How to prolong youth

Never get old is the desire of man from the earliest times. Oh. youth-elixir They dreamed of the rich, the rich, and the great rulers. The myth of the cure for aging was one of the most popular tools of various crooks who ripped off naive dreamers.

And although the development of science and medicine has given humanity a cure for many diseases, scientists are not able to prolong youth or even give immortality. But the process of aging is known enough to reason what lifestyle will help a person. delay.


Old age Lifestyle One of the factors determining the rate of aging. This is clearly visible, for example, at meetings of classmates or classmates, when one year after graduation look like people of completely different ages.

Someone was decimated by illness, someone worked hard all his life, and someone became dependent on bad habits. But these people not only look different, but also feel differently. Everyone has their own interests and goals that are related to their age.

“Plastic surgery will help to pull a young face, but in the heart you will remain an old man with sagging muscles”, – said the expert. Dr. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov.

He firmly believes that youth lives within us, and outside we see only the manifestations of our inner state. Lifestyle determines the rate of aging and consists of habits - what a person is used to doing regularly.

And here are the habits, according to Dr. Myasnikov, allow youth.

Good habits
  1. Sports activities
    Everyone can work to the best of their ability. Sport does not necessarily mean football, hockey or boxing. For physically unprepared people, even walking a brisk step or going to the fourth floor on the stairs will be considered a significant load. The main thing is to do everything regularly.
  2. Posture and stretching
    Seeing from afar the approach of a person, even without distinguishing the color of his hair or clothes, the figure can be concluded about his approximate age. A bent, shaking figure noticeably from afar, and it does not allow you to consider a person young, even if he is not so old by passport.


  3. Quitting bad habits
    This is not only about quitting cigarettes and moderate drinking. There are more bad habits than it seems at first glance. For example, uncontrolled absorption of sweets harms the body no less.
  4. Dried fruits and nuts
    Give up harmful sweets and cookies in favor of dried fruits and nuts - and take another step towards prolonging youth and gaining excellent physical shape.
  5. Self-development
    Lead an active life, be interested in new areas, communicate more and be open to many beautiful things that fill the world.


  6. Healthy sleep.
    Without proper rest, the body wears out faster. You can stay healthy, young and cheerful, maintaining a balance between work and rest.
  7. Walking in the fresh air
    People who live in eco-friendly areas look much younger than their years. This depends in part on the clean air they breathe regularly. Walking is useful not only for movement, but also for air, which in parks and forests is much cleaner than, say, in apartments.


  8. Sunshine control
    Constant stay under the scorching sunlight provokes skin problems and aggravates existing ones. Therefore, sunbathing should be taken moderately, not appearing in the heat at lunch.
  9. Positive attitude
    People who are looking for positive moments in everything are less worried about trifles, confident in the future, smile more and are less prone to depression. Optimism attracts people, so their life is more fun and brighter, which has a good effect on appearance.
  10. Enjoying life
    Who lives for pleasure, he listens to the body and does as he tells. Therefore, such a person easily preserves youth and lives a good, dignified and long life.


To look younger than your years, you should introduce these habits so that in the future they become an integral part of your lifestyle. The main thing is to allow changes to gradually enter into life, so as not to cause rejection.

People desperately try to preserve youth and beauty, but often they are not ready to radically change their lifestyle. And about that, How to prolong youthThe most famous personalities spoke. What are the secrets of youth 83-year-old Sophia Loren or 70-year-old Soviet actress Natalia Varley?

And you believe that youthfulness?


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