Of the simplest ingredients, I make the softest cream cookies, Europeans love it.

Biscotti is an Italian dry cookie with nuts and dried fruits. Translated from Latin biscoctus means “baked twice”. The fact is that the cookies are baked in the form of small batons, then sliced into small pieces and baked again to make the cookies crisp. Today we will tell you how to make cookies with apples in the oven in Italian.

Peels Cookies with apples in the oven The original cookie recipe consists of flour, eggs and sugar. Cookies appeared in the XIII century. Biscotti was baked for the military and taken with him on long campaigns, as dry tortillas with almonds were stored for a long time. The philosopher Pliny the Elder said that such a delicacy can be edible even after several centuries. By the way, most army rations still contain dry cookies. Crunchy biscuits were usually baked without butter, but in Tuscany, a common recipe is cantuccini, a variety of Italian biscuits made with butter.

Italians add almonds, other nuts and dried fruits to cantucchini. Cookies are also baked with jam, fruit, sometimes served with melted chocolate. Italians eat biscotti with dessert wine, Americans drink tea or coffee with biscotti, and Spaniards prefer to enjoy a glass of muscat with crispy cookies.

The ingredients
  • 250g flour
  • 60g sugar
  • 60g butter
  • 2 apples
  • 1 lemon
  • 25g apricot jam
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 egg
  • pinch
  • 4g baking powder

  1. Peel the apples and cut them into small pieces. Add 1 tbsp sugar, 10g butter and 1 tsp cinnamon. Add half the lemon juice to the filling.
  2. Put the apples on a pan and tome them on a medium heat until the fruit begins to caramelize. After about 5 minutes, add apricot jam or other jam, and mix well. Take the apples off the fire and chill.

  3. Prepare the dough: mix 1 egg with 50 g of sugar, baking powder and juice of half a lemon. Stir everything with a wreath and add the melted butter.
  4. Ask for flour and add to the other ingredients. Mix the dough with your hands until uniform.

  5. Roll the dough on parchment for baking into a rectangle. Put the filling on one half of the rectangle, and cover the filling with the other edge and fasten the edges of the dough with a fork.
  6. Divide the dough into strips with a spatula or knife and lay out the cookies on the baking pan.
  7. Bake biscotti in a 180-degree oven for 20 minutes.

There is no single correct biscotti recipe. Cookies with nuts and dried fruits for tea can be prepared with pieces of chocolate, jam or jam, fruit puree. To prepare classic biscotti, you need to bake small loaves with a width of no more than 10 cm. After the first baking, the batons are cut into biscotti diagonally and finished in the oven. You can watch the video recipe on the Ricette dolce facili channel.


When biscotti is served to the drink, it is customary to dip the cracker into the drink for a few seconds. Sweet crumbs can also become part of other desserts: puddings or cakes. Do not be afraid to experiment with spices, add cinnamon, cardamom, anise or cloves to cookies. Cookies can be stuffed with raisins, dried berries or dates.


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