Hazardous substances in cosmetics - check their presence in your home
A person has the right to know what he rubs into himself, what substances they can cause. After all, seemingly innocent names, such as lauryl, sulfates or collagen, actually poison the human body.
And cosmetics manufacturers shamelessly deceive people when they write that they have everything on herbs and natural. Read the list of ingredients in small letters and you will find many different toxins.
Many common soaps, lotions, creams and cosmetics contain substances that experts have long considered dangerous or problematic. They can cause consumers health problems and unwanted reactions, such as allergies. The list includes a number of such substances in different languages: German, English (in brackets) and Russian. It’s best to always take note of the fine print ingredients on all the products in your bathroom and dressing table and compare them to this list. Then decide for yourself whether you want to use this product.
Ingredients: INCI, International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.
2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
2,4-Toluylendiamin was identified as a carcinogen in the 1980s and has since been banned. ÖKO-Test, 1/2004
2.5-Toluylendiamin is a chemical relative of the banned 2,4-Toluylendiamin. Carcinogenicity is not excluded. ÖKO-Test, 1/2004
4-MBC - see para. Benzophenones
5-Bromo-5-Nitro1,3-Dioxane – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
a-Hydroxysäure, a-oxy acid, is an organic acid that occurs through anaerobic respiration. Skin care products with this acid affect not only skin cells, but also the protective layer of the skin. Long-term damage to the skin can be unfortunate.
Alkohol (Alcohol), alcohol is a colorless, volatile liquid that occurs during the fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Alcohol is often used as a solvent and can often be found in beverages and medicines. As a component of edible and drinkable foods, alcohol can make body tissues more susceptible to the effects of carcinogens. Mouthwashes with alcohol content of 25% are suspected of responsibility for cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat.
Aluminium is a metal that is often used in the production of aircraft parts and prosthetics, as well as anti-sweating, oxidation and antiseptics. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer.
Bentonit, bentonite is a porous clay that can increase in volume many times due to the absorption of water. As a basic component of many cosmetics, bentonite can clog pores and suffocate the skin.
Benzophenone, benziphenone - 4-MBC (4-Methylbenzylidencampher), OMC (Octyl-methoxycinnamat), Bp-3 (Benzophenon-3) are suspected of an action that is similar to the action of the female hormone estrogen. It is used as an organic sunscreen filter. Similar ultraviolet filters have already been found in human milk and fish. In a number of tests, breast cancer cells grew, which were applied to 5 different UV filters; data were obtained from research by the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicologists of the University of Zurich (source: Natur & Kosmos Juni 2001).
Benzylalkohol, a benzylalcohol, is an antiseptic that can cause unwanted skin reactions and angiodems.
Benzylparaben, benzylparaben - see Parabens
Borate – poison the cells of the body and enter the body through the skin (see ÖKO-Test, 2/2004)
Borsäure, boric acid, is a disinfectant and is approved as an E284 preservative. It poisons the cells of the body and enters the body through the skin. (see ÖKO-Test, 2/2004), in high concentrations disrupts the development and growth of the body.
Bromo ..., bromo - as part of the names, see halogenoorganic compounds.
Bronidox, bronidox – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Bronopol, bronopol – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Butan, (Butane), butane - a colorless gas, quickly flammable, in high doses has a narcotic effect.
Cera Microcristallina - see Mineral Oil.
Ceresin, ceresin. Mineral oil.
Ceteareth, cetearet - see para. Polyethylene glycol
Chloro..., chlorine as part of the names, see organohalogeno compounds.
Collagen, collagen is an insoluble fibrillary protein that forms the basis of connective tissue, which, due to its large size, cannot penetrate the skin. The collagen found in most skin care products is made from animal skins and ground chicken legs. This substance forms an impermeable film on the skin surface and does not allow the skin to breathe.
Copolyol, copolyol - see para. Polyethylene glycol.
DEA (DEA) is a colorless or crystal-like alcohol that is used in the production of shower gels, soaps, shampoos, shaving foam, emulsifiers, etc. cleaning agents and solvents. DEA acts as a softener in skin lotions or as a moisture stabilizer in skin care products. If DEA is processed with nitrates, they react chemically with each other, possibly leading to a carcinogen called nitrosamines. Early studies did not label DEA as a carcinogen, and recent studies have found carcinogenic properties independently and outside interaction with nitrate compounds. In addition, nitrosamine causes undesirable reactions of the skin and mucosa.
Diazolidinyl-Harnstoff, diazodinyl ureic acid – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Diazolidinyl-Urea, diazodinyl-urea – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Diethanolamin, diethanolamine – see DEA.
Diethylphthalat, diethylphthalate – used to denaturate alcohol or stabilize perfume, has been found in shampoos and hair sprays, and is used in facial creams. It is absorbed by the skin and affects its protective mechanism. Phthalates are suspected of affecting the liver, kidneys and reproductive organs, and of acting as hormones (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004, 02/2004).
Dimethicone, dimethicone – see Mineral Oil.
Dioxin, dioxin - see Lauretsulfatnadium. It is a carcinogenic waste product from whitening paper in paper factories. Dioxin-treated containers can often poison dioxin and the products in them.
DMDM Hydantoin, DMDM Hydantoin - see Formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Elastin mit hoher relativer Molekülmasse, elastin with relatively high molecular weight is a protein similar to collagen, the main component of elastic fibers. Elastin is extracted from parts of animal carcasses. Its effect on the skin is comparable to collagen.
...eth-nn,...et-N – substances that contain the letters “eth”, “et” in combination with numbers, for example, Ceteareth-33, cetearet-33
Ethylparaben, ethylparaben - see Parabens.
Fluoride, fluoroids are potentially carcinogenic ingredients.
Fluorocarbons are colorless non-combustible gases or colorless non-combustible liquids that sometimes cause mild irritation of the upper respiratory tract. They are often used as propellants, foaming substances, in hair sprays.
Formaldehyd / Formaldehydabspalter, formaldehyde/formaldehyde derivatives, (Bronidox, Bronopol,
Diazolidinyl-Harnstoff, Diazolidinyl-Urea, DMDM Hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl-Harnstoff, Imidazolidinyl-Urea, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, 5-Bromo-5-Nitro1,3-Dioxane – formaldehyde is a colorless poisonous gas, a toxic irritant, carcinogen. In combination with water, it is used as a disinfectant, fixant or preservative. Formaldehyde derivatives are commonly used as preservatives. Formaldehyde leads to rapid skin aging and is a strong allergen, a potential carcinogen. Applied in many cosmetic products, especially in nail care products, has been found in hair dyes. Even in small doses, this carcinogen irritates the mucosa and causes allergies (ÖKO-Test,06/2001, 01/2004).
Formaldehydabspalter: Formaldehyde/formaldehyde derivatives.
Fragrance, a flavoring substance - see. Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
Geschmacksstoffe, flavoring substances - some of them may have carcinogenic effects.
Glycerin (Glycerine) is a syrup-like liquid that is made by chemically combining water and fats. It is used as a softener and solvent. Glycerin pulls fluid from the lower layers of the skin to its surface and retains it there, unless the air humidity is above 65%. Because of this, the skin dries from the inside to the upper layers.
Halogenorganische Verbindungen, halogen-organic compounds – these can be recognized as parts of the words “Bromo”, “Jodo” or “Chloro” (“bromo”, “iodo” or “chloro”). They can cause allergies and accumulate in the environment (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001).
Hydroxybenzoesäure (Hydrobenzoic Acid), hydroxinbenoic acids - see Parabens.
Imidazolidinyl-Harnstoff, imidazolidinyl urea – see Formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Imidazolidinyl-Urea - see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Jodo... Iodo... - part of the names of substances, see halogenoorganic compounds.
Kaolin, kaolin - white clay used in the production of porcelain, is similar in effect to concrete, suffocates and weakens the skin.
Lanolin, lanolin - a substance extracted from wool, a frequent ingredient in cosmetic preparations, lotions. Sometimes causes allergies, skin irritation.
LAS-Tenside, LAS-tensides - cause severe skin irritation and practically do not decompose in wastewater. Not currently used even in washing powders (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001).
Lauge, alkali is a highly concentrated watery solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Normally, solid soap is combined from alkalis and animal fats that can corrode or dry the skin.
Laurylsulfat, lauryl sulfate, is a highly foaming detergent that can irritate the skin (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). See also sodium lauryl sulfate.
Lichtschutzfilter, sunscreen filter – see benzophenones.
Methylbenzylidencampher, methylbenzylidene camphor - see benzophenones.
Methylisothiazolinon, methylisothiazolinone, is a substance used in shampoos and creams because it destroys bacteria that are often found in moist environments. American scientists have found that this compound damages human nerve cells and, with frequent use even in low concentrations, is dangerous to human health. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women and children.
Methylparaben, methylparaben - see Parabens.
Microcristalline Wax, microcrystalline wax. Mineral oil.
Mineralöl (Mineral Oil), mineral oil - paraffins, petroleum products, silicones. Use the following names: mineral (technical) oil, ceresin, microcrystalline wax, dimeticons, petrolates. Mineral oil and its derivatives are used in industry as lubricating coolants and lubricating oils. This oil forms a fatty film on the skin, so moisture, toxins and waste products are encapsulated there. Normal respiration of the skin is disturbed because oxygen cannot penetrate the skin. Some paraffins can accumulate in the liver, kidneys and lymph nodes (Der Heilpraktiker & Volksheilkunde, 10/2003).
Moschus, musk - see. Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
n-Butylparaben, n-butylparaben – see parabens.
n-Propylparaben, n-propylparaben- see Parabens.
Natrium Borat (Sodium Borate) poisons cells and enters the body through the skin (ÖKO-Test, 02/2004).
Natrium Chlorid (Natrium Chloride) is a food salt. Hygroscopic, dries the skin, leads to skin irritation.
Natrium Fluorid (Sodium Fluoride) is a potential carcinogen.
Natrium-lauryl-sulfat (Sodium Laurel Sulphate), sodium lauryl sulfate is a sharp cleaning and wetting agent used for cleaning garage floors, machine oils and car washing products (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). Scientists consider it a powerful allergen. It is rapidly absorbed and accumulated in the eyes, brain, heart and liver, leading to long-term damage to the body. It can in cleaning products and shampoos due to reaction with other ingredients lead to the formation of carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins. Sodium lauryl sulfate slows down healing processes in general, can cause cataracts in adults, and in children can cause problems in eye development.
Natrium-laureth-sulfat (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) is an alcoholic form of sodium lauryl sulfate. It acts less irritating than sodium lauryl sulfate, but leads to stronger drying. Both substances can result in cleaning products and shampoos due to a reaction with other ingredients to form carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins. Even with a small number of shampoos, a fairly large amount of nitrates can enter the bloodstream.
Nitrat, nitrate - see sodium laureth sulfate.
Nitro- und polyzyklische Moschusverbindungen, nitro- and polycyclic compounds of musk – these substances are usually hidden under the names Parfüm (Perfume) or Fragrance. Synthetic flavoring substances in cosmetics are the cause of intolerance reactions in humans or allergies. Studies with animals have shown that they have carcinogenic properties and affect genes. They accumulate in the environment and in the body. They were also found in breast milk (ÖKO-Test, 04/97 und 06/2001). They accumulate in fatty tissues, in experiments on animals it was revealed that they damage the liver.
(ÖKO-Test, 02/2004). They are often used in face creams.
Nitrosamine, nitrosamines - can enter the body through the skin, carcinogens. They enter cosmetics through contaminated raw materials or occur during storage when certain ingredients react with each other (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). Inflatable balls usually contain nitrosamines, N-Nitrosamine, which are most likely to occur during vulcanization. There are restrictions on these substances for baby nipples in Germany (www.netdoktor.de).
Octyl-methoxycinnamat, octylmethoxycinnamate - see Benzophenones.
OMC - see Benzophenones.
Oxybenzon, oxybenzone, is hidden under the name Benzophenone-3, benzophenone-3. Sunscreen filter, which is known as a strong allergen.
PAB, PABA - the so-called beauty vitamin. Allegedly, it gives smooth healthy skin without wrinkles, thick bright hair and a beautiful appearance. But its use in sunscreen filters is problematic, because it causes severe allergies and reduces immunity.
Parabene (Parabens), parabens are alkyl esters - hydroxynobenzoic acid, which is found in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, as well as food. In deodorants, they are used as antimicrobials and against sweating. British scientists have found using chromotagrophy (High Performance Liquid Chromatographie) that these substances accumulate in breast tissue, which may lead to breast cancer (Concentrations of parabens in human breast tumours, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol 24, 1 (01/02 2004), www.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/2457).
Paraffin (Paraffinum), paraffin - see paraffin. Mineral oil.
Parfüm (Parfum), perfume - see Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
PDA - see Phenylendiamine.
PEG (Polyethylenglykol) / PEG-Derivate, PEG (polyethylene glycol) / PEG derivatives are substances like Copolyol, Polyglykol, Polysorbate (copolyol, polyglycol, polysorbates) hiding behind the reduction of PEG or at the ends with the letters “eth” (“et”), for example, Cetearet-33. As a rule, we are talking about emulsifiers that combine water and fats. In shampoos, they are used as tensides. Often used in hair dyes and face creams (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001, 01/2004).
Petrolatum (Petrolatum), petrolates - paraffins, petroleum products, silicones. Use the following names: mineral (technical) oil, ceresin, microcrystalline wax, dimeticons, petrolates. Petrolate is a petroleum-based fat that is used as a technical lubricant in industry. Most of its properties are similar to the action of mineral oil.
Phenylendiamin, phenylenediamine – abbreviated PDA, a potential carcinogen, affects genes (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004).
Polyethylenglykol, polyethylene glycol - see PEG.
Polyglykol, polyglycol - see PEG.
Polysorbate, polysorbates - see PEG.
Polyzyklische Moschusverbindungen – see Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
Propan, (Propane), propane is a colorless combustible gas, in high doses has an narcotic effect. Used as a propellant, a gas-forming substance for aerosols.
Propylenglykol (Propylene Glycol) is a cosmetic form of mineral oil that can be found in automatic brake and hydraulic fluids and industrial cold remedies. In skin and hair care products as a moisture retention drug to keep moisture on the skin or cosmetic products. Tool handling brochures warn consumers against direct skin contact with propylene glycol, as it irritates the skin and can lead to liver abnormalities and kidney damage.
Resorcin, resorcin – penetrates the skin, causes allergies and possibly leads to liver and kidney damage. In experiments with blood cells, resorcin led to chromosome changes (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004).
Salz (Salt), salt - see sodium chloride.
Sodium Borate, sodium borate – see sodium borate.
Sodium Chloride, sodium chloride – see sodium chloride.
Sodium Fluoride, sodium fluoroid. - see sodium fluoroid.
Sodium-lauryl-sulfat, sodium lauryl sulfate - see sodium lauryl sulfate.
Sodium-laureth-sulfat, sodium laureth sulfate - see sodium laureth sulfate.
Sonnenschutzfilter, sunscreen filters – see benzophenones.
Talkum, talc is a soft grayish-green mineral found in some body care products and cosmetics. Inhalation of talc is sometimes harmful, as it is potentially considered a carcinogen.
Tierfett (Talg), (Talc), animal fat is a certain type of animal tissue consisting of fat-containing solid or semi-solid substances. These are non-hydrosoluble esters of glycerol and fatty acids. Animal fat and alkali are the main components of solid soaps, cleaning products and emulsifiers, offering potentially better breeding conditions for bacteria.
Toluylendiamin, toluylendiamine - see 2.5-toluylendiamine.
Triclosan, or triclosan, kills bacteria suspected of making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. It was found in expensive foams and shaving creams (ÖKO-Test, 03/2004).
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: vseedino.ru/vrednye-veshhestva-v-kosmetike
And cosmetics manufacturers shamelessly deceive people when they write that they have everything on herbs and natural. Read the list of ingredients in small letters and you will find many different toxins.
Many common soaps, lotions, creams and cosmetics contain substances that experts have long considered dangerous or problematic. They can cause consumers health problems and unwanted reactions, such as allergies. The list includes a number of such substances in different languages: German, English (in brackets) and Russian. It’s best to always take note of the fine print ingredients on all the products in your bathroom and dressing table and compare them to this list. Then decide for yourself whether you want to use this product.

Ingredients: INCI, International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients.
2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
2,4-Toluylendiamin was identified as a carcinogen in the 1980s and has since been banned. ÖKO-Test, 1/2004
2.5-Toluylendiamin is a chemical relative of the banned 2,4-Toluylendiamin. Carcinogenicity is not excluded. ÖKO-Test, 1/2004
4-MBC - see para. Benzophenones
5-Bromo-5-Nitro1,3-Dioxane – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
a-Hydroxysäure, a-oxy acid, is an organic acid that occurs through anaerobic respiration. Skin care products with this acid affect not only skin cells, but also the protective layer of the skin. Long-term damage to the skin can be unfortunate.
Alkohol (Alcohol), alcohol is a colorless, volatile liquid that occurs during the fermentation of yeast and carbohydrates. Alcohol is often used as a solvent and can often be found in beverages and medicines. As a component of edible and drinkable foods, alcohol can make body tissues more susceptible to the effects of carcinogens. Mouthwashes with alcohol content of 25% are suspected of responsibility for cancer of the mouth, tongue and throat.
Aluminium is a metal that is often used in the production of aircraft parts and prosthetics, as well as anti-sweating, oxidation and antiseptics. Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and breast cancer.
Bentonit, bentonite is a porous clay that can increase in volume many times due to the absorption of water. As a basic component of many cosmetics, bentonite can clog pores and suffocate the skin.
Benzophenone, benziphenone - 4-MBC (4-Methylbenzylidencampher), OMC (Octyl-methoxycinnamat), Bp-3 (Benzophenon-3) are suspected of an action that is similar to the action of the female hormone estrogen. It is used as an organic sunscreen filter. Similar ultraviolet filters have already been found in human milk and fish. In a number of tests, breast cancer cells grew, which were applied to 5 different UV filters; data were obtained from research by the Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicologists of the University of Zurich (source: Natur & Kosmos Juni 2001).
Benzylalkohol, a benzylalcohol, is an antiseptic that can cause unwanted skin reactions and angiodems.
Benzylparaben, benzylparaben - see Parabens
Borate – poison the cells of the body and enter the body through the skin (see ÖKO-Test, 2/2004)
Borsäure, boric acid, is a disinfectant and is approved as an E284 preservative. It poisons the cells of the body and enters the body through the skin. (see ÖKO-Test, 2/2004), in high concentrations disrupts the development and growth of the body.
Bromo ..., bromo - as part of the names, see halogenoorganic compounds.
Bronidox, bronidox – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Bronopol, bronopol – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Butan, (Butane), butane - a colorless gas, quickly flammable, in high doses has a narcotic effect.
Cera Microcristallina - see Mineral Oil.
Ceresin, ceresin. Mineral oil.
Ceteareth, cetearet - see para. Polyethylene glycol
Chloro..., chlorine as part of the names, see organohalogeno compounds.
Collagen, collagen is an insoluble fibrillary protein that forms the basis of connective tissue, which, due to its large size, cannot penetrate the skin. The collagen found in most skin care products is made from animal skins and ground chicken legs. This substance forms an impermeable film on the skin surface and does not allow the skin to breathe.
Copolyol, copolyol - see para. Polyethylene glycol.
DEA (DEA) is a colorless or crystal-like alcohol that is used in the production of shower gels, soaps, shampoos, shaving foam, emulsifiers, etc. cleaning agents and solvents. DEA acts as a softener in skin lotions or as a moisture stabilizer in skin care products. If DEA is processed with nitrates, they react chemically with each other, possibly leading to a carcinogen called nitrosamines. Early studies did not label DEA as a carcinogen, and recent studies have found carcinogenic properties independently and outside interaction with nitrate compounds. In addition, nitrosamine causes undesirable reactions of the skin and mucosa.
Diazolidinyl-Harnstoff, diazodinyl ureic acid – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Diazolidinyl-Urea, diazodinyl-urea – see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Diethanolamin, diethanolamine – see DEA.
Diethylphthalat, diethylphthalate – used to denaturate alcohol or stabilize perfume, has been found in shampoos and hair sprays, and is used in facial creams. It is absorbed by the skin and affects its protective mechanism. Phthalates are suspected of affecting the liver, kidneys and reproductive organs, and of acting as hormones (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004, 02/2004).
Dimethicone, dimethicone – see Mineral Oil.
Dioxin, dioxin - see Lauretsulfatnadium. It is a carcinogenic waste product from whitening paper in paper factories. Dioxin-treated containers can often poison dioxin and the products in them.
DMDM Hydantoin, DMDM Hydantoin - see Formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Elastin mit hoher relativer Molekülmasse, elastin with relatively high molecular weight is a protein similar to collagen, the main component of elastic fibers. Elastin is extracted from parts of animal carcasses. Its effect on the skin is comparable to collagen.
...eth-nn,...et-N – substances that contain the letters “eth”, “et” in combination with numbers, for example, Ceteareth-33, cetearet-33
Ethylparaben, ethylparaben - see Parabens.
Fluoride, fluoroids are potentially carcinogenic ingredients.
Fluorocarbons are colorless non-combustible gases or colorless non-combustible liquids that sometimes cause mild irritation of the upper respiratory tract. They are often used as propellants, foaming substances, in hair sprays.
Formaldehyd / Formaldehydabspalter, formaldehyde/formaldehyde derivatives, (Bronidox, Bronopol,
Diazolidinyl-Harnstoff, Diazolidinyl-Urea, DMDM Hydantoin, Imidazolidinyl-Harnstoff, Imidazolidinyl-Urea, 2-Bromo-2-Nitropropane-1,3-Diol, 5-Bromo-5-Nitro1,3-Dioxane – formaldehyde is a colorless poisonous gas, a toxic irritant, carcinogen. In combination with water, it is used as a disinfectant, fixant or preservative. Formaldehyde derivatives are commonly used as preservatives. Formaldehyde leads to rapid skin aging and is a strong allergen, a potential carcinogen. Applied in many cosmetic products, especially in nail care products, has been found in hair dyes. Even in small doses, this carcinogen irritates the mucosa and causes allergies (ÖKO-Test,06/2001, 01/2004).
Formaldehydabspalter: Formaldehyde/formaldehyde derivatives.
Fragrance, a flavoring substance - see. Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
Geschmacksstoffe, flavoring substances - some of them may have carcinogenic effects.
Glycerin (Glycerine) is a syrup-like liquid that is made by chemically combining water and fats. It is used as a softener and solvent. Glycerin pulls fluid from the lower layers of the skin to its surface and retains it there, unless the air humidity is above 65%. Because of this, the skin dries from the inside to the upper layers.
Halogenorganische Verbindungen, halogen-organic compounds – these can be recognized as parts of the words “Bromo”, “Jodo” or “Chloro” (“bromo”, “iodo” or “chloro”). They can cause allergies and accumulate in the environment (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001).
Hydroxybenzoesäure (Hydrobenzoic Acid), hydroxinbenoic acids - see Parabens.
Imidazolidinyl-Harnstoff, imidazolidinyl urea – see Formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Imidazolidinyl-Urea - see formaldehydes/formaldehyde derivatives.
Jodo... Iodo... - part of the names of substances, see halogenoorganic compounds.
Kaolin, kaolin - white clay used in the production of porcelain, is similar in effect to concrete, suffocates and weakens the skin.
Lanolin, lanolin - a substance extracted from wool, a frequent ingredient in cosmetic preparations, lotions. Sometimes causes allergies, skin irritation.
LAS-Tenside, LAS-tensides - cause severe skin irritation and practically do not decompose in wastewater. Not currently used even in washing powders (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001).
Lauge, alkali is a highly concentrated watery solution of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Normally, solid soap is combined from alkalis and animal fats that can corrode or dry the skin.
Laurylsulfat, lauryl sulfate, is a highly foaming detergent that can irritate the skin (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). See also sodium lauryl sulfate.
Lichtschutzfilter, sunscreen filter – see benzophenones.
Methylbenzylidencampher, methylbenzylidene camphor - see benzophenones.
Methylisothiazolinon, methylisothiazolinone, is a substance used in shampoos and creams because it destroys bacteria that are often found in moist environments. American scientists have found that this compound damages human nerve cells and, with frequent use even in low concentrations, is dangerous to human health. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women and children.
Methylparaben, methylparaben - see Parabens.
Microcristalline Wax, microcrystalline wax. Mineral oil.
Mineralöl (Mineral Oil), mineral oil - paraffins, petroleum products, silicones. Use the following names: mineral (technical) oil, ceresin, microcrystalline wax, dimeticons, petrolates. Mineral oil and its derivatives are used in industry as lubricating coolants and lubricating oils. This oil forms a fatty film on the skin, so moisture, toxins and waste products are encapsulated there. Normal respiration of the skin is disturbed because oxygen cannot penetrate the skin. Some paraffins can accumulate in the liver, kidneys and lymph nodes (Der Heilpraktiker & Volksheilkunde, 10/2003).
Moschus, musk - see. Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
n-Butylparaben, n-butylparaben – see parabens.
n-Propylparaben, n-propylparaben- see Parabens.
Natrium Borat (Sodium Borate) poisons cells and enters the body through the skin (ÖKO-Test, 02/2004).
Natrium Chlorid (Natrium Chloride) is a food salt. Hygroscopic, dries the skin, leads to skin irritation.
Natrium Fluorid (Sodium Fluoride) is a potential carcinogen.
Natrium-lauryl-sulfat (Sodium Laurel Sulphate), sodium lauryl sulfate is a sharp cleaning and wetting agent used for cleaning garage floors, machine oils and car washing products (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). Scientists consider it a powerful allergen. It is rapidly absorbed and accumulated in the eyes, brain, heart and liver, leading to long-term damage to the body. It can in cleaning products and shampoos due to reaction with other ingredients lead to the formation of carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins. Sodium lauryl sulfate slows down healing processes in general, can cause cataracts in adults, and in children can cause problems in eye development.
Natrium-laureth-sulfat (Sodium Laureth Sulfate) is an alcoholic form of sodium lauryl sulfate. It acts less irritating than sodium lauryl sulfate, but leads to stronger drying. Both substances can result in cleaning products and shampoos due to a reaction with other ingredients to form carcinogenic nitrates and dioxins. Even with a small number of shampoos, a fairly large amount of nitrates can enter the bloodstream.
Nitrat, nitrate - see sodium laureth sulfate.
Nitro- und polyzyklische Moschusverbindungen, nitro- and polycyclic compounds of musk – these substances are usually hidden under the names Parfüm (Perfume) or Fragrance. Synthetic flavoring substances in cosmetics are the cause of intolerance reactions in humans or allergies. Studies with animals have shown that they have carcinogenic properties and affect genes. They accumulate in the environment and in the body. They were also found in breast milk (ÖKO-Test, 04/97 und 06/2001). They accumulate in fatty tissues, in experiments on animals it was revealed that they damage the liver.
(ÖKO-Test, 02/2004). They are often used in face creams.
Nitrosamine, nitrosamines - can enter the body through the skin, carcinogens. They enter cosmetics through contaminated raw materials or occur during storage when certain ingredients react with each other (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001). Inflatable balls usually contain nitrosamines, N-Nitrosamine, which are most likely to occur during vulcanization. There are restrictions on these substances for baby nipples in Germany (www.netdoktor.de).
Octyl-methoxycinnamat, octylmethoxycinnamate - see Benzophenones.
OMC - see Benzophenones.
Oxybenzon, oxybenzone, is hidden under the name Benzophenone-3, benzophenone-3. Sunscreen filter, which is known as a strong allergen.
PAB, PABA - the so-called beauty vitamin. Allegedly, it gives smooth healthy skin without wrinkles, thick bright hair and a beautiful appearance. But its use in sunscreen filters is problematic, because it causes severe allergies and reduces immunity.
Parabene (Parabens), parabens are alkyl esters - hydroxynobenzoic acid, which is found in many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, as well as food. In deodorants, they are used as antimicrobials and against sweating. British scientists have found using chromotagrophy (High Performance Liquid Chromatographie) that these substances accumulate in breast tissue, which may lead to breast cancer (Concentrations of parabens in human breast tumours, Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol 24, 1 (01/02 2004), www.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/2457).
Paraffin (Paraffinum), paraffin - see paraffin. Mineral oil.
Parfüm (Parfum), perfume - see Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
PDA - see Phenylendiamine.
PEG (Polyethylenglykol) / PEG-Derivate, PEG (polyethylene glycol) / PEG derivatives are substances like Copolyol, Polyglykol, Polysorbate (copolyol, polyglycol, polysorbates) hiding behind the reduction of PEG or at the ends with the letters “eth” (“et”), for example, Cetearet-33. As a rule, we are talking about emulsifiers that combine water and fats. In shampoos, they are used as tensides. Often used in hair dyes and face creams (ÖKO-Test, 06/2001, 01/2004).
Petrolatum (Petrolatum), petrolates - paraffins, petroleum products, silicones. Use the following names: mineral (technical) oil, ceresin, microcrystalline wax, dimeticons, petrolates. Petrolate is a petroleum-based fat that is used as a technical lubricant in industry. Most of its properties are similar to the action of mineral oil.
Phenylendiamin, phenylenediamine – abbreviated PDA, a potential carcinogen, affects genes (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004).
Polyethylenglykol, polyethylene glycol - see PEG.
Polyglykol, polyglycol - see PEG.
Polysorbate, polysorbates - see PEG.
Polyzyklische Moschusverbindungen – see Nitro and polycyclic musk compounds.
Propan, (Propane), propane is a colorless combustible gas, in high doses has an narcotic effect. Used as a propellant, a gas-forming substance for aerosols.
Propylenglykol (Propylene Glycol) is a cosmetic form of mineral oil that can be found in automatic brake and hydraulic fluids and industrial cold remedies. In skin and hair care products as a moisture retention drug to keep moisture on the skin or cosmetic products. Tool handling brochures warn consumers against direct skin contact with propylene glycol, as it irritates the skin and can lead to liver abnormalities and kidney damage.
Resorcin, resorcin – penetrates the skin, causes allergies and possibly leads to liver and kidney damage. In experiments with blood cells, resorcin led to chromosome changes (ÖKO-Test, 01/2004).
Salz (Salt), salt - see sodium chloride.
Sodium Borate, sodium borate – see sodium borate.
Sodium Chloride, sodium chloride – see sodium chloride.
Sodium Fluoride, sodium fluoroid. - see sodium fluoroid.
Sodium-lauryl-sulfat, sodium lauryl sulfate - see sodium lauryl sulfate.
Sodium-laureth-sulfat, sodium laureth sulfate - see sodium laureth sulfate.
Sonnenschutzfilter, sunscreen filters – see benzophenones.
Talkum, talc is a soft grayish-green mineral found in some body care products and cosmetics. Inhalation of talc is sometimes harmful, as it is potentially considered a carcinogen.
Tierfett (Talg), (Talc), animal fat is a certain type of animal tissue consisting of fat-containing solid or semi-solid substances. These are non-hydrosoluble esters of glycerol and fatty acids. Animal fat and alkali are the main components of solid soaps, cleaning products and emulsifiers, offering potentially better breeding conditions for bacteria.
Toluylendiamin, toluylendiamine - see 2.5-toluylendiamine.
Triclosan, or triclosan, kills bacteria suspected of making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. It was found in expensive foams and shaving creams (ÖKO-Test, 03/2004).
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: vseedino.ru/vrednye-veshhestva-v-kosmetike
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