Secrets of longevity of Mahmud Eyvazov
Someone in 20 years begins to complain about health and loss of interest in life, and there are those who at 150 years continue to work and enjoy every day. That’s the kind of person we want to talk about today. Mahmoud Eyvazov One of the oldest inhabitants of Azerbaijan, the USSR and the world, a man with a great love for life.
Today's edition. "Site" sharing secrets with you healthy Mahmuda Eyvazova and tells what it is like to live a century and a half.
Active lifestyle Mahmud Bagir oglu Eyvazov was born in February 1808 in the Talysh Khanate. He saw the destruction of the feudal state, lived under the Russian Empire and saw the formation of the USSR. His age first became known after the all-Union census in 1959. Official figures confirm that Mahmoud was 150 years old in the census year.
Up to 150 years the man worked in the collective farm. His work experience was a record 135 years. This could not but be noted, and in 1956 a postage stamp with the name of Eyvazov was issued.
Mahmoud lived only a couple of months before his 153th birthday, but until his last day he remained physically active, mental clarity and love of life. How did he do that? Let's try to figure it out.
The Secrets of Longevity
In this video, you can see Mahmoud and his family. An amazing man!
If it's longevity, it's just that. Active, cheerful and with a love of life until the last breath. After so many years I want to say, as Mahmoud said, “I have lived for a century and a half.” I would like to live the same life.”
Such stories are inspiring. Recently, we shared with you the secrets of a happy life of 105-year-old doctor from Japan Shigeaki Hinohara.
The Japanese are famous for their longevity. And recently we talked about the secret of their happiness and longevity.
And also shared the rules of a long and healthy life from Katsuzo Nishi.
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Today's edition. "Site" sharing secrets with you healthy Mahmuda Eyvazova and tells what it is like to live a century and a half.
Active lifestyle Mahmud Bagir oglu Eyvazov was born in February 1808 in the Talysh Khanate. He saw the destruction of the feudal state, lived under the Russian Empire and saw the formation of the USSR. His age first became known after the all-Union census in 1959. Official figures confirm that Mahmoud was 150 years old in the census year.
Up to 150 years the man worked in the collective farm. His work experience was a record 135 years. This could not but be noted, and in 1956 a postage stamp with the name of Eyvazov was issued.

Mahmoud lived only a couple of months before his 153th birthday, but until his last day he remained physically active, mental clarity and love of life. How did he do that? Let's try to figure it out.

The Secrets of Longevity
- Enabling environment
Mahmud Eyvazov lived in a village at an altitude of 2,200 meters above sea level. The climate of the middle mountains is considered the most favorable for the human body. The fact is that at such a height, a person has a slight deficiency of oxygen in the blood. And this has a positive effect on health. The claim that the body needs maximum oxygen saturation is a myth. The level of carbon dioxide in the blood is no less important for health. The ideal balance is achieved in the climate of the middle mountains. Reserve capabilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are increased, metabolism improves.
In addition, in such a climate, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity occur much less often. All this also has a positive effect on well-being. It is also worth adding another feature - the lack of constant noise as in the metropolis. No fuss, a crowd of people and, accordingly, unnecessary stress.
Around only nature and contemplation of magnificent and picturesque mountains. Mahmoud said in an interview that he constantly admired Mount Savalan on the horizon. What else is needed for a happy life?
Climate is the determining factor, but not the only one. Everyone can’t go to the mountains. However, other secrets of longevity leave hope for residents of megacities. - Physical activity
In an interview, Eivazov mentions an old proverb: “The earth wears a worker for a long time and quickly swallows a lazy one.” By his example, Mahmoud proved the truthfulness of these words. All his life he worked as a shepherd, and at the same time worked in the collective farm. Every day he went to herd sheep, walking for miles in the fresh mountain air. What kind of physical activity is better to think of? His work helped him lead an active life and feel needed, which is equally important.
In modern man, work is mostly inactive. However, amid all the fuss, you still need to find time for a short walk. It may not replace a long walk in the meadows, but it will still be better than nothing at all. - Moderation in food
It was on this point that Mahmoud emphasized. I have seen people who had a lot of bread, a lot of meat, a lot of rice. Their main concern in life was to eat. The stomach swelled and fattened, and the body died of lack of air, selfishness and greed. Mahmoud never made a cult out of food, he ate moderate and simple food. Although he worked hard, his food was modest. Until his old age, he remained thin. It is worth noting that Eyvazov never drank alcohol, as he was a very devout person. - Hardened body and strict regime
Every morning Mahmoud went to the spring, where he bathed in cold water. He missed this procedure only on cold winter days. He attached special importance to hardening and the regime of the day: he went to bed on time, did not neglect lunch and knew how to rest well. I have seen and seen people who devote all their strength and energy to our common cause, often working day and night. These are golden people, but they ruin themselves with lack of sleep, neglect of the daily routine, often forget to eat lunch.
We punish a person for violating the rules of our society, but we do not punish him for not tempering his body. For starting his illnesses.” - Good mood and peace in the family
The main secret of Mahmoud’s longevity is his beautiful family. He had a wife 44 years younger than him and 7 daughters and 3 sons. They were his inspiration and the meaning of life. The head of the family always tried to maintain a good mood and cheerful mood. People who knew him often noted that Mahmoud was distinguished by affectionate speech and a kind smile. In routine and bustle, we often forget how important it is not to be discouraged, not to lose heart and not to quarrel with loved ones. How much energy is spent on trifles, house fights and other fuss. Better to spend this time on love!
In this video, you can see Mahmoud and his family. An amazing man!
If it's longevity, it's just that. Active, cheerful and with a love of life until the last breath. After so many years I want to say, as Mahmoud said, “I have lived for a century and a half.” I would like to live the same life.”
Such stories are inspiring. Recently, we shared with you the secrets of a happy life of 105-year-old doctor from Japan Shigeaki Hinohara.
The Japanese are famous for their longevity. And recently we talked about the secret of their happiness and longevity.
And also shared the rules of a long and healthy life from Katsuzo Nishi.
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