Instructions for making a quick cake without pastries of cookies and condensed

If you have 10 minutes to make something delicious and sweet, then this cake is for you! Everyone's favorite with "The Anthroat" It is prepared quickly, without fuss, and also does not require an oven, so you can easily cook it, even while traveling. Products for it need the simplest and most affordable.

By the way, this cake is good to cook with children: they knead cookies with their hands, and you can mix the cream at this time. But I don’t call children almost never, I don’t like disorder. Fun at the kitchen door waiting for the cake.

Cake "Anthroat" from cookies Today edition "Site" He will tell you how to cook. Ant cake without baking. Nothing more than 10-15 minutes!

The ingredients
  • 600g "Golden Milk" cookies
  • 500g boiled condensed
  • 100g butter
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 30g milk chocolate
  • nuts

  1. Crush the cookie into pieces of medium size. This can be done with hands, push or, putting the cookie in the bag, roll it several times with a roller.

  2. Boil in advance condensed, cool, and then transfer it to a deep bowl. Beat the condensed with a mixer, then add sour cream and beat again.

  3. Add softened butter to the cream, beat again. After the ingredients are mixed, add crushed nuts to the cream.

  4. Mix the cookies with the cream, thoroughly mix the resulting mass and put it on a plate in the form of a slide.

  5. Grate chocolate on a grater (black or milk, look to your taste). Sprinkle the cake with chocolate crumb. Put the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour.

  6. That's it, Quick Ant Cake ready. Bon appetit!

And of course, the recipe for this dessert is not limited to only two variations. Today, craftsmen make anthills from ingredients such as sweet corn sticks, popcorn and even oat bran. I suggest you find out another simple recipe for an anthroat cake made of wafer cakes. It does not get soaked, even standing in the refrigerator for a day!

This recipe is not even a cake, in fact it is a cake. homey for tea. "Anthroat" can be decorated with melted chocolate or colorful candy, and instead of walnuts add peanuts. In the refrigerator, such a dessert can be stored for a long time and will not lose its taste.


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