How to choose the right greenhouse for cucumbers
Which greenhouse cucumbers will grow better? Why gardeners are so fond of polycarbonate? Can I grow cucumbers in the winter? Read all about it in our article.
Greenhouse for cucumbers is an obligatory element of almost any country site. Thanks to him, creates a special microclimate necessary for successful cultivation of vegetable crops and a rich harvest. There are several types of greenhouses and each of them has its own characteristics.
Greenhouse for cucumbers is to buy or make your own hands?
Everyone who decided to make the greenhouse on the plot, the question arises – can buy ready-made design or assemble it yourself. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of greenhouses are ready:
Cons ready greenhouses:
At the same time, the benefits of greenhouses made with your own hands, you can consider the following:
The disadvantages of greenhouses, collected his own hands:
Greenhouse film is usually a homemade design. Its frame, which consists of several arcs, buried in the ground and cover the top with polyethylene. The film crushed by bricks, boards or other materials. So it turns out pre-fabricated "temporary" structure, it is suitable for cultivation of cucumbers and other crops.
Film begin to lay early spring
To build a small greenhouse is just a few steps:
One of the drawbacks of the film – it needs to be changed every year
For film greenhouse is easy to care for, watering and ventilation is enough to lift one of the edges.
Film greenhouses are vulnerable to strong wind and hail
The greenhouse-butterfly
For greenhouse-butterflies (also sometimes called "Russian") is characterized by convenient and simple design making rational use of the land area and providing easy access to the landings. Installations of this type are durable, protect the cucumbers and other crops from the elements and accidental damage.
The butterfly can withstand strong wind, hail and snow layer to 10 sm, does not cast a shadow on the land. In addition, this greenhouse is very easy to ventilate.
Access to planting in the greenhouse-butterfly max
Greenhouse butterfly consists of a box shaped like a house with a gable roof. Both doors of the roof can be opened, providing access to the internal parts and allowing you to ventilate the greenhouse. Similar designs are sold in finished form, but you can also build your own.
The finished product is by default composed of polycarbonate or glass and metal. In addition, no need to mess with the locking mechanism.
If you are going to collect the "butterfly" alone, for the frame, use wood, and the covering material is polyethylene or glass.
The best material for "butterfly" is polycarbonate
The construction of the greenhouse butterfly will take quite a bit of time:
The original design of the greenhouse-butterfly allows you to organize the micro-ventilation
Greenhouse polycarbonate
Polycarbonate is a synthetic material that was obtained specifically for agricultural purposes. Widely used began about 40 years ago and today polycarbonate is continuously used for cultivation.
Polycarbonate was invented in Israel for the construction of greenhouses
Polycarbonate greenhouses have a transparency of 80-85% resistant to hail and snow cover layer and have a minimum coefficient of heat transfer (that is, cool down very slowly).
Polycarbonate greenhouses are available in finished form
When installing polycarbonate greenhouses need to consider a few things:
A small hotbed polycarbonate with hinged lid suitable for high plants
Winter greenhouse for cucumbers
With the onset of cold weather activities for growing cucumbers is terminated, but only if you have not built a winter greenhouse. It is much more difficult to build, because you need to lay the Foundation, erect the frame and roof, as well as the system supply of heat and light. The main requirement for the greenhouse of this type is absolute tightness.
Winter greenhouse is not small – it is a solid building with a heating system
Greenhouses for winter growing of cucumbers are rack and bestellannahme. In greenhouses the first type of plants grow in a special place, and the second directly into the ground.
FACT: More recently, a winter shelter for cucumbers was built on the type of greenhouses made of glass. Now mainly used polycarbonate as a more durable, reliable and long-lasting material.
The main components of the winter greenhouse – tightness, heating system and lighting
The main points that need to be considered in the construction of winter greenhouses:
Winter greenhouse-the greenhouse is very popular in England
Also interesting:
How to grow cucumbers on a balcony
TOP 10 reasons to consume cucumbers
And in conclusion, a few tips for those who decided to get a winter greenhouse for cucumbers:
1. Do not try to build a huge greenhouse industrial scale, start with small buildings.
2. Do not use for cucumbers winter greenhouse shelf type, because they are more difficult to maintain the moisture level and the probability of overheating.
3. Warm in winter, must be constantly pumped, otherwise the structure loses its meaning.
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Source: www.ogorod.ru/ru/now/greenhouse/8872/Obzor-parnikov-dlya-ogurcov(s-fotografijami).htm
Greenhouse for cucumbers is an obligatory element of almost any country site. Thanks to him, creates a special microclimate necessary for successful cultivation of vegetable crops and a rich harvest. There are several types of greenhouses and each of them has its own characteristics.

Greenhouse for cucumbers is to buy or make your own hands?
Everyone who decided to make the greenhouse on the plot, the question arises – can buy ready-made design or assemble it yourself. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of greenhouses are ready:
- you buy the finished product you deliver and install;
- no need to bother with searching for material and Assembly of the greenhouse.
Cons ready greenhouses:
- you cannot change the shape and size, a standard proposed by the manufacturer are not always suitable for a specific area;
- high price.
At the same time, the benefits of greenhouses made with your own hands, you can consider the following:
- the possibility to choose the materials, dimensions and collect any design;
- assembled DIY greenhouse is easier to dismantle.
The disadvantages of greenhouses, collected his own hands:
- you need to spend time and effort for Assembly;
- sometimes the cost of materials and wasted effort is equal to the price of the finished greenhouse.
Greenhouse film is usually a homemade design. Its frame, which consists of several arcs, buried in the ground and cover the top with polyethylene. The film crushed by bricks, boards or other materials. So it turns out pre-fabricated "temporary" structure, it is suitable for cultivation of cucumbers and other crops.

Film begin to lay early spring
To build a small greenhouse is just a few steps:
- select a well-lit area on a small hill;
- apply the contours of the future greenhouse, trying from the East to the West (the length of the greenhouse should not exceed 3-4 m, and a width of 1 m);
- install the patch around the frame of wooden boards with a height of about 20 cm;
- proceed in the frame holes for arcs at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other;
- as Doug use a metal wire or other durable and flexible material;
- top point arcs connect a wire to give the frame rigidity;
- additional bind arc in the middle and cover the frame with plastic wrap with a thickness of 120-200 microns;
- one edge of the film firmly secure on the long side of the greenhouse, and the other giving the bricks or stones;
- two edges, which are the short sides of the greenhouse, or pull, as in the tent and secure with stakes, or just giving any scrap material.

One of the drawbacks of the film – it needs to be changed every year
For film greenhouse is easy to care for, watering and ventilation is enough to lift one of the edges.

Film greenhouses are vulnerable to strong wind and hail
The greenhouse-butterfly
For greenhouse-butterflies (also sometimes called "Russian") is characterized by convenient and simple design making rational use of the land area and providing easy access to the landings. Installations of this type are durable, protect the cucumbers and other crops from the elements and accidental damage.
The butterfly can withstand strong wind, hail and snow layer to 10 sm, does not cast a shadow on the land. In addition, this greenhouse is very easy to ventilate.

Access to planting in the greenhouse-butterfly max
Greenhouse butterfly consists of a box shaped like a house with a gable roof. Both doors of the roof can be opened, providing access to the internal parts and allowing you to ventilate the greenhouse. Similar designs are sold in finished form, but you can also build your own.
The finished product is by default composed of polycarbonate or glass and metal. In addition, no need to mess with the locking mechanism.
If you are going to collect the "butterfly" alone, for the frame, use wood, and the covering material is polyethylene or glass.

The best material for "butterfly" is polycarbonate
The construction of the greenhouse butterfly will take quite a bit of time:
- follow the layout on the site, given the length and width of the future design;
- pick up the necessary material for base and frame (for example, coniferous boards);
- greenhouse butterfly can be placed directly on the ground, but it is better to put it on a Foundation of timber that will protect the bottom of the greenhouse from rotting;
- before installing the greenhouse, remove the top layer of soil and sprinkle a layer of gravel (10-15 cm) for drainage;
- the window glass inserted into the frame, lock plates;
- after the installation of the greenhouse to be put on the bottom of a layer of fertile soil thickness of 20-30 cm.
- treat the entire frame composition that prevents rotting of wood (if the manufacturer used a wooden Board).

The original design of the greenhouse-butterfly allows you to organize the micro-ventilation
Greenhouse polycarbonate
Polycarbonate is a synthetic material that was obtained specifically for agricultural purposes. Widely used began about 40 years ago and today polycarbonate is continuously used for cultivation.

Polycarbonate was invented in Israel for the construction of greenhouses
Polycarbonate greenhouses have a transparency of 80-85% resistant to hail and snow cover layer and have a minimum coefficient of heat transfer (that is, cool down very slowly).

Polycarbonate greenhouses are available in finished form
When installing polycarbonate greenhouses need to consider a few things:
- polycarbonate sheets should be 4-6 mm thick;
- for the full cultivation of cucumbers need not only light and heat but also the air with regular watering. Therefore, when you create a greenhouse-designed ventilation system and watering;
- polycarbonate excellent cut with a sharp knife, but be careful – you can scratch the surface;
- use the material sparingly to waste was a minimal amount;
- the surface of the greenhouse should be cleaned with a damp cloth without using any cleaning agents – from them polycarbonate quickly turbid and lose an attractive appearance.

A small hotbed polycarbonate with hinged lid suitable for high plants
Winter greenhouse for cucumbers
With the onset of cold weather activities for growing cucumbers is terminated, but only if you have not built a winter greenhouse. It is much more difficult to build, because you need to lay the Foundation, erect the frame and roof, as well as the system supply of heat and light. The main requirement for the greenhouse of this type is absolute tightness.

Winter greenhouse is not small – it is a solid building with a heating system
Greenhouses for winter growing of cucumbers are rack and bestellannahme. In greenhouses the first type of plants grow in a special place, and the second directly into the ground.
FACT: More recently, a winter shelter for cucumbers was built on the type of greenhouses made of glass. Now mainly used polycarbonate as a more durable, reliable and long-lasting material.

The main components of the winter greenhouse – tightness, heating system and lighting
The main points that need to be considered in the construction of winter greenhouses:
- as the basis of the greenhouse often lay concrete strip Foundation;
- all joints and casing must be completely sealed;
- for heating greenhouses are best suited aluminum heaters convector type, which is evenly saturated with heat;
- to insulate the soil make a mixture of sand, loam, and humus.

Winter greenhouse-the greenhouse is very popular in England
Also interesting:
How to grow cucumbers on a balcony
TOP 10 reasons to consume cucumbers
And in conclusion, a few tips for those who decided to get a winter greenhouse for cucumbers:
1. Do not try to build a huge greenhouse industrial scale, start with small buildings.
2. Do not use for cucumbers winter greenhouse shelf type, because they are more difficult to maintain the moisture level and the probability of overheating.
3. Warm in winter, must be constantly pumped, otherwise the structure loses its meaning.
- Cucumbers can be grown in almost all types of greenhouses.
- The simplest design – film greenhouse.
- Greenhouse butterfly – the most durable and easy to use.
- Winter greenhouse suitable for cold regions.published
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Source: www.ogorod.ru/ru/now/greenhouse/8872/Obzor-parnikov-dlya-ogurcov(s-fotografijami).htm