How to determine your purpose: practice 4 analyzing individuality

Do you have a purpose, a mission on Earth for which you were born, brought up and engaged in what you were doing? Whether a person has a choice what to do with my life, or actually somewhere deep inside us all is fixed, and you need it just to find?
If you put aside all the religious and mystical prejudices about pre-destiny, karma, and look at this problem from a different angle and more pragmatically, for example, from the point of view of what is happening in our country and in the world, as well as on the life experience of many successful people, it will be obvious the following: there is no inner peace and success in society the person does not find until he finds in life activities that actually arouses in him a passion that area of life which inspires him to take on the day, lets not be afraid of problems, but only to deepen your skills, experiencing the difficulties of happiness.
No one will argue that every person is absolutely unique and two identical people to find. But not everyone understands what this uniqueness is the main cennostyah man for himself, society, humanity and all the universe.
The uniqueness of man does not begin at the level of his body or emotions, not on the level of desires and even at his fate. The uniqueness of each person is much deeper than is the level of his soul living in a universe of billions of years, that is, the innermost and expensive, we have in principle.
The cause of crises in our societyWorld that survive and live happily ever after only by those who are more devoted to peace than it consumes from the outside, only those who successfully expresses its uniqueness in the world. Therefore, it seems quite obvious that the current global economic and ideological crises is that the basic human motivation — it does not return, and consumption.
Why? Every person is a "semiconductor" of the divine will, each of us receives from God (from the world, the universe, within himself) exactly as much energy as he's willing to learn — to pass on the chain. Energy flows through each of us like a river littered with stones, it dries out, and the person gradually dies; if a path for the water is free, and the man expresses himself, he becomes happy and lives long, being a good conductor of divine power itself from the inside out.
If a person has a high awareness from birth, has a high energy potential, "find your destiny" he, the blind by trial and error, he most likely will not. Although we cannot exclude the fact that God is good, and perhaps people will find themselves "accidentally".
Stage vzroslenija, in order that man came in his awareness to the point where he is seriously concerned about the question "Who am I?" (and that means they can get a real answer), they should be obtained a very impressive experience. Below is a brief list of tasks that a person decides on his way to reach the described stage. Although they are each very individual, but we will try to isolate the fabric of human movement on the spiritual path:
First, we need elementary grow. You have to live quite a lot of deep and unpleasant emotional States, to learn to let them go, and then, freed from all negative programs, attitudes and patterns of thinking that we have absorbed from parents, schools and the surrounding society. We are going through the stage of social adaptation in a more Mature form, as our thinking becomes more structured, we develop your character through some kind of activity, and learn to achieve success, saying "I can do it". Our thinking becomes more structured in the society we are set free from his everyday stereotypes, and then we seek to dominate their lives, some clear idea, which was the quintessence of all our life experiences. We happily go to the bright future. When fanaticism fills us with enough cones, but the idea of a bright future becomes too narrow, we are expanding your world to the world of other people, reveal them, seek to understand and see who lives to understand why my "bright future" doesn't work. Seeing the lives of others, we begin to try to understand for yourself, "as I live? who am I? what is my purpose?", delve into his personal projects and try to make our inner aspiration is the most consistent with what we do in society. We are forming themselves around the right circle of people, which revolve, doing his thing. And only in that moment when our inner becomes the outer, when we will realize our deep value, led us for a long time, and it stops us having to break from the inside, we really relax, and can try to touch the vision of "what is my true purpose" — not in thoughts and not in words but in deeds. Only then comes clarity. Each stage necessarily takes place, quickly or slowly, the ability to jump from one to another does not exist.
There is also such a hierarchical interpretation, illustrating the same, in reverse order. It can be seen as the purpose all the rest is formed.
Our purpose, mission in life, given themselves even before birth. Values, illuminating our life path and a turning point in our journey, we konkretisiert for this purpose. Traits, guiding us in making certain decisions, embodied in the events of our lives, stem from the underlying values that lead us. Thought patterns are formed from the traits. Thinking is emotional state. Emotions are expressed in the sensations of the body. The body's affect on health, our appearance, etc. If you after reading these schemes was an understanding of where you yourself are now, and the desire to move on, I suggest you to get acquainted with the practices of the analysis of his personality.
Practice analysis of personalityAny of these methods of introspection can help you to describe your character, some indicate your dominant thought patterns, some into your "emotional profile." Everyone is different, each individual and each realizes a unique way, so try several methods of analysis, and something for you will work.
In addition, one way complements the other and broadens your view of yourself. After all, no one do not fit any system, and these systems likely act as beacons and keys in order to ignite within you your own spark of awareness.
Preparation for practice
Preparation for practice is to relieve your mind from hovering in the background of the purposes and problems by writing them on a piece of paper:
Write down all your "Wants" and "do Not want", in two columns.
Draw a "Daisy" where are you, and the petals are spheres of life. Each petal-add the % of success of your functioning in this area. Write a plan for the next 5 years for all failed the petals that you must implement to bring them up to 100%. On normal and good leaves also shall describe what to do to continue to develop. You in this model needs to be self-sufficient — the petals must capture all levels (spirit, soul, body, society, etc.). And you always have to leave room for new leaves.
Source: vseedino.ru/kak-opredelit-svojo-prednaznachenie-praktiki-analiza-individualnosti
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