Korean mother-in-law taught where to attach pickled ginger and wasabi from sushi sets, because it is very sad to throw away products
Wasabi and ginger It is served to sushi sets as an appetizing addition. Ginger allows you to beat the taste of the previous type of treat to divide and enhance the taste of different rolls. But sometimes small packages of ginger and wasabi accumulate a huge variety. Especially for those who like to order sushi. How to use the remaining stocks of these products in a useful way?
By the way, there is an opinion that earlier ginger and wasabi were served antiseptic. It was believed that the use of raw fish can adversely affect the digestion of a person, and particles of ginger with wasabi helped protect their own body. Anyway, it is difficult to imagine any use of sushi without these two products.
Of course, everyone can decide what to do with the remains. Many people throw away packages of ginger or wasabi, but it is not quite economical. If you do not plan to eat such ingredients in the near future, then feel free to send them to the refrigerator. Only before you do that is necessary. check out the label. There should be basic temperature recommendations.
At a low temperature, wasabi, which is not in its original packaging, can be stored for a month or two. Ginger is safe. freeze. This will not affect its taste, if you adhere to a competent grocery neighborhood and optimal temperature.
If you want to eat ginger and wasabi here and now, why not? Those who like the specific taste of pickled ginger may not wait for any side dishes and empty the box in a matter of minutes. Wasabi's a good match. meaty. In general, there is a taste and color, as they say.
Connoisseurs of oriental cuisine recommend spending wasabi and ginger on cooking. For example, you can make wok - rice or rice noodles with pieces of meat and vegetables. It's really a tasty and nutritious treat, and wasabi with ginger slices should highlight all its savor.
Fans of culinary experiments can try a real novelty. It is enough to mix soft cheese, pickled ginger and condensed. Agree, the combination is strange, but on the Internet, such a meal is very much praised and advised to friends. Do you think this recipe would surprise your family?
It would be a great idea to use wasabi instead of marinade for baking meat. For example, mustard is used to baking chicken. So why not replace it with an equally delicious alternative? Only in such a marinade should figure and soy sauce to make the marinade more liquid. We are already looking forward to what a delicious golden crust will decorate your chicken.
Fish food lovers should appreciate mayonnaise. It will emphasize the tenderness of the fish slice and add a unique cutting. Also, such a sauce can be used as a salad dressing, consumed together with cold, potatoes, seafood and even added to okroshka.
As you can see, you can use such fragrant sauces as you like. This will be especially useful before the New Year. The number of meals eaten may exceed the ability of guests to digest, but wasabi will immediately come to the rescue. How do you use the rest? ginger and wasabi? Tell us in the comments.

By the way, there is an opinion that earlier ginger and wasabi were served antiseptic. It was believed that the use of raw fish can adversely affect the digestion of a person, and particles of ginger with wasabi helped protect their own body. Anyway, it is difficult to imagine any use of sushi without these two products.
Of course, everyone can decide what to do with the remains. Many people throw away packages of ginger or wasabi, but it is not quite economical. If you do not plan to eat such ingredients in the near future, then feel free to send them to the refrigerator. Only before you do that is necessary. check out the label. There should be basic temperature recommendations.

At a low temperature, wasabi, which is not in its original packaging, can be stored for a month or two. Ginger is safe. freeze. This will not affect its taste, if you adhere to a competent grocery neighborhood and optimal temperature.

If you want to eat ginger and wasabi here and now, why not? Those who like the specific taste of pickled ginger may not wait for any side dishes and empty the box in a matter of minutes. Wasabi's a good match. meaty. In general, there is a taste and color, as they say.
Connoisseurs of oriental cuisine recommend spending wasabi and ginger on cooking. For example, you can make wok - rice or rice noodles with pieces of meat and vegetables. It's really a tasty and nutritious treat, and wasabi with ginger slices should highlight all its savor.

Fans of culinary experiments can try a real novelty. It is enough to mix soft cheese, pickled ginger and condensed. Agree, the combination is strange, but on the Internet, such a meal is very much praised and advised to friends. Do you think this recipe would surprise your family?
It would be a great idea to use wasabi instead of marinade for baking meat. For example, mustard is used to baking chicken. So why not replace it with an equally delicious alternative? Only in such a marinade should figure and soy sauce to make the marinade more liquid. We are already looking forward to what a delicious golden crust will decorate your chicken.

Fish food lovers should appreciate mayonnaise. It will emphasize the tenderness of the fish slice and add a unique cutting. Also, such a sauce can be used as a salad dressing, consumed together with cold, potatoes, seafood and even added to okroshka.

As you can see, you can use such fragrant sauces as you like. This will be especially useful before the New Year. The number of meals eaten may exceed the ability of guests to digest, but wasabi will immediately come to the rescue. How do you use the rest? ginger and wasabi? Tell us in the comments.
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