Business schemes for mini-nurseries
Many gardeners, growing seedlings in their cottages and backyards, get from implementing them a good income. Expanding the range, building a greenhouse and manufacturing sales, you will be able to increase production and in 4-5 years, to go to a whole other level, making a profit of up to 5 million rubles. per year!
Today in each of the major European countries like Germany, UK, France, there are more than 5 thousand nurseries, most of them are organized and have long traditions in one generation. At the same time, in Russia, with an annual market growth of 20% or more, only 200-400 nurseries.
Explosive character of development of the nursery in recent years demonstrates Poland. In 20 years the number of nurseries there increased from 500 to 3,000; and they were able to "ride" the demand of the Eastern European countries on plants, received a good profit, strengthened its competitiveness and is firmly established on the Russian market. And here the question naturally arises: why do we have during the same period, the number of nurseries has increased only slightly from 200 to 400? Poland came to the production volumes under 1 billion euros, and in Russia they rose only to a modest 10% of the domestic market?
For such a huge country as ours, 200-400 kennels – too little! The optimal number for Russia, the General opinion of experts, – 10 thousand nurseries – taking into account population, land area, and most importantly, diversity of climatic conditions. Do you think that has created favorable conditions for the formation of a large number of nurseries in Russia, because it has one of the most important factors is the demand for products. Moreover, according to experts, marked an annual growth of 20% or more. Undoubtedly, all planting material will be grown in newly established nurseries, will find its consumer.
Personnel reserve
Perhaps the most important for our country's issue – the staff – here has its own unique solution. Today, each scientific horticultural companies with an official kennel (in Michurinsk, the eagle, Rossosh) located tens or even hundreds of private household nurseries. In other regions of the old nurseries, came into disrepair because of lack of demand, "preserved" and passed a law prohibiting their corporatization. As a result of such "wise" decisions, the production of seedlings is still collapsed, and experts were left without work and units on the ground. Other work in the village no one suggested they were forced to grow seedlings in their backyard nurseries. For 20 years, these nurseries are well developed, often there are more modern technologies, and the quality of seedlings they better than neighbors in the Institute. There are villages where almost every able-bodied person engaged in the nursery; for example, Halifax and the village of Krasnaya in Krasnodar region supply half of the country seedlings of fruit crops and roses.
Another group of potential pitomnikovodov – gardeners. Having studied special literature, many of them learned to grow seedlings and live it, using a considerable reputation among buyers. Some of them have grown to an organization of secondary nurseries. Interesting fact – according to expert estimates, 2/3 of the nurseries established by people without special education.
Thus, there is prepared the candidate pool now produces more than half of the saplings in the country and has the potential to organize a full-fledged nurseries.
Business available to everyone.
There are a simple technology that allows almost anyone who wants to create a nursery, thus starting their business. For its success it is important to observe a number of conditions. First you need to study the market, analyze who will buy your products. In addition, the strategy of your development will be largely determined by the availability of land (and machinery), its square, the proximity to the city, the possibility of assistance from relatives, friends and acquaintances. A win-win – internship in a good firm or in our country or abroad.
Based on our own knowledge and experience gained over more than 30 years of experience in this industry, I propose to consider the optimal way to organize the nursery in a small private sector.
There are other ways of creating your nursery: state funds and mixed property, or even the opening of a branch of the Western nursery, which will help you with its technology, equipment and personnel.
Rent a land
The owner of a small kennel on a country or a plot over time, be faced with the problem of a lack of space necessary for the expansion of production. To buy land is not easy, especially in the settlements, because its cost is estimated on norms of housing construction. However, you can purchase or rent a plot of land in the vicinity of the city. Then you will have the opportunity to hire workers, to invest in the quality of irrigation, to begin the construction of a storage facility or greenhouse, i.e. to engage in the development of their business.
Adjust sale
The second biggest problem facing small farms, and sustainable marketing. Very few people manage to sell seedlings in cultivation, most have to travel to markets, exhibitions to other cities or to deal with dealers. Some are fortunate enough to have stable relationships – and they produce planting material-to-order garden centers. And few pitomnikovodstva organize their retail outlets; however, they have to hire salespeople to expand the range, to sell related products, to improve marketability of crops, etc. One of the least expensive ways to build marketing – use the power of the Internet (collect applications, to advertise and promote products).
Expand range
The third stage of development, which must pass any nursery – expansion of the product range. On the one hand, it attracts new customers, with another – creates conditions for sustainable marketing.
Small cattery quite difficult to navigate in the new breeding of fruit and berry crops, so be sure to pay attention to decorative plants. Their variety is truly endless; so, varieties of roses there are more than 1,000, in addition, they can be implemented in various forms: with open roots in a small pot blooming in a large container. Or, for example, sell perennial flowers in various stages of development – from seedlings to lush arrangements in large pots.
To propagate a new culture according to the classical scheme has long: need to buy mother plants, grow them 1-2 years, and then to graft, or grafted, grow 1-2 years and then sell. There is now an opportunity to accelerate this process is to buy rooted cuttings, including rare and hard-rooted crops, and only augment them. Plus, you will quickly learn the specifics of their cultivation, analyze the demand of the consumers.
There is another way of expanding the range practiced by many pitomnikovodstva – realization is not his, but another's planting material, taken in exchange or purchased at other nurseries.
Build a greenhouse
Many ways of reproduction, which require protected ground, so in any nursery sooner or later there is a greenhouse. Moreover, in a greenhouse, especially a heated, much earlier to start many types of work, respectively, earlier to the rescue. Greenhouse allows you to grow various types of plants that are difficult to obtain in the open field. In addition, it can be almost an entire season to get the products to engage employees, but most importantly, to grow high-value products. For example, some nurseries have started their activity with the construction of greenhouses and development of technology forcing tulips and growing seedlings and only then become seedlings.
One of the win-win business schemes of development – specialization of an existing kennel. Here is an example. The Association of planting material producers (APPM) actively discussed the issue of specialization nurseries, namely, who will undertake the cultivation of rootstocks and other seedlings. For APPM the acquisition of quality rootstocks for fruit crops – the whole problem; the material is often purchased in Western Europe, although growing rootstocks in General is easy. The annual demand of APM in different types of seedlings 1-3 million units (at an average price of 5-8 Euro/PC.) in the amount of 5-24 million rubles For the money at initial stage can expect a dozen small nurseries, as desired almost any seedlings. The relative simplicity of cultivation, high density planting (up to 80 PCs/m2) require a small area, but intensive care. As a result, small plot of 20 acres could serve as a basis for family business with a commercial yield in the amount of 1-2 million RUB Earning the starting capital, you can master more complex technologies that will provide competitive advantage, and higher income.
Grow seedlings
Another business development scheme, which is relatively easy to implement in the garden – growing seedlings of strawberries. Although instead of it can be flower seedlings or seedlings of vegetables – everything that can be sold to gardeners. Just keep in mind that for seedling technologies you'll need a greenhouse, albeit primitive.
Strawberry seedlings good quality is not always enough. The technology of cultivation with closed root system and maintenance of nursery under plastic cover allows you to obtain an annual output of seedlings 100-150 pieces/m2 in 1 turn, and at a certain skill – 2 turnover in the spring and 2 in autumn. Thus, a small greenhouse with an area of 100 m2 allows to receive annually 40-60 thousand pieces of strawberry seedlings. The current wholesale price 20 rbl. the profit will be 200 800-1 thousand RUB If you will be able to establish the retail trade, the revenue increases in 2 times.
Once you will master production of strawberry seedlings, flower and vegetable crops, time to move on to forcing tulips and growing seedlings of fruit in containers through the winter vaccine. The development of these technologies (provided that you don't throw more simple, already developed earlier) leads to the fact that square footage is not enough. But are you able to rent another parcel in the neighboring village to hire an employee, buy "GAZelle", i.e. you already held pichanicova!
After 4-5 years of hard work your nursery provides revenue in the 2-5 million RUB per year. From this point you face a choice – or to remain small and invisible by the manufacturer, or to begin to build a full-fledged nursery to buy land, to bring electricity and water to buy a tractor, etc. Another option, successfully practiced and ours, and foreign pitomnikovodstva to improve in the area of trade, to earn additional income by implementing the seedlings from other nurseries. This allows not only to increase profit and to master more complex technologies, but also to create a fully competitive production.
Author: Mikhail Kachalkin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.opitomnik.ru/publications.html/id/11
Today in each of the major European countries like Germany, UK, France, there are more than 5 thousand nurseries, most of them are organized and have long traditions in one generation. At the same time, in Russia, with an annual market growth of 20% or more, only 200-400 nurseries.

Explosive character of development of the nursery in recent years demonstrates Poland. In 20 years the number of nurseries there increased from 500 to 3,000; and they were able to "ride" the demand of the Eastern European countries on plants, received a good profit, strengthened its competitiveness and is firmly established on the Russian market. And here the question naturally arises: why do we have during the same period, the number of nurseries has increased only slightly from 200 to 400? Poland came to the production volumes under 1 billion euros, and in Russia they rose only to a modest 10% of the domestic market?
For such a huge country as ours, 200-400 kennels – too little! The optimal number for Russia, the General opinion of experts, – 10 thousand nurseries – taking into account population, land area, and most importantly, diversity of climatic conditions. Do you think that has created favorable conditions for the formation of a large number of nurseries in Russia, because it has one of the most important factors is the demand for products. Moreover, according to experts, marked an annual growth of 20% or more. Undoubtedly, all planting material will be grown in newly established nurseries, will find its consumer.
Personnel reserve
Perhaps the most important for our country's issue – the staff – here has its own unique solution. Today, each scientific horticultural companies with an official kennel (in Michurinsk, the eagle, Rossosh) located tens or even hundreds of private household nurseries. In other regions of the old nurseries, came into disrepair because of lack of demand, "preserved" and passed a law prohibiting their corporatization. As a result of such "wise" decisions, the production of seedlings is still collapsed, and experts were left without work and units on the ground. Other work in the village no one suggested they were forced to grow seedlings in their backyard nurseries. For 20 years, these nurseries are well developed, often there are more modern technologies, and the quality of seedlings they better than neighbors in the Institute. There are villages where almost every able-bodied person engaged in the nursery; for example, Halifax and the village of Krasnaya in Krasnodar region supply half of the country seedlings of fruit crops and roses.
Another group of potential pitomnikovodov – gardeners. Having studied special literature, many of them learned to grow seedlings and live it, using a considerable reputation among buyers. Some of them have grown to an organization of secondary nurseries. Interesting fact – according to expert estimates, 2/3 of the nurseries established by people without special education.
Thus, there is prepared the candidate pool now produces more than half of the saplings in the country and has the potential to organize a full-fledged nurseries.
Business available to everyone.
There are a simple technology that allows almost anyone who wants to create a nursery, thus starting their business. For its success it is important to observe a number of conditions. First you need to study the market, analyze who will buy your products. In addition, the strategy of your development will be largely determined by the availability of land (and machinery), its square, the proximity to the city, the possibility of assistance from relatives, friends and acquaintances. A win-win – internship in a good firm or in our country or abroad.
Based on our own knowledge and experience gained over more than 30 years of experience in this industry, I propose to consider the optimal way to organize the nursery in a small private sector.
There are other ways of creating your nursery: state funds and mixed property, or even the opening of a branch of the Western nursery, which will help you with its technology, equipment and personnel.
Rent a land
The owner of a small kennel on a country or a plot over time, be faced with the problem of a lack of space necessary for the expansion of production. To buy land is not easy, especially in the settlements, because its cost is estimated on norms of housing construction. However, you can purchase or rent a plot of land in the vicinity of the city. Then you will have the opportunity to hire workers, to invest in the quality of irrigation, to begin the construction of a storage facility or greenhouse, i.e. to engage in the development of their business.
Adjust sale
The second biggest problem facing small farms, and sustainable marketing. Very few people manage to sell seedlings in cultivation, most have to travel to markets, exhibitions to other cities or to deal with dealers. Some are fortunate enough to have stable relationships – and they produce planting material-to-order garden centers. And few pitomnikovodstva organize their retail outlets; however, they have to hire salespeople to expand the range, to sell related products, to improve marketability of crops, etc. One of the least expensive ways to build marketing – use the power of the Internet (collect applications, to advertise and promote products).
Expand range
The third stage of development, which must pass any nursery – expansion of the product range. On the one hand, it attracts new customers, with another – creates conditions for sustainable marketing.
Small cattery quite difficult to navigate in the new breeding of fruit and berry crops, so be sure to pay attention to decorative plants. Their variety is truly endless; so, varieties of roses there are more than 1,000, in addition, they can be implemented in various forms: with open roots in a small pot blooming in a large container. Or, for example, sell perennial flowers in various stages of development – from seedlings to lush arrangements in large pots.
To propagate a new culture according to the classical scheme has long: need to buy mother plants, grow them 1-2 years, and then to graft, or grafted, grow 1-2 years and then sell. There is now an opportunity to accelerate this process is to buy rooted cuttings, including rare and hard-rooted crops, and only augment them. Plus, you will quickly learn the specifics of their cultivation, analyze the demand of the consumers.
There is another way of expanding the range practiced by many pitomnikovodstva – realization is not his, but another's planting material, taken in exchange or purchased at other nurseries.
Build a greenhouse
Many ways of reproduction, which require protected ground, so in any nursery sooner or later there is a greenhouse. Moreover, in a greenhouse, especially a heated, much earlier to start many types of work, respectively, earlier to the rescue. Greenhouse allows you to grow various types of plants that are difficult to obtain in the open field. In addition, it can be almost an entire season to get the products to engage employees, but most importantly, to grow high-value products. For example, some nurseries have started their activity with the construction of greenhouses and development of technology forcing tulips and growing seedlings and only then become seedlings.
One of the win-win business schemes of development – specialization of an existing kennel. Here is an example. The Association of planting material producers (APPM) actively discussed the issue of specialization nurseries, namely, who will undertake the cultivation of rootstocks and other seedlings. For APPM the acquisition of quality rootstocks for fruit crops – the whole problem; the material is often purchased in Western Europe, although growing rootstocks in General is easy. The annual demand of APM in different types of seedlings 1-3 million units (at an average price of 5-8 Euro/PC.) in the amount of 5-24 million rubles For the money at initial stage can expect a dozen small nurseries, as desired almost any seedlings. The relative simplicity of cultivation, high density planting (up to 80 PCs/m2) require a small area, but intensive care. As a result, small plot of 20 acres could serve as a basis for family business with a commercial yield in the amount of 1-2 million RUB Earning the starting capital, you can master more complex technologies that will provide competitive advantage, and higher income.
Grow seedlings
Another business development scheme, which is relatively easy to implement in the garden – growing seedlings of strawberries. Although instead of it can be flower seedlings or seedlings of vegetables – everything that can be sold to gardeners. Just keep in mind that for seedling technologies you'll need a greenhouse, albeit primitive.
Strawberry seedlings good quality is not always enough. The technology of cultivation with closed root system and maintenance of nursery under plastic cover allows you to obtain an annual output of seedlings 100-150 pieces/m2 in 1 turn, and at a certain skill – 2 turnover in the spring and 2 in autumn. Thus, a small greenhouse with an area of 100 m2 allows to receive annually 40-60 thousand pieces of strawberry seedlings. The current wholesale price 20 rbl. the profit will be 200 800-1 thousand RUB If you will be able to establish the retail trade, the revenue increases in 2 times.
Once you will master production of strawberry seedlings, flower and vegetable crops, time to move on to forcing tulips and growing seedlings of fruit in containers through the winter vaccine. The development of these technologies (provided that you don't throw more simple, already developed earlier) leads to the fact that square footage is not enough. But are you able to rent another parcel in the neighboring village to hire an employee, buy "GAZelle", i.e. you already held pichanicova!
After 4-5 years of hard work your nursery provides revenue in the 2-5 million RUB per year. From this point you face a choice – or to remain small and invisible by the manufacturer, or to begin to build a full-fledged nursery to buy land, to bring electricity and water to buy a tractor, etc. Another option, successfully practiced and ours, and foreign pitomnikovodstva to improve in the area of trade, to earn additional income by implementing the seedlings from other nurseries. This allows not only to increase profit and to master more complex technologies, but also to create a fully competitive production.
Author: Mikhail Kachalkin
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.opitomnik.ru/publications.html/id/11