grains contains a lot of fat, it is important that the portions of the food were small. Add a spoon of Flaxseed in your morning cereal instead of margarine spread a little almond butter on toast or add a few walnuts to the salad.
Cashews are particularly rich in zinc, almonds – calcium, flax seed and many other seeds – magnesium. One Brazil nut contains more than two of the recommended daily norms of selenium.

Flax seed and omega-3
Milled Flaxseed and Flaxseed oil is a particularly useful choice because they are very rich in essential fatty acids omega-3. Fatty acids omega-3 can help to build cell membranes and support the immune system. They also fight the harmful fats that cause cancer.
You can easily get the daily norm of omega-3 of one teaspoon of Flaxseed oil or a tablespoon of flax seed. To protect the oil from being damaged by oxygen, it must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Use it in small amounts for salads and baked potatoes. But not cook food with this oil, because heating damages the fatty acids omega-3.
Ground flax seed is a very good choice because, in addition to omega-3, they provide a powerful anticancerogenic called lignans, which can be especially effective in hormone-dependent tumors.
In order to absorb the necessary substances from the seed. It is necessary to grind. The whole seeds pass through the digestive tract and will come out naturally. To use flax seed, grind it fresh in a spice mill or coffee. Spoon grated seed can be added to the smoothies, or sprinkled on her morning cereal, salad or other dish.
That's why these stickers on fruits! It is IMPORTANT for buyers!Whole grains: which grains MUST be soaked
Rubbed the seed is a substitute for eggs in pancake recipes and pancake. To make a "flax egg" in many of these recipes, mix a tablespoon of grated flax seed with three tablespoons of water. A minute later the resulting mass will zapustitsya and adopt a consistency resembling the consistency of egg. published
Source: www.vita.org.ru/veg/veg-health/meal-prev-cancer4.htm#5.9