Harmful components of household appliances

The most aggressive in their actions anionic surfactant (a surfactant). They can cause serious violations of immunity, allergies, brain damage, liver, kidneys, lungs.
In Western Europe, impose strict restrictions on the use of a surfactant (anionic surfactants) in detergents: their content should not exceed 2-7%.
Together with phosphate additives and surfactant penetrate into the blood even through intact skin, it can cause inflammation - dermatitis.
After washing and dangerous concentrations of surfactant can be stored on fabrics up to 4 days and get in contact with the skin into the body.
In Western countries, more than 10 years ago abandoned phosphate washing powders or strictly regulate their use - no more than 12% of phosphate supplements in powder composition
If the chlorine content in the detergent high (more than 5%), this product may cause irritation of the lungs, which is especially dangerous for people with allergies, asthma and cores.
Immediately after use aerosol air fresheners in the air increases by 25% formaldehyde, which causes painful reactions of the respiratory system, and penetrating into the body through the blood to the kidneys and liver.
In dishwashing liquid (as well as in shampoos, liquid soaps, shower gels) contains a very dangerous component - sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). This substance is able to accumulate in the liver, heart, lung, and brain tissues.
In the production of 95% shampoos used sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium (SLS and SLES). Children under 5 years old, they can cause irreversible changes in vision, and in adults - the development of cataracts.
Indirectly, the presence of a surfactant can be judged by the intensity of the foam: the more foam - the higher the concentration of a surfactant.
Most dishwasher detergents are washed away only after multiple (up to 20 times!) Rinse with clean water
If not specified percentage of harmful substances, be guided by the sequence number in the list of ingredients on the package: the farther from the start, the better.
Production of many companies before getting into our hands, was tested on animals. Thousands of accidents rabbits, mice, dogs, cats died in the torments of hell, testing her.
Butane, isobutane, propane - are found in deodorants spray. These substances can cause headache, nausea, dizziness, and also accumulate in breast milk.
Aluminum compounds (aluminium zirconium, aluminium chlorohydrate - antiperspirant ingredients) penetrating through the skin and airways, accumulate in the body and may lead to various diseases, including Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer (male and female) as well as a variety of chronic disease.
Propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, etc. - Petrochemicals. Are part of many deodorants, creams and so forth. It poisons causing edema and necrosis of cells contribute to the development of degenerative processes in the kidneys, liver, blood vessels and the central nervous system.
BHT - an antioxidant used in cosmetics. Can cause damage to the reproductive system, causes vitamin D deficiency, and as a consequence - the disease caused by damage to bone (osteoporosis, dental disease, etc.)
Triclosan is included in more than 700 cosmetic and hygiene products, including soap, toothpaste and detergents. Eliminates the weakest types of bacteria, most often - helpful. Survivors while harmful bacteria start to multiply with great speed, which makes it necessary to use more and more powerful agents. Cause allergies and damage to the liver, destroys the natural microflora.
Linalool - flavoring agent in shampoos, conditioners, soaps and detergents - causes depression, respiratory disorders, allergies, eczema.
Phthalates contained in perfumes and cosmetics (perfume, eau de toilette, shampoos, conditioners, lotions, products for hair growth, nail polishes, lipsticks, deodorants, cosmetics, solar and even chewing gum), quickly penetrate into the body through the skin and are carried on throughout the body. Affect sperm DNA, breathing lung function, male potency, affect the liver, kidneys.
Many of the chemicals included in the cosmetic composition, have the ability to accumulate in the body. Therefore, the earlier children and adolescents begin to use makeup, the higher the risk of birth of children with disabilities in their future.
Reading the information on the composition of the drug, pay attention not only to the base components, but also on all other components (additional, auxiliary and so on.) Are particularly dangerous for pregnant women phthalates, as even a small number of them interferes with the normal development of the fetus.
Synthetic musks (perfume additive) accumulate in the body, gradually destroying the endocrine system, and affect the hormonal metabolism.
The more information on the package, the - more likely to preserve health. If the package does not constitute, there is no guarantee of safety.
Unscrupulous manufacturers often indicate incomplete composition tools, but only the most secure part of it, especially of plant origin. Many buyers precisely because it make their choice in favor of a particular product in the mistaken belief that the product is on a natural basis is safe and even beneficial product.
Talc - the strongest carcinogen. Maximum dangerous if inhaled, as significantly increases the risk of lung cancer, and when used in the genital area contributes to the development of ovarian cancer later. Included in most children's powders, low-cost domestic and more expensive, imported flavored that handles just genitalia in newborns, since the hospital.
A person who uses a chemical used to wash dishes for the year eats 250 ml. this substance.
Fluoro (component toothpastes carbonated beverage) and compounds - fluorides - toxic to humans. Cause birth defects, osteoporosis, softening the tooth enamel, thyroid cancer, bone cancer, lower IQ. Virtually eliminated from the body.