The secrets of happy life
Even before the second world war at Harvard was initiated an unusual experiment: the group was recruited from 800 people, which included representatives of various social groups – mentally healthy and not prone to violation of law pupils and students with different abilities. Experts have set out to trace how the rest of the life participants to understand what is the secret to a long and happy life.
All participants of the experiment were as satisfied with their lives, but for nearly 70 years, from time to time passed a medical examination and filled out questionnaires. At the turn of the Millennium summed up the results of this unique study.
Subsequently, based on the results of project Director – Dr. George Valenta was the book "Healthy aging: a surprising tip for a happier life" (Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development by George E. Vaillant), instantly became a bestseller.
The author compares her life with the minefield to successfully overcome which offers the experience of those people who have already successfully done it.
Compile the material, the researchers formulated the basic laws of longevity:
Law the first:to hurt, but not feel sick! Our own assessment of their condition is much more important than objective health indicators.
No bad tests, no cardio and other -grams are not able to spoil the life of an elderly person until he accepts them as inevitable in the long journey, the traffic accidents and breakdowns, and not as the main content of the route. Even in a more serious condition optimists look and feel much better not only their pessimistic peers, but even more young people.
Act two: love is life in the truest sense of the word. It turns out that in terms of longevity of a stable marriage – a much more important factor than, for example, low cholesterol levels. Longer and happier people live loving and loved, who knows how to listen, to sympathize and to empathize. So if in 50 years people have found your soulmate (no matter first attempt or, for example, with the fifth), the chances that in old age he will be the bright mind and good health are much increased.
The ability to forgive is one of the most important key to happy longevity. Grievances that are piling up the years (whether specific people or life in General), and to destroy body and soul, as cancer cells (often not just metaphorically, but literally). Scientists have discovered that the envy, anger, resentment and other negative feelings are infinitely more risk factor for cardiovascular disease than obesity, Smoking or high cholesterol.
Harvard scientists revealed the following regularity: people who have undergone psychotherapy, 33% less likely to apply to other doctors, 75% less likely to get into the hospital, take a third less medication and as a result, work more consistently and productively.
Moreover, this effect persists for two or more years after completion of the course, becausethe human body has learnt to cope with life's storms, wear much less. Moreover, according to statistics of the United States, psychoanalysts, which is known to have regularly to undergo psychoanalysis, life expectancy surpass people of other professions.
The following rule of happiness – it's never too late and there is always something to learn.
Older people are spared from the frantic rhythm of working and household duties. No wonder the wise Chinese saying that personal life starts after fifty. The children grew up. It's time to do!
At this age people with a wide range of interests, finally gets the opportunity to meet their full potential. Psychologists, it was observed that the development of new knowledge and creative activities for older people add much more vigor and confidence than even a stable financial situation.
And in the end we would like to say a few words about the sensational results obtained by Barbara Stauch, known for his research in the field of functioning of the brain, which came to the conclusion that the intellectual power of the brain over the years, not only not decreasing, as was assumed earlier, but also increases.
The decrease in brain activity and intelligence of some older people due to the fact,that between neurons – the cells that comprise the brain are connected. And it happens in the case that they are not involved.
Previously it was thought that the nerve cells die, however this is not true. Moreover, after 50 years in the brain increases the number of myelin – specific substances responsible for the speed of signals between neurons, and this is many times increases the intellectual power of the brain.
See also: Greedy-brain and latent abilities
The brain and Happiness: How to change your feelings and behavior
Thus, the latest studies have proven that mental activity is primarily dependent on the development of connections between neurons. As our muscles in order to remain in good shape, require training, and the brain requires constant exercise. In fact, in old age a person has all the prerequisites for an active intellectual life.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: v-garmonii-s-soboi.ru/zdorovye-bez-lekarstv/sekretyi-schastlivoy-zhizni-retseptyi-dolgoletiya
All participants of the experiment were as satisfied with their lives, but for nearly 70 years, from time to time passed a medical examination and filled out questionnaires. At the turn of the Millennium summed up the results of this unique study.

Subsequently, based on the results of project Director – Dr. George Valenta was the book "Healthy aging: a surprising tip for a happier life" (Aging Well: Surprising Guideposts to a Happier Life from the Landmark Harvard Study of Adult Development by George E. Vaillant), instantly became a bestseller.
The author compares her life with the minefield to successfully overcome which offers the experience of those people who have already successfully done it.
Compile the material, the researchers formulated the basic laws of longevity:
Law the first:to hurt, but not feel sick! Our own assessment of their condition is much more important than objective health indicators.
No bad tests, no cardio and other -grams are not able to spoil the life of an elderly person until he accepts them as inevitable in the long journey, the traffic accidents and breakdowns, and not as the main content of the route. Even in a more serious condition optimists look and feel much better not only their pessimistic peers, but even more young people.
Act two: love is life in the truest sense of the word. It turns out that in terms of longevity of a stable marriage – a much more important factor than, for example, low cholesterol levels. Longer and happier people live loving and loved, who knows how to listen, to sympathize and to empathize. So if in 50 years people have found your soulmate (no matter first attempt or, for example, with the fifth), the chances that in old age he will be the bright mind and good health are much increased.
The ability to forgive is one of the most important key to happy longevity. Grievances that are piling up the years (whether specific people or life in General), and to destroy body and soul, as cancer cells (often not just metaphorically, but literally). Scientists have discovered that the envy, anger, resentment and other negative feelings are infinitely more risk factor for cardiovascular disease than obesity, Smoking or high cholesterol.
Harvard scientists revealed the following regularity: people who have undergone psychotherapy, 33% less likely to apply to other doctors, 75% less likely to get into the hospital, take a third less medication and as a result, work more consistently and productively.
Moreover, this effect persists for two or more years after completion of the course, becausethe human body has learnt to cope with life's storms, wear much less. Moreover, according to statistics of the United States, psychoanalysts, which is known to have regularly to undergo psychoanalysis, life expectancy surpass people of other professions.
The following rule of happiness – it's never too late and there is always something to learn.
Older people are spared from the frantic rhythm of working and household duties. No wonder the wise Chinese saying that personal life starts after fifty. The children grew up. It's time to do!
At this age people with a wide range of interests, finally gets the opportunity to meet their full potential. Psychologists, it was observed that the development of new knowledge and creative activities for older people add much more vigor and confidence than even a stable financial situation.

And in the end we would like to say a few words about the sensational results obtained by Barbara Stauch, known for his research in the field of functioning of the brain, which came to the conclusion that the intellectual power of the brain over the years, not only not decreasing, as was assumed earlier, but also increases.
The decrease in brain activity and intelligence of some older people due to the fact,that between neurons – the cells that comprise the brain are connected. And it happens in the case that they are not involved.
Previously it was thought that the nerve cells die, however this is not true. Moreover, after 50 years in the brain increases the number of myelin – specific substances responsible for the speed of signals between neurons, and this is many times increases the intellectual power of the brain.
See also: Greedy-brain and latent abilities
The brain and Happiness: How to change your feelings and behavior
Thus, the latest studies have proven that mental activity is primarily dependent on the development of connections between neurons. As our muscles in order to remain in good shape, require training, and the brain requires constant exercise. In fact, in old age a person has all the prerequisites for an active intellectual life.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: v-garmonii-s-soboi.ru/zdorovye-bez-lekarstv/sekretyi-schastlivoy-zhizni-retseptyi-dolgoletiya
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