Natalie showed how to make a light cake in 1 minute
It happens that guests are almost on the doorstep, and in the house even for tea there is nothing. I like to treat guests homemade desserts, and therefore for this occasion I have a special recipe - cake in a minute without baking. The ingredients are simple, you do not need much work, even the most capricious guests will be satisfied.
YouTube/Recipes by Editorial Board "Site" She's sharing a simple recipe with you. At the end there will also be a video in which you can see the visual instructions from the clever hostess Natalie.
Cake in a minute without baking ingredients
Here is a video where you can watch the whole process. We recommend that you subscribe to Natalie’s channel, because she has many amazing recipes.
Of course, it takes more time to prepare, but it is really incredibly fast. No additional preparations, just fold the ingredients, put in the fridge - and everything is ready! You can safely add this amazing dessert to a selection of simple and quick recipes. What do you say about this cute cake?
YouTube/Recipes by Editorial Board "Site" She's sharing a simple recipe with you. At the end there will also be a video in which you can see the visual instructions from the clever hostess Natalie.
Cake in a minute without baking ingredients
- 80g light cookie
- 80g dark cookie
- 2 bananas
- 300g sour cream
- 300g condensed
- 25g instant gelatin
- Let's start with gelatin. Pour it with 100 ml of cold water. Stir well and leave for a few minutes. Prepare the form for the cake. The bottom is covered with parchment, slightly lubricate the sides with vegetable oil and also stick pieces of parchment there. The video shows Natalie doing it. The cake can be easily removed from the form.
- For cake you need two types of cookies: light and dark. It’s okay if there is only one color cookie, but with two colors it looks more spectacular. You can use sand or crackers. Break the cookie into small pieces, about four parts. Now it's bananas. It is best to take oversung bananas, they have a more pronounced taste. Cut the fruit into thin circles.
- We can start assembling the cake. At the bottom, put light cookies mixed with dark. On top is a layer of bananas. We're going to do it again until the ingredients run out.
YouTube / Natalia Recipes - Then we prepare the pour. In a separate container, mix sour cream and condensed cream, mixing well with a corolla. If you do not want to take condensed, you can double the amount of sour cream and add 100 g of sugar. While we were doing all this, the gelatin swelled perfectly. Put it in the microwave for a minute to make it liquid. Add it to our filler, mix it well.
- Pour the mold to the top. Now send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. After that, the cake is ready. If desired, it can be sprinkled on top of the cocoa to make it more beautiful. The cake is ready in a minute without baking!
Here is a video where you can watch the whole process. We recommend that you subscribe to Natalie’s channel, because she has many amazing recipes.
Of course, it takes more time to prepare, but it is really incredibly fast. No additional preparations, just fold the ingredients, put in the fridge - and everything is ready! You can safely add this amazing dessert to a selection of simple and quick recipes. What do you say about this cute cake?
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