Fight for youth: are You afraid of old age?
Many people are afraid of old age, and different with this fear cope.
Men go to younger women, and women torture themselves and their body treatments and plastic surgery.
Fight for youth is becoming another problem.
Recently conducted a small survey and found that this topic is really relevant, and women of Mature age is frightening.
Afraid of the loss of youth and beauty, helplessness, poverty and loneliness.
Today we all see how women try to stay young in every age trying to make yourself younger. It becomes an obsession that haunts my mind.
Until a woman feels your feminine power, youth is the only thing that she has! So many women are so afraid to lose her.
Youth became a commodity. You can only sell juicy and fresh, but wrinkled and stale already not sell. So many are struggling to be young, clinging to youth struggling and at the age of 30, 40, 50, 60...
Why are women so afraid to age?
There is one important point:
— if you made the choice in his heart in favor of one man and build up long term relationship, this fear you will not;
— but if you are married, but are waiting for the best party, then naturally, this question you will excite.
Youth could not save, but physical attraction and beauty.
It is important to be in contact with itself. To understand themselves, to take care of yourself, love yourself, and not wait for approval.
Beauty is the awareness of its value at any age.
And if in youth the body, the skin, the hair did not require as much time and attention, with age you need more and more time to devote to yourself.
"Of course, we are not getting any younger and slimmer with age, and the birth of children. Before, I was confident in my beauty. And now see the flaws nemolodoy shape, aging skin, wrinkles, and cannot accept it. Although few engaged in their appearance and completely abandoned the sport. The second month are going to go to a fitness club – but every day delayed (children, kitchen, etc.). Like struggling, and internal incentive to fix something I can't find. The result is a complex about their appearance and even began to slouch".
What good complexes? To preserve the physical attractiveness and beauty, you have to do something.
Eat right, drink clean water, have enough sleep, less nervous, more relax and happy.
To Mature age to enjoy themselves and to be beautiful, you must first find a common language with your body.
Neither in 20 nor 30 years, I didn't really like myself as like now. I like my reflection in the mirror, my energy. I don't compare myself with anyone and don't want to be a blonde (for example). Don't want to change your eye color or to make their hair straight, make your hips flat. I, like many, unruly, wavy hair that takes a long time to lay. And if in my youth I all the time was concerned, but today I just found a common language with them.
If a woman does not know how to take care of themselves, do not know how to love yourself, in adulthood waiting for her some frustration. So much given and received in return? The devastation and pain.
"I no longer expect the world will give me what I want, and began to give it myself"
Byron Katie
If in your heart there is love of yourself, your face is beautiful. Look — bright, wise and peaceful. If inside you are full of anger, irritability, greed — it all appears on the face, and it becomes a terrible, old and evil.
Someone afraid of the aesthetic aspect and wrinkled face and body, and other old age scares the physical side:
"Old age to me is helplessness and loneliness. I would prefer not to live in those times than to experience it."
If you are afraid of old age, then it's just your General state of neurosis and fear, only a new problem in the heap of common problems.
When it decreases, necessarily arrives at a different place. Speaking of adulthood, I decided to talk about the losses, but few people spoke about the acquisitions and the benefit of this age.
With age comes the confidence, freedom and independence. Every phase of life, like the seasons, beautiful in its own way. You need to properly welcome the spring, to live properly in the summer to enjoy the peace of winter.
Stop thinking that you just lose will to live on a minimum pension.
Loneliness does not threaten you, if you like, if you give love! If you are willing to share and care.
And no matter how much you may be years, you can discover their talents. Many women found their job after 40, after I married and had children.
It is also important to remember that you are not only the parents of the children, you are a man and a woman. When children leave the nest, there is a vacuum, because the relationship was kept on the care and raising of children, no more common and valuable. Many women remain alone and not because they are old, but because they missed the point. We must always remember about her husband, as a man, and in your heart there must be love for man, and not only to the children.
When the kids leave, you and your husband it can become a Golden time, you will be able to enjoy the freedom a relationship but if a relationship is not and was not, for you it will become a source of problems and disappointments in each other.
Also interesting: old Age in our head
To cheat old age: why are some people in the 70 blow up the dance floor, while others can barely walk
Of course you need to learn to build relationships not only with your loved ones, but also with other people. Be generous with attention and love.
You need to consciously prepare for this period and not to be afraid of him. And the main preparation is that you need to learn to LOVE.
To love yourself, others, and you will always get pleasure from life at any age.published
Author: Tatiana Dzuceva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: womancosmo.ru/happy-habbits/a-vy-boites-starosti.html
Men go to younger women, and women torture themselves and their body treatments and plastic surgery.
Fight for youth is becoming another problem.
Recently conducted a small survey and found that this topic is really relevant, and women of Mature age is frightening.

Afraid of the loss of youth and beauty, helplessness, poverty and loneliness.
Today we all see how women try to stay young in every age trying to make yourself younger. It becomes an obsession that haunts my mind.
Until a woman feels your feminine power, youth is the only thing that she has! So many women are so afraid to lose her.
Youth became a commodity. You can only sell juicy and fresh, but wrinkled and stale already not sell. So many are struggling to be young, clinging to youth struggling and at the age of 30, 40, 50, 60...
Why are women so afraid to age?
There is one important point:
— if you made the choice in his heart in favor of one man and build up long term relationship, this fear you will not;
— but if you are married, but are waiting for the best party, then naturally, this question you will excite.
Youth could not save, but physical attraction and beauty.
It is important to be in contact with itself. To understand themselves, to take care of yourself, love yourself, and not wait for approval.

Beauty is the awareness of its value at any age.
And if in youth the body, the skin, the hair did not require as much time and attention, with age you need more and more time to devote to yourself.
"Of course, we are not getting any younger and slimmer with age, and the birth of children. Before, I was confident in my beauty. And now see the flaws nemolodoy shape, aging skin, wrinkles, and cannot accept it. Although few engaged in their appearance and completely abandoned the sport. The second month are going to go to a fitness club – but every day delayed (children, kitchen, etc.). Like struggling, and internal incentive to fix something I can't find. The result is a complex about their appearance and even began to slouch".
What good complexes? To preserve the physical attractiveness and beauty, you have to do something.
Eat right, drink clean water, have enough sleep, less nervous, more relax and happy.
To Mature age to enjoy themselves and to be beautiful, you must first find a common language with your body.
Neither in 20 nor 30 years, I didn't really like myself as like now. I like my reflection in the mirror, my energy. I don't compare myself with anyone and don't want to be a blonde (for example). Don't want to change your eye color or to make their hair straight, make your hips flat. I, like many, unruly, wavy hair that takes a long time to lay. And if in my youth I all the time was concerned, but today I just found a common language with them.
If a woman does not know how to take care of themselves, do not know how to love yourself, in adulthood waiting for her some frustration. So much given and received in return? The devastation and pain.
"I no longer expect the world will give me what I want, and began to give it myself"
Byron Katie
If in your heart there is love of yourself, your face is beautiful. Look — bright, wise and peaceful. If inside you are full of anger, irritability, greed — it all appears on the face, and it becomes a terrible, old and evil.
Someone afraid of the aesthetic aspect and wrinkled face and body, and other old age scares the physical side:
"Old age to me is helplessness and loneliness. I would prefer not to live in those times than to experience it."
If you are afraid of old age, then it's just your General state of neurosis and fear, only a new problem in the heap of common problems.
When it decreases, necessarily arrives at a different place. Speaking of adulthood, I decided to talk about the losses, but few people spoke about the acquisitions and the benefit of this age.
With age comes the confidence, freedom and independence. Every phase of life, like the seasons, beautiful in its own way. You need to properly welcome the spring, to live properly in the summer to enjoy the peace of winter.
Stop thinking that you just lose will to live on a minimum pension.
Loneliness does not threaten you, if you like, if you give love! If you are willing to share and care.
And no matter how much you may be years, you can discover their talents. Many women found their job after 40, after I married and had children.
It is also important to remember that you are not only the parents of the children, you are a man and a woman. When children leave the nest, there is a vacuum, because the relationship was kept on the care and raising of children, no more common and valuable. Many women remain alone and not because they are old, but because they missed the point. We must always remember about her husband, as a man, and in your heart there must be love for man, and not only to the children.
When the kids leave, you and your husband it can become a Golden time, you will be able to enjoy the freedom a relationship but if a relationship is not and was not, for you it will become a source of problems and disappointments in each other.
Also interesting: old Age in our head
To cheat old age: why are some people in the 70 blow up the dance floor, while others can barely walk
Of course you need to learn to build relationships not only with your loved ones, but also with other people. Be generous with attention and love.
You need to consciously prepare for this period and not to be afraid of him. And the main preparation is that you need to learn to LOVE.
To love yourself, others, and you will always get pleasure from life at any age.published
Author: Tatiana Dzuceva
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: womancosmo.ru/happy-habbits/a-vy-boites-starosti.html
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