Why You Shouldn't Clean Too Often
Perfectly clean, with a pleasant fresh aroma and boundless comfort, the house is the goal of every hostess. However, recent studies have shown that regular cleaning is harmful to health. More precisely. detergentSome devices, without which we do not think of cleaning, affect our lungs in the same way as cigarettes.
In the run-up to Clean Thursday, when everyone will be diligently cleaning up, the editorial board "Site" I decided to find out what is so dangerous cleaning modern means and vacuum cleaner.
How often is cleaning the influence of household chemicals
We understand that time saving is of great importance in the modern world, so it is impossible to completely replace all household chemicals with natural home remedies. But if possible, try to use less drugs with aggressive components. And always adhere to safety precautions: do not allow skin contact and cleaning household chemicals, ventilate the room during cleaning and drink plenty of clean water.
It is better to use the usual more often. room-cleaning without the use of various means. And to resort to household chemicals only in cases where without it can not do. For example, clean the bathroom and bathroom, tiles in the kitchen...
Earlier we told how to prepare analogues of household chemicals with your own hands.
Tell us in the comments if you often use cleaning and cleaning products. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

In the run-up to Clean Thursday, when everyone will be diligently cleaning up, the editorial board "Site" I decided to find out what is so dangerous cleaning modern means and vacuum cleaner.
How often is cleaning the influence of household chemicals
- Means for washing dishes
Researchers claim that a person eats about 1 mg of detergent per day. Components of such funds negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract and are excreted from the body for a long time. Therefore, it is much better to use baking soda for washing dishes, especially for cups and glasses. It does not leave any smell behind.
DepositPhotos - Window washing equipment
To ensure the absence of stains on the glass, ammonia is added to most window detergents. This component is a strong irritant to the skin, eyes, throat and lungs, damaging the mucous membrane and airways. Another component of household chemicals for windows is phthalate, which does not very well affect reproductive function in men. It is much cheaper and safer to use alcohol or vinegar on glass surfaces. Any divorce can be removed with paper.
DepositPhotos - Pipe cleaning equipment
The most effective means to eliminate blockages in pipes are considered preparations based on sodium hydroxide. This alkali is extremely dangerous, since poisonous fumes can cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the lungs, and their contact with the skin can provoke a severe burn. Therefore, when using such tools, be sure to wear rough rubber gloves and a respirator.
DepositPhotos - Washing powder
A common phenomenon with frequent washing is allergic reactions of the skin and mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. There are many organic detergents on the market. But still things need to be washed as needed. Bed linen experts advise washing once every 2 weeks. Cottages and shirts can be worn for several days in a row. The frequency of washing costumes depends on the fabric.
DepositPhotos - Air fresheners
Air fresheners are prohibited for asthmatics, but even for healthy people, they are dangerous. Freshers cause migraine, difficulty breathing, irritation of the mucous membranes, dermatitis. Acute problems manifest themselves in children in the form of frequent pain in the ears and neurological abnormalities. A pleasant aroma in the house can be achieved using oranges, flowers, spices and various natural essential oils. Just don't abuse incense. It is best not to forget to ventilate the room.
DepositPhotos - Chlorine-containing substances
Most household chemicals contain chlorine. When it enters the body through breathing, swallowing, or skin contact, it reacts with water and forms an acid that damages cells. Experts advise, if possible, to abandon chlorine-containing agents, and in case of their use, it is good to ventilate the room and wear gloves and a respirator.82
DepositPhotos - Vacuum
The faithful assistant of all hostess is also not as good as it may seem. An Australian study shows that most vacuum cleaners release dust and bacteria back into the air. This leads to the spread of infections and causes allergies. Therefore, you do not need to save on the purchase of a quality vacuum cleaner, choose models with a thin cleaning filter.
DepositPhotos - Polymer for furniture
Polyrin for furniture helps to achieve a clean shiny surface. However, getting funds into the body can lead to fever. A frequent result of polish contact with the skin is severe pain in the mouth, throat and stomach. Therefore, you can safely replace it with a home remedy proven over the years: mix a glass of olive oil with a quarter glass of lemon juice.
We understand that time saving is of great importance in the modern world, so it is impossible to completely replace all household chemicals with natural home remedies. But if possible, try to use less drugs with aggressive components. And always adhere to safety precautions: do not allow skin contact and cleaning household chemicals, ventilate the room during cleaning and drink plenty of clean water.
It is better to use the usual more often. room-cleaning without the use of various means. And to resort to household chemicals only in cases where without it can not do. For example, clean the bathroom and bathroom, tiles in the kitchen...
Earlier we told how to prepare analogues of household chemicals with your own hands.
Tell us in the comments if you often use cleaning and cleaning products. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.