Reasons for Love in Cleaning the House
We're all different. This is what you can say about people, if you do not get into long and boring characteristics. The difference in eye color, height, gender – this list goes on and on. Our reactions vary in the choice of food or partner, in the choice of an evening movie or morning drink.
It’s no wonder we’re just as different when it comes to cleaning. So let’s look at 5 different types. clean-upwhich somehow determine the character of a person and the model of his behavior.
Cleaning the house as people of different types
I would advise you to look at yourself and your friends from the outside during such a trivial business as cleaning. Now you will see things you never thought about before.
Maybe it will be something good, and maybe not. But now, knowing a little more about the type of person in front of you, you will find it easier to navigate his inner problems and experiences.

It’s no wonder we’re just as different when it comes to cleaning. So let’s look at 5 different types. clean-upwhich somehow determine the character of a person and the model of his behavior.

Cleaning the house as people of different types
- Cleans everything every day, down to the smallest speck of dust.
Typical Monica from Friends. This category includes choleric, very, very clamped in real life. A type that tries to distance itself from other people, problems and troubles. Although such cleansers have iron will and truly diabolical patience. Often this plays a cruel joke with them, for example, they go to the hospital when there is no way to tolerate pain. Sometimes there is nothing to help. - Creative mess
The mess is liked by people who are fun, interesting, often extroverts. But, unfortunately, it also exposes such qualities as childishness and immaturity. Everyone has such acquaintances who do not care about life and their things, and this is not bad. The main thing is that such an attitude does not prevent a person from living normally and living a decent life. - Youth cleaning
You can even clean up in an ultra-modern manner. All sorts of gadgets, smart vacuum cleaners, special licks for cleaning the keyboard and so on. Order in the house - order in life.
This method is used most often by young people, very dynamic and purposeful. They don't have time for a mop and a broom. They breathe life and do not want to waste even a small piece of it on nonsense like dust or stains on the floor. They know in their own way, How to clean the house. - Traditional cleaning is simple.
As mothers and grandmothers did - to clean, iron, wash, and in the end also ventilate. Often this type of people does not even know when exactly the apartment was put in order, but feels that it is necessary to clean. Statistically, this is the largest segment of the population, it is not surprising if you recognize yourself in it. Everything is in its place, somewhere there is dust, and somewhere everything shines. In short, the middle ground. - Cleaning on schedule
If there is a weekend on the calendar at the end of the week, it means cleaning. Not because of tradition, but because it is necessary. We need to lose steam, we need to clean the house. You do. Most of all, such people are like the first type. Cleaning them is exhausting, but they can do nothing with themselves. From the outside it may seem funny, but in fact it is quite serious.
I would advise you to look at yourself and your friends from the outside during such a trivial business as cleaning. Now you will see things you never thought about before.
Maybe it will be something good, and maybe not. But now, knowing a little more about the type of person in front of you, you will find it easier to navigate his inner problems and experiences.
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