Guest behaviour rules

“The ability to talk is talent,” Stendhal said. Sometimes even polite people without evil intentions ask questions that put the interlocutor in an awkward position and encourage to close.

Especially annoying if it happens when you first came to a person’s house and struggle to make a favorable impression on him.

"Site" I have prepared a list of frequently asked questions. Try to avoid them at a party, and then you will definitely be invited again.

How to ask questions correctly
  1. How much does it cost?
    If you are shown a new sofa, desktop, dishwasher or other interior item, do not be tempted to ask about its cost. It may seem that you are indirectly assessing their financial capabilities.

    After all, no one wants to admit that they pay little, but like the job, or until it can not change. In any case, the question about money is too personal and it is not worth asking. It is better to emphasize and praise what you really like about the subject: its color, shape, design, functionality.

  2. Why would you?
    Hobbies and hobbies are a great topic to talk about. It's also a great way to find yourself a new occupation to your liking. But even here there are questions that can upset the interlocutor.

    Why you need 5 dogs or such an expensive hobby is not the most pleasant question, which seems to hint that you consider the hobbies of the interlocutor stupid.

  3. How much did this whole table cost?
    One of the most tactless phrases, which can only be compared with “eat, eat, dear guests, everything is so expensive in the bazaar” performed by the owners.

  4. Is it permanent?
    Few people ask about defects in appearance or signs of health problems in the face. But people often do not hesitate to ask about tattoos, piercings, dreadlocks and other features of appearance.

    Did it hurt? Is that real? Can I take that out? Where did you do...? Few people are interested in discussing this. It is no less bad to ask about cosmetic procedures. Owners may misunderstand you and think that something is wrong with their appearance.

  5. Is this bought at IKEA?
    For some, this may sound like a compliment, but if the owners spent a lot of money on exclusive furniture, then this question will upset them. Ask where they found such a stylish item.

  6. Can I stay the night?
    The initiative can only come from the owners. If it is dark outside, but the owners do not offer to stay overnight, you do not need to ask about this. The decision to stay up late was yours, and the inviting party doesn't have to take care of you like a small child.

  7. Why is your TV (table, sofa) so small?
    If the owners bought this particular item of a certain size, then they most likely had their own reasons for it. Do not criticize and evaluate their choice, it is better to note the convenience and style of interior items and furniture.

  8. Can I run around here?
    Another common, but very tactless. No, you can't! The hosts are the owners, and guests can only ask permission to do something outside their home.

At the festive table, it is also definitely not necessary to gossip about other people, raise topics that will lead guests to discussions and quarrels: politics, sports, bad news, health issues.

Learn. ask the right questions It means to become a pleasant person to whom people are drawn. This is very important, because it is thanks to communication that we establish friendly contacts, find good work and meet our communication needs.


See also

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