The greenhouse-the thermos with his hands.
The greenhouse needs to work all year round, the only way she will be able to provide the vacationer with all the necessary product, and even to bring a good profit. Agree any professional gardening and dacha case, because no single greenhouse will not work in winter if there are not created certain conditions for good cultivation of crops. That's why we decided to talk today about the greenhouse-the thermos is the best option winter greenhouses, known to date.
The advantages of greenhouses-thermos
Video about the greenhouse-the thermos Anatoly Patia
The device and installation of the greenhouse-thermos
Indeed, the greenhouse-the thermos, invented by Anatoly Patiem, so practical and functional that it is possible to grow even citrus. This fact is proven by many entrepreneurs, who bought a winter greenhouse project and successfully develop it. What is it? What is the greenhouse thermos? And what are its main advantages over an ordinary greenhouse? You will learn about it from our publication.

The advantages of thermo-greenhouseGreenhouse-the thermos has a number of advantages, which distinguish it from other similar buildings. Thanks to them, in such greenhouses is possible to grow gorgeous crops a variety of crops, especially, it can be done year-round.

The greenhouse-the thermos, invented by Anatoly Patiem, so practical and functional that it can even grow citrus

Best light transmission, more than 91%, much higher than in greenhouses
So, the advantages of greenhouses-thermos:
- Durability and high reliability of the greenhouse. Durable material, proper design, the use of modern, tested technologies;
- Best light transmission, more than 91%, much higher than plenochnykh greenhouses. This effect allows the plants to feel the real natural environment;
- High strength Foundation and frame, resistant to weather conditions design, which allows, without prejudice to survive various temperature extremes, strong winds, rain, snow, hail, hurricanes etc;
- Material: cover — polycarbonate, long recognized as the best material for greenhouses each summer resident and businessman who is selling these greenhouses. With it heat and light are evenly distributed over the entire area of the greenhouse that allows you to create for plants optimal conditions for the best harvest. A typical example shows that even in the cloudy weather, in the greenhouse-the thermos polycarbonate is almost 2 times lighter than in the standard greenhouse film. The same can be said about the temperature on the street -30 degrees Celsius, and inside such greenhouses are not less than +3 degrees Celsius. And this is without the use of any heating devices;
- High energy savings thanks to high thermal insulation during continuous growth in energy prices is very important;
- A huge list of crops that can be grown in ideal conditions of a greenhouse-thermos due to the above described qualities.

High energy savings thanks to high thermal insulation during continuous growth of energy prices very important
As you can see, the benefits enough, and experts doubt very much that someone will be able to find any flaws.

A huge list of crops that can be grown in ideal conditions of a greenhouse-the thermos at the expense of the above qualities
Video about the greenhouse-the thermos Anatoly PatiaNote: the Ukrainian language!
The device and installation of the greenhouse-the thermosto Create a greenhouse-thermos with your hands is difficult, but at least you can do without buying special and very expensive project, and without the help of professionals. All you need is some equipment, tools, desire to work and get the result.

Even in the cloudy weather, in the greenhouse-the thermos polycarbonate is almost 2 times lighter than in the standard greenhouse film
The design of the greenhouse-the thermos is interesting because the bulk of it goes underground. It is natural of the breed, combined with special materials and provides the thermos effect.
Initially you need to dig a trench for the greenhouse, or rather, the pit, as the pit will sizes is not small. Depending on the size of the greenhouse determines the size of the pit perimeter. The depth must be at least 1.5-2 m. At this depth, the earth certainly will not freeze, but on the contrary, will share their natural warmth.

Material: cover — polycarbonate, long recognized as the best material for greenhouses each summer resident and businessman who is selling these greenhouses

High strength Foundation and frame, resistant to weather conditions design, which allows, without prejudice to survive various temperature extremes, strong winds, rain, snow, hail, hurricanes etc
Next, you should align all the edges of the future greenhouse as it will be necessary to pour the Foundation under the frame and the covering, or laid on the perimeter of the concrete blocks. Here, you easier, it is possible to fill the Foundation to the height of the trench, or laying concrete blocks, which in the future you will put the base of the frame of the greenhouse-thermos.
When the Foundation is ready, settled and prepared for further work, you can start to build the upper part of the greenhouse. It should be built of blocks that are installed on a concrete base. Maybe they should further secured on a metal frame, especially in this case, it will be much easier to install the greenhouse covering.

Durability and high reliability of the greenhouse. Durable material, proper design, the use of modern, tested technologies
When the fuser is installed, check whether there is access to the basement, exits the metal frame for installation of the covering, whether it is convenient to install the roof. If some points are not brought to an end, take care of them in advance, otherwise there may be problems with the roof.
The roof of the greenhouse-the thermos is made from polycarbonate, and it is clear. Hardly anyone will use in such a greenhouse covering of a different material. Polycarbonate roof set on metal frame with the crate and carefully secured.

To create a greenhouse-thermos with your hands is difficult, but at least you can do without buying special and very expensive project, and without the help of professionals
The next step is the arrangement of the internal parts of greenhouses, that is, the finishing work and the preparation of thermo-greenhouse for early planting. It should make the greenhouse airtight, away from it draughts. This can be done by using finishing joints of the Foundation and masonry blocks with plaster or even foam. Also work and over the roof, it must not remain superfluous cracks.
Further, the inner part of the walls is covered with a thermal insulating film, which is necessary for maximum effect of heat preservation. In some regions where very cold in winter, apply a thick foil-wrap foil, or even a double layer. Such a wrap is required only on winter, but it is better to provide it initially.
Further, only the preparation of the greenhouse to work, electricity wiring and installation of heating equipment, the equipment of greenhouses with ventilation and automatic watering and so on.
All the greenhouse-the thermos is ready to use. Can bring inside a high-quality substrate, to plant in his culture and, in the near future, expected yields are not worse than in the warm season. published by P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: dachadecor.ru/teplitsi/teplitsa-termos-svoimi-rukami-eto-vozmozhno