7 delicious cakes without baking

to impress friends and acquaintances with his culinary skills and enjoy a delicious dessert, is not necessarily a long time to knead the dough and stand at the stove.
From these cakes of your guests will be delighted! Website is sure to spoil them will not work, even if you really try.
Chocolate Banana Cake h3>
You will need:
For the basics:
100-200 g pastry 50-100 g butter For the filling: 2-3 banana 400 ml of sour cream or yogurt 100 ml milk 6 tablespoons. l. sugar 3 tbsp. l. Cocoa or dark chocolate 80-100 g 10 g gelatin Preparation:
Gelatin pour 100 ml of water and leave to swell for the time specified on the package. Cookies break and put in a bowl of blender or food processor. Grind it into crumbs.
Melt butter, add to the crumbs of biscuits and mix well. Put weight on the bottom of the split shape, smooth and well compacted. Hide in the fridge for 30 minutes.
In a saucepan pour the milk, add sugar, and cocoa swollen gelatin. Heat, stirring constantly, until gelatin is completely dissolved. Do not boil. Remove from heat.
Add sour cream or yogurt. Stir.
Bananas peeled, cut in half and put it on the base. Carefully, slowly pour on top of chocolate mass.
Hide in the fridge for at least 3 hours for freezing.
Fruit and berry cake h3>
You will need:
300 g biscuit 0, 5 liters. sour cream 1 cup sugar 3 tbsp. l. gelatin fruits and berries (strawberries, bananas, kiwi and so on. d.) Preparation: Smash cake into pieces, put off.
Gelatin pour 1/2 cup of cold water and leave for half an hour. Then heat the water to the gelatin is completely dissolved.
At this time, beat the cream and sugar and, stirring, gradually add gelatin mixture of them. The bottom of a deep bowl vystelit cling film (or parchment). Share layers: fruit / berries, then slices of sponge cake, again a layer of berries / fruits, and so on. D.
Then pour all the sour cream and gelatin mixture prepared earlier. Put fruit cake for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator. Gently invert onto a large plate and serve.
Curd Cheesecake h3>
You will need:
500 g of cottage cheese 1 can of condensed milk 10 g of instant gelatin 2/3 cup water (or milk) li > 250 g shortbread 100 g butter berry sauce to feed Preparation: Cookies using a blender to grind into crumbs. Melt the butter and mix with cookies, pound to a uniform crumbs. The bottom of the baking dish with a diameter of 21 cm to lay a paper. Lay the basis for the cheesecake firmly tamping crumb of biscuit on the bottom and walls of the mold.
Gelatin is diluted in 2/3 cup water, leave for 10 minutes. Then put the bowl with the gelatin in hot water and, stirring constantly, to completely dissolve the gelatin. Cottage cheese mixed with condensed milk. The resulting curd mass pour the gelatin and mix thoroughly whisk together.
Put cottage cheese on the basis of the cookie, smooth. Form cheesecake cover with cling film and place in refrigerator for 3 hours for freezing. When serving pour the berry sauce or jam.
Strawberry cake crackers h3>
You will need:
2 kg fresh or frozen strawberries 500 g heavy cream 500 g crackers, better square 1 cup sugar 50 g of dark chocolate for decoration 1 package vanilla sugar Preparation: Strawberries separated from the stalks, bust, rinse well under running water and leave in a colander to glass excess water. After several postponed berries to decorate the cake, and the remaining berries cut into thin slices.
Whip cream with sugar and vanilla sugar into a thick cream. Crackers Divide into 4 equal parts or into several size dishes, which will prepare the cake.
The dish to prepare strawberry cake lay the first layer of crackers, cover with whipped cream, and they lay the slices of strawberries. So to repeat with all sectors. The top layer of cream, decorate with sliced strawberries and strawberry one that remained to decorate.
Chocolate break and melt in the microwave. Ensure that the chocolate does not boil. Then gently pour the finished strawberry cake crackers with melted chocolate.
Milk jelly with chocolate h3>
You will need:
750 g of milk 150 g of chocolate 100 g sugar 30 g gelatin vanilla to taste Preparation: Soak gelatin in cold boiled water in a ratio of 1: 8, and left to swell for 30-40 minutes.
Chocolate Grate and dissolve sugar with the hot milk, enter the dissolved gelatin, bring to a boil, pour into molds and chill.
Before serving mold with jelly drop to 1-3 seconds in hot water, then cover the dish and invert and remove mold. Jelly pour syrup and decorate with whipped cream.
Roll "Bounty» h3>
You will need:
200 g pastry 100 ml of water 20-100 grams of sugar (depending on the cookies) 2 tbsp. l. Cocoa 80 g coconut 80 g softened butter 60 g of powdered sugar Method: Cookies grind into crumbs, mix with cocoa. In the hot water to dissolve the sugar, cool. Gradually add water to the biscuits and mix until a viscous paste. Coconut flakes mixed with butter and powder.
The weight of the roll out pastry into a rectangle plastic wrap (not too thick), on top of a coconut to distribute the mass roll to roll and put into the freezer for an hour. Frozen roll cut with a sharp knife.
Cake with peanut butter h3>
You will need:
30 chocolate cookies 3/4 cup sugar 6 tablespoons. l. butter 1/2 l. cinnamon 100 g cream cheese 1/3 cup peanut butter 1 cup of whipped cream Method: < / Grind the cookies in a food processor or by hand in a plastic bag. Mix the biscuits with melted butter, 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon. Put this mixture into the mold, spread evenly over the surface and clean for an hour in the refrigerator. (You can pre-bake for 7 minutes in the oven). Beat peanut oil, 1/4 cup sugar, cream cheese and cream. Take the cake out of the refrigerator and put the mixture on it. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Decorate the cake chopped chocolates or nuts.
Even more cakes without baking: 9 stunned cakes that do not need the oven
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/9-obaldennyh-tortov-kotorye-ne-nuzhno-pech-907110/
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