How to quickly roll a hundred cucumber rolls for a crowd of hungry guests
Cucumber rolls It can be a great alternative to rice. To work with them, at least minimal preparation is necessary, and among the bustle of the New Year it is difficult to get a lot of free time. But do not worry, because the taste and aroma of cucumber rolls is no worse than usual. Let's figure out how to please guests with this crisp and fresh treat.
If you used to have to cook ordinary rolls at home, then you roughly understand the full scale of the event. It is necessary to properly prepare rice. spend an hour. Moreover, first you need to buy the right rice and all the components for full sushi, and only then start cooking.
Using cucumber slices seriously simplifies the preparation of rolls. They clearly will not lose to their originals, as they are prepared quickly and simply, and the filling is used the same. You don’t have to waste time on something you’ve never cooked before. While with cucumber rolls There should be no problems. Even during test cooking.
If you really want to taste real rolls, and there is no time for their preparation, as well as the desire to order delivery, then look at this recipe. Only simple components that will not make you weary with their stacking. The process of converting ingredients into almost complete rolls will be quick and simple.
The ingredients
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Posted by backsy9 (@backsy9)
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Publication from Dasha • Keto diet • Recipes (@keto_daria)
You can prepare cucumber rolls in the form of canapé, using multi-colored curly swords. To do this, you will not need to buy a mat and mess with a large and long roll, because each roll will be assembled separately. By the way, for this recipe you can buy ordinary cucumbers instead of long-fruited.
The ingredients
As you can see, making such rolls at home is quite simple. You can use products that are more appealing to your family or guests. For example, replace the usual cheese with goat, add slices of Bulgarian pepper, grated carrots or even sausages inside the roll. In general, rely on your rich imagination and make the most creative and interesting. pickle-roll.

If you used to have to cook ordinary rolls at home, then you roughly understand the full scale of the event. It is necessary to properly prepare rice. spend an hour. Moreover, first you need to buy the right rice and all the components for full sushi, and only then start cooking.
Using cucumber slices seriously simplifies the preparation of rolls. They clearly will not lose to their originals, as they are prepared quickly and simply, and the filling is used the same. You don’t have to waste time on something you’ve never cooked before. While with cucumber rolls There should be no problems. Even during test cooking.
If you really want to taste real rolls, and there is no time for their preparation, as well as the desire to order delivery, then look at this recipe. Only simple components that will not make you weary with their stacking. The process of converting ingredients into almost complete rolls will be quick and simple.
The ingredients
- 1 cucumber
- 100g cream cheese
- 6 crab sticks
- 1⁄4 tsp salt
- tasteful
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Posted by backsy9 (@backsy9)
- For such a dish, be sure to choose long-fruited cucumbers. They easily twist, which will simplify the most important task - giving the roll a beautiful shape. Keep in mind that for cutting such a cucumber better to use vegetable cleanersEven a sharp knife cannot cut a vegetable into really thin slices.
- Roll fillings can be chosen to your taste. In our version of the recipe, you need to finely cut crab sticks, mix them with cream cheese and add your favorite spices. But if there is a desire, then you can replace crab sticks with shrimp, crab meat, pieces of any red fish. It'll taste even better.
- You can collect rolls from cucumbers without additional devices, but it is much easier to do this using a mat - a small wicker mat. It is sold in many stores and is inexpensive. Wrap the mat with plastic film to maintain the possibility reusable. Lubricate the mat with drops of vegetable oil and lay out cucumber slices so that they are located on top.
- Cover a layer of cucumbers with cream cheese and crab sticks. Then roll a round or square cucumber sausage, helping yourself with a mat. Use the sharpest knife to cut the roll into pieces and not tear it. Don't forget pitch Soy sauce, slices of ginger and wasabi.
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Publication from Dasha • Keto diet • Recipes (@keto_daria)
You can prepare cucumber rolls in the form of canapé, using multi-colored curly swords. To do this, you will not need to buy a mat and mess with a large and long roll, because each roll will be assembled separately. By the way, for this recipe you can buy ordinary cucumbers instead of long-fruited.
The ingredients
- 2 cucumbers
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp mayonnaise
- 100g hard cheese
- tasteful
- dill
- garlic

- Boil the egg, cool it, peel it and soap it on a large grater. The cheese also needs to be grated. Choose the type of cheese you like best. By the way, you can. cream With another grated look of this product. Parmesan, mozzarella, suluguni.
- To the mixture of cheese and eggs, you need to add crushed garlic, spices, greens. Stir well and send to the freezer for about 5 minutes. Wash the cucumbers and cut into thin slices of vegetable peeling.
- Egg-cheese mixture should slightly freeze in the freezer, which will facilitate rolling out of it pellet. They should be no larger than a walnut kernel so that such rolls of cucumbers are convenient to eat from a sword.
- Twirl a small roll of cucumber strip and cheese ball, and then secure everything with a sword. If you wish, you can add a small piece of red fish inside the roll, and immediately decorate the top of the roll wasabi. Trust your own imagination.

As you can see, making such rolls at home is quite simple. You can use products that are more appealing to your family or guests. For example, replace the usual cheese with goat, add slices of Bulgarian pepper, grated carrots or even sausages inside the roll. In general, rely on your rich imagination and make the most creative and interesting. pickle-roll.
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