Misconceptions about cleaning the house that make unfortunate Cinderella from flowering women
Even if the expression clean-up It gives you horror and sadness, you should definitely reconsider your attitude to purity and order. How often do we clean up rational families? Should I do it at all? We are happy to answer these questions below.
We all grew up in different times and in completely different families. Well, these two factors It determines our attitude towards life as a whole, as well as its components. For example, the same cleaning, cleanliness and order.
Many are used to general cleaning on weekends, and someone has long disgusted with such a way of life. If you don’t like an aspect of your life, change it. This is important, because each of our dissatisfaction is invested in the total treasury of stress and anxiety. One day, the piggy bank can overflow and explode. Don't bring yourself to this.
There are things that are really hard to change. Change requires large investments and resources. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's your time. However, life is one of those things that is not so expensive to change.
For example, you can get rid of stereotyping In terms of cleaning up your house. Of course, if everything suits you, you do not need to change anything!
And for those who can not sign a peace treaty with their own apartment, we wrote. shortlistWhich is a view worth revisiting.
What household excesses should be abandoned Think about how difficult it is for you to clean the house. in the way you're used to.. Perhaps you don't like to give a whole Saturday for the sake of cleanliness and order?
If the answer is yes, you can emphatically from my life. No torment on weekends and no sadness in my eyes at the thought of Saturday. How do you do that?
First, you can arrange your home in such a way that cleaning is quick and very easy. Get rid of it. Excessive amount of furniture and trinkets, on which dust accumulates. The surface of the remaining furniture is also cleaned as much as possible. Now the dust can be wiped in a couple of minutes.
Throw it out. big-carpet. They accumulate dust, and vacuuming them is clearly a dubious pleasure. Replace them with nice little mats if you can't live without these things. It is best, of course, to make a beautiful floor with or without heating. No one canceled their home slippers.
The same goes for the kitchen. The practical option is matte-tile. The dirt on it is almost invisible, it is very easy to remove such a surface. Glossy floor options, for example, immediately show any mottle or spot.
Second, break the cleaning by day and Try to keep clean every day.. It seems complicated at first, but it quickly becomes a habit. The first days, of course, you will not be accustomed to immediately clean up dirt or wash dishes. However, over time, you will get used to it so much that you will be surprised by your accuracy.
In this situation, your apartment will never need a general cleaning. And the house will look neat almost always. Put the scattered things in place, wipe the mirror. And now you can in the apartment. We welcome guests and celebrate the New Year.
Of course, it is not always possible to completely eliminate all the moments that complicate cleaning. For example, many people have children or pets. But even in this case Clear planning and good habits They'll save the day.
Think about what exactly makes your cleaning endless and challenging. Perhaps your Achilles heel is the floor? Then think about buying a quality vacuum cleaner, you can even robot vacuum cleaner. He can clean up even when you're not home!
We all grew up in different times and in completely different families. Well, these two factors It determines our attitude towards life as a whole, as well as its components. For example, the same cleaning, cleanliness and order.

Many are used to general cleaning on weekends, and someone has long disgusted with such a way of life. If you don’t like an aspect of your life, change it. This is important, because each of our dissatisfaction is invested in the total treasury of stress and anxiety. One day, the piggy bank can overflow and explode. Don't bring yourself to this.

There are things that are really hard to change. Change requires large investments and resources. Sometimes it's money, sometimes it's your time. However, life is one of those things that is not so expensive to change.

For example, you can get rid of stereotyping In terms of cleaning up your house. Of course, if everything suits you, you do not need to change anything!
And for those who can not sign a peace treaty with their own apartment, we wrote. shortlistWhich is a view worth revisiting.

What household excesses should be abandoned Think about how difficult it is for you to clean the house. in the way you're used to.. Perhaps you don't like to give a whole Saturday for the sake of cleanliness and order?
If the answer is yes, you can emphatically from my life. No torment on weekends and no sadness in my eyes at the thought of Saturday. How do you do that?

First, you can arrange your home in such a way that cleaning is quick and very easy. Get rid of it. Excessive amount of furniture and trinkets, on which dust accumulates. The surface of the remaining furniture is also cleaned as much as possible. Now the dust can be wiped in a couple of minutes.

Throw it out. big-carpet. They accumulate dust, and vacuuming them is clearly a dubious pleasure. Replace them with nice little mats if you can't live without these things. It is best, of course, to make a beautiful floor with or without heating. No one canceled their home slippers.
The same goes for the kitchen. The practical option is matte-tile. The dirt on it is almost invisible, it is very easy to remove such a surface. Glossy floor options, for example, immediately show any mottle or spot.

Second, break the cleaning by day and Try to keep clean every day.. It seems complicated at first, but it quickly becomes a habit. The first days, of course, you will not be accustomed to immediately clean up dirt or wash dishes. However, over time, you will get used to it so much that you will be surprised by your accuracy.

In this situation, your apartment will never need a general cleaning. And the house will look neat almost always. Put the scattered things in place, wipe the mirror. And now you can in the apartment. We welcome guests and celebrate the New Year.
Of course, it is not always possible to completely eliminate all the moments that complicate cleaning. For example, many people have children or pets. But even in this case Clear planning and good habits They'll save the day.

Think about what exactly makes your cleaning endless and challenging. Perhaps your Achilles heel is the floor? Then think about buying a quality vacuum cleaner, you can even robot vacuum cleaner. He can clean up even when you're not home!
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