The Secret to the Longevity of a 102-Year-Old Woman No diets, the secret is...

We are always looking for new and new secrets of longevity and trying to find out how to live to old age. Who does not dream of living to 100 years, while remaining in a solid memory and keeping cheerful? Everyone dreams, but not everyone succeeds. But it is these lucky people who need to learn the secrets of a long and happy life.

And tonight. "Site" I will share with you the secrets of longevity of the sweetest woman from New Jersey, Conchita Talucci.

This sweet and bright woman turned 102 years old this year. She feels great, complains only that the memory is not the same, it became difficult to solve crossword puzzles. The woman is very cheerful and cheerful, she definitely does not look her age. She shared her secrets.

  1. No diets.
    When the woman was asked about her diet, she smiled and replied: “My bunnies, no diets!” Eat everything your eyes see. Eat whatever your hands reach.” But then she added, “Don’t overeat.” The woman does not advise to adhere to strict diets, but argues that the diet should be balanced. More grains, vegetables, fish, but fewer eggs, meat, and dairy products. She regularly eats oatmeal and fruit for breakfast.


  2. Get up every day and get to work.
    According to Conchita, if you like to watch TV in your pajamas, this habit can kill you early. She wakes up every day and dresses well. She is still busy with things: going to church, cleaning the house and much more. She says a person should have a job. People live as long as they do something.

  3. More walks.
    Walking in the fresh air is a guarantee of good health. You need to walk more, climb stairs, once again go for a walk with the dog - all this will strengthen you. Age should not be a barrier to this. 15 minutes of walking every day and you will feel your vitality return.


  4. Solve crossword puzzles
    In form you need to support not only your body, but also your mind. To do this, you need to constantly give him food, keep him in good shape. One of the best ways, according to a woman and many doctors, is to crossword puzzles. If you start to decide one a week when you're young, it will play into your hands when you're old. The woman continues to solve her weekly crossword puzzles even at 102.


  5. Never mad at anyone.
    Life is a complex thing, there are always situations that drive you out, and they do not depend on you. Only you can decide how to react to the situation. The woman says, I try to stay away from unpleasant people, places and things. I always look satisfied and grateful to the world for what I have.”

That's it, actually. longevityIt was shared by Conchita Talucci. It turns out that for longevity, not so much is needed: a balanced diet, a positive attitude and a couple of crossword puzzles. Little things, right?

Some will say that it is all about good genetics, heredity, climate, ecology and many other factors. It's all important, but it's not just that. What matters is your view of the world and what you fill the world with. Do what you love and love what you do. Happy and long years of your life!

What do you think of the advice of this lovely long-lived woman? Share with us in the comments!


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