How to work out your strategy for next 5 years?
The first Basis of Wealth, the cornerstone from which we start the construction is to find PURPOSE. And it is not necessary LONG and painfully to look. At the end of this article you will find it with a probability of over 90%. For the 10% who did not find, I will explain why they can't find and give good advice.
I believe that every person can be a Mission that he himself should CHOOSE. Mission is to help others. Doing something for other people. Mission can be suitable to any PURPOSE. So what is this DESTINATION that we need to find that it became the Basis of Wealth? This THING that you love doing and which brings you money.
My way of life — to SIMPLIFY everything. Therefore, all of the criteria of PURPOSE, I decided to leave two. The job that you love doing and which brings you money.
Everything should be simplified as long as possible, but no more. Albert Einstein
For example, I'm writing this article. I like to do. And it brings me and my family money. I love to help people. Now it brings me money, and started with a full "0" or more precisely "minus".
When I started, I loved doing it (but I still love a lot of things), and I don't earn money. But I knew that I earn. I had a development strategy in your. And I knew that they can earn millions of dollars if you do it very efficiently. So qualitatively, as do the BEST MASTER.
When you want to earn something, you have to invest. In order to grow crops, it is necessary to buy seeds. In order to build a house — you have to buy land and building materials. Then to build and then sell. In any earning money is the investment period. To become a MASTER in any business we need to invest 10,000 hours.
I was 30 years old when I decided to become a coach. It was not a "revelation from heaven", it was not an accident. I understand that there is a beautiful profession that combines the 2-3 classes that I love MY ENTIRE LIFE.
After that, I studied those who are practicing this profession, earns hundreds of millions of dollars. I critically looked at myself and at them and realized that I have a good chance. But ahead of the 10 000 hours of hard work.
I'm not afraid of who is studying 10,000 different strokes. I'm afraid of the one who studies one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
Now 7 years has passed strenuous work. I have written 9 books. I learned more than 20 new skills. I ran a marathon to become more patient and tough coach. If you do what you love and it brings you money — it is your DESTINY.
How to find PURPOSE?
My method differs from most existing on the market. It is suitable for 90% of people. But, of course, not all. Try it. If you have any questions, then I suggest you to use a coach for individual work.
I suggest to look far into the past and remember what you dreamed in childhood. This can be a mistake. After all, the dream of "becoming an astronaut" was based on the notion of the space of the "third hand". I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, but I was not in an archaeological expedition. And I'm sure in reality I would have run with her on the first day. While dream so far.
In my youth, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer. But I don't think in reality I would have loved it. In General, I advise to look not at dreams. Look at the REALITY.
What do you like doing consistently for the past 2-3 years? At least 2-3 years. And best of 5-7 years for reliability. This is a reliable criterion. Since you love it for so many years, there is a high probability that you're going to continue to love and beyond. This means that we found your DESTINY! Left to learn about how to start earning a living.
First and foremost, I'd lose the illusion that those who found his destiny, immediately succeed. Read the story of Sylvester Stallone:
I had to stay a nobody. Life has dealt me a wound at birth, gender of the person I was paralyzed at birth. Teachers thought I was mentally retarded, and my mother put a cross in childhood. For seven years, seven long hungry years, agents and producers choir was telling me that I must throw first acting, then the scenario path. I turned to the auditions, before I took the jacket, and the producers condemned my scripts without reading a single line. I had to swallow tears at work. Cleaned cages of lions in the zoo, chopped meat. 7 long hard years. 7 years of tears, sweat and faith in yourself. You also will not achieve anything until you are going through a period of despair. And then? And then I spent a year at $ 1600. And wrote "rocky". Believe in yourself and love your mother. Stronger than her you no one would ever love.
You'll know that it's okay to plow 5-7 years and then harvest. It is an investment. Do you want to earn a lot? We need to invest. Or invest a few million dollars and earn on them. Or to invest their labor and achieve perfection in your favorite business.
So, let's summarize:
Destiny is a favourite business that gives you money.
To find purpose, we need to think about the things you love consistently at least 2-3 years. This gives reason to hope that you will love them further.
Need to find someone who already makes your favorite things and understand what they know and can do. They need to learn.
You must invest in your growth and development in your chosen business 5-7 years (10 000 hours of training and development, training and operations).
Master, quick in his business will stand before KINGS. Parable.
I passed this way. I have studied hundreds of great masters in various fields. 90% of them were this way. I offered to pass you.
I Know You Can! published
Author: Isaac Pintosevich
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/1849-kak-opredelit-svoyu-strategiyu-razvitiya-na-5-let.html#main

I believe that every person can be a Mission that he himself should CHOOSE. Mission is to help others. Doing something for other people. Mission can be suitable to any PURPOSE. So what is this DESTINATION that we need to find that it became the Basis of Wealth? This THING that you love doing and which brings you money.
My way of life — to SIMPLIFY everything. Therefore, all of the criteria of PURPOSE, I decided to leave two. The job that you love doing and which brings you money.
Everything should be simplified as long as possible, but no more. Albert Einstein
For example, I'm writing this article. I like to do. And it brings me and my family money. I love to help people. Now it brings me money, and started with a full "0" or more precisely "minus".
When I started, I loved doing it (but I still love a lot of things), and I don't earn money. But I knew that I earn. I had a development strategy in your. And I knew that they can earn millions of dollars if you do it very efficiently. So qualitatively, as do the BEST MASTER.
When you want to earn something, you have to invest. In order to grow crops, it is necessary to buy seeds. In order to build a house — you have to buy land and building materials. Then to build and then sell. In any earning money is the investment period. To become a MASTER in any business we need to invest 10,000 hours.
I was 30 years old when I decided to become a coach. It was not a "revelation from heaven", it was not an accident. I understand that there is a beautiful profession that combines the 2-3 classes that I love MY ENTIRE LIFE.
After that, I studied those who are practicing this profession, earns hundreds of millions of dollars. I critically looked at myself and at them and realized that I have a good chance. But ahead of the 10 000 hours of hard work.
I'm not afraid of who is studying 10,000 different strokes. I'm afraid of the one who studies one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
Now 7 years has passed strenuous work. I have written 9 books. I learned more than 20 new skills. I ran a marathon to become more patient and tough coach. If you do what you love and it brings you money — it is your DESTINY.
How to find PURPOSE?
My method differs from most existing on the market. It is suitable for 90% of people. But, of course, not all. Try it. If you have any questions, then I suggest you to use a coach for individual work.
I suggest to look far into the past and remember what you dreamed in childhood. This can be a mistake. After all, the dream of "becoming an astronaut" was based on the notion of the space of the "third hand". I dreamed of becoming an archaeologist, but I was not in an archaeological expedition. And I'm sure in reality I would have run with her on the first day. While dream so far.
In my youth, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer. But I don't think in reality I would have loved it. In General, I advise to look not at dreams. Look at the REALITY.

What do you like doing consistently for the past 2-3 years? At least 2-3 years. And best of 5-7 years for reliability. This is a reliable criterion. Since you love it for so many years, there is a high probability that you're going to continue to love and beyond. This means that we found your DESTINY! Left to learn about how to start earning a living.
First and foremost, I'd lose the illusion that those who found his destiny, immediately succeed. Read the story of Sylvester Stallone:
I had to stay a nobody. Life has dealt me a wound at birth, gender of the person I was paralyzed at birth. Teachers thought I was mentally retarded, and my mother put a cross in childhood. For seven years, seven long hungry years, agents and producers choir was telling me that I must throw first acting, then the scenario path. I turned to the auditions, before I took the jacket, and the producers condemned my scripts without reading a single line. I had to swallow tears at work. Cleaned cages of lions in the zoo, chopped meat. 7 long hard years. 7 years of tears, sweat and faith in yourself. You also will not achieve anything until you are going through a period of despair. And then? And then I spent a year at $ 1600. And wrote "rocky". Believe in yourself and love your mother. Stronger than her you no one would ever love.
You'll know that it's okay to plow 5-7 years and then harvest. It is an investment. Do you want to earn a lot? We need to invest. Or invest a few million dollars and earn on them. Or to invest their labor and achieve perfection in your favorite business.
So, let's summarize:
Destiny is a favourite business that gives you money.
To find purpose, we need to think about the things you love consistently at least 2-3 years. This gives reason to hope that you will love them further.
Need to find someone who already makes your favorite things and understand what they know and can do. They need to learn.
You must invest in your growth and development in your chosen business 5-7 years (10 000 hours of training and development, training and operations).
Master, quick in his business will stand before KINGS. Parable.
I passed this way. I have studied hundreds of great masters in various fields. 90% of them were this way. I offered to pass you.
I Know You Can! published
Author: Isaac Pintosevich
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: 5sfer.com/1849-kak-opredelit-svoyu-strategiyu-razvitiya-na-5-let.html#main