Theodore G. Corners: little Man of the century
One thing is certain: aging is a natural process of development, and a return to youth is impossible. At the same time, all scientists agree that aging can be a normal, physiological, that is slowly and gradually developing process, or Vice versa, it may come unnaturally fast, that is to be pathological, premature.
If in the first case we speak of physiological age ending in natural death, the second — speak about pathological, premature old age, ending in premature death.
Therefore all the attention of scientists currently aimed at studying the conditions that allow people to live long, as well as the reasons for reducing his life, causes its early aging. For answers to these questions, there is a whole science — gerontology — with its institutions, laboratories, and an army of scientists.
Of course, it is difficult to expect that such a complex issue that thousands of years mankind has been interested in and have not received a response, will be solved in a short time. However, they have received scientific data allow us to identify the ways in which should move humanity to make their lives long and happy.
First of all we must answer this question: do we really need to live a long life? This question is not invented by me.
L. N. Tolstoy, the great Russian writer and thinker, at the age of 82 years, wrote in his notebook: "In old age think live his life, but on the contrary, there is the precious and necessary work of life for myself and for others. The value of life is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from death".
It is known that people in extreme old age set an example of inspired work, brought great joy and happiness by the creators, and those around them. So Goethe in ' 82 wrote "Faust", Verdi in 79 years has created one of his best operas "Falstaff", and in 81 the year — "King Lear", I. P. Pavlov at the age of 85 has performed a series of remarkable studies on the higher nervous activity to the end of his days continued to work the head of one of the largest groups of scientists and their students. Bernard Shaw at the age of 90 wrote a brilliant article. Hence old age does not necessarily mean feebleness and helplessness. It all depends, on the one hand, from the man himself, his intellect, his willingness and ability to maintain their vitality, not to waste their waste on excesses and dissolute life, and on the other hand, from the culture and humanity of a society that takes care of those who at one time worked for him.
Analysis of modern life convinces us that our life is unacceptably short and trim it often ourselves. If a person wants to do something useful for society, it needs long and hard to learn. Studies in middle and high school is 15-16 years. Then the man three years running after graduation. Then, if it's a scientist, he enrolled in graduate school and five years writing a dissertation, and then, together with practical work, the ten years it takes him to write a doctoral thesis.
All these years people still learning. An established professional, which itself can teach others, he becomes, on average, to 45 years, having studied for 38 years. On the basis of common sense, he should teach others also less than 38 years. But very often a doctoral thesis defending 50 and even 55 years! How much will remain of time that they will give people in my many years of study?! I say this because the life of modern man must be greatly increased compared to the same periods in human life.
When old age starts?
Turns out it's not such a simple question, and responses were given and are given a variety of different scientists, not only at different times, but even simultaneously.
In ancient Egyptian legend, the old man says, "come To me old age. My eyes blinded, my hands no strength, my legs refuse to serve, my heart is weary" [M. D. Grimmen. Gerontology. M. 1964, p. 32.]. Hippocrates writes that the elderly are cold, lethargic temperament, the blood at old age is diluted and the amount is reduced, the skin and the muscles atrophied, the youthful elasticity of the body disappeared.
Later came work on the description of the psyche and the anatomy of the elderly. It was found that anatomical changes do not only depend on age, but also from diseases that often accompany old age.
One thing is certain: the concept of old age is very individual and depends on climate, national characteristics, lifestyle, intelligence, addiction to bad habits, the nature of a particular individual, etc.
And at the same time, hardly anyone in the present age 40-42 years old will be considered as the beginning of old age, and 56 or even 63 years — the beginning of old age. If in this age someone looks very old, but on closer study of this "old man" must be revealed a long and heavy abuse of alcohol or nicotine, or severe exhausting disease in adverse social conditions. But the higher the intelligence, the longer the person retains the features characteristic of youth. Can wear out prematurely and some character traits.
So, according to the observations of scientists ahead of time grow old evil, unfriendly people, while kind, open much longer retain youth and energy. Exactly the same people doing the dastardly deeds, slandering honest people, dealing with squabbles and deceit, people, always hiding his own face, and living in an environment of cheating, misanthropy, people are selfish, thinking only of their own profit —in short, people are angry and loafers — grow old much faster than people are honest, noble, seeking to do good to others and dedicated to work.
And this, from the point of view of the doctrine of I. P. Pavlov, finds the explanation. In fact, no matter how hardened in infamy was no man, every time he commits an evil deed, which, when solved, can bring him punishment, he inadvertently, somewhere in the depth, which breeds fear. And shrink all the vessels, including those feeding the heart and brain. There is a spasm of blood vessels — that is, the lack of blood supply and, consequently, premature wear. The same people, doing good deeds, honest and noble, you feel joy; their organs and tissues normally supplied with blood, and premature wear does not occur.
What is the limit of human life?
What is the term of life allotted to man by God? To this question to answer difficult. The vast majority of the fauna is short-lived. Rats — 30 months, mice of 3.5 years, cat — 9-10 years, wolves and dogs — 10-15 years, moles and horses up to 40 years, some birds (eagles, swans, crows, parrots) — up to 100 years, whales are on average 32 years, elephants — 69 years (although individual members live up to 100 years). Among mammals the longest living people. However, what is the limit of its life, impossible to say. According to the Bible, Adam lived 930 years, Noah — 950 years, Methuselah — 969 years. Modern theologians doubt the veracity of such records.
However, in scientific, scientific-popular and socio-political literature describes many cases of long-life people who are perceived as credible. So misleading that in Pakistan at the age of 180 years died tribal chief Muhammad's Effsea; his father died at the age of over 200 years. Ossetian the Tens Absive lived 180 years. Same lived the resident of the Grozny region Haiti Archery.
A resident of Hungary Zoltan Petra died at the age of 186 years. English fisherman Henry Jenneke died at the age of 169 years in Yorkshire. Another Englishman, Thomas Parr arrived from Yorkshire to London in 1635, to face king Charles I as a miracle of longevity. This English peasant claimed that he was 152 years and 9 months that he survived nine kings and lived from XV to XVII century. Parr died suddenly in London. Its opening was invited to the court physician William Harvey who discovered blood circulation. He wrote a treatise on the autopsy results, which did not question the age of Parra. Death occurred from sudden overeating.
Analyzing the lives of animals, some scholars put forward this theory: if the horse to grow up and become an adult, you have 3-4 years, and she lives 30-40 years; if the dog is to grow up and become adult it is necessary 1,5— 2 years, and she lives 15-20 years, i.e., 7-10 times more, on the basis of this relationship, the person who becomes an adult to 20 years, should live more than 100 years (150-200).
All known long-livers, including Thomas Parr 152 years, Zaro Aga or — died from disease, not from age. First, from sudden overeating at the Royal table, and the second from uremic coma caused by hypertrophy of the prostate. Made the autopsy of the elderly confirmed that none of them died of old age, all died of certain diseases.
Many scientists believe that outstanding longevity is primarily a hereditary property.
I think we all agree with Hippocrates, who wrote: "Life is short". I would add: "Outrageously short".
Isn't it time for us to conduct a thorough analysis of our life and establish, if we live his life, and if not — what are the causes which reduce it?
A man throws thousands of billions for the invention of weapons destroying people. Whether it is a small fraction of these funds to spend on it to if not to extend, at least not to shorten our lives. Therefore, along with the fact that we will try to tell here about how to make our lives longer, we have to say that you have to do in order not to shorten his life and the lives of others.
Life is inevitably accompanied by aging. Changes in the human body occur after the age of 20 years, i.e., barely having reached maturity, our body slowly begins to lean to old age. But only after 60 years found new signs that make adult in the old man. The best and easiest way he said: "a Common old age is a stage of existence of the body, when the forces are weakened and reduced, no more to return".
To accurately specify the age limit at which old age begins, it is impossible. Different people have a different aging occurs in different ways and depends on many reasons: from a social-economic, hereditary to, shall we say, has not been studied.
The cause of old age is not to be sought in the changes of the individual organ or system of organs, and the changes in the whole organism, whose activities are regulated by the nervous system. Especially big role in premature aging of the body playing its highest — cortex. The healthy organism whose nervous system is functioning properly and provides all of its features.
In confirmation of this view by the experiments carried out on dogs who were given too much for them prolonged nervous stress, causes of systematic over-voltage the nervous system. This led to the overexertion of the cerebral cortex. Dogs quickly kahlili, became morose and died from various diseases. At the same time, control dogs, developing in normal conditions, no sick, and lived a lot longer experimental. The disruption of the Central nervous system, mainly the cerebral cortex, can cause premature aging as a disease. Upset the nervous system alters the normal functioning of the heart, respiratory and digestive apparatus, metabolism and other vital functions, modifies the physiological processes that provide the protective abilities of the organism and a state of equilibrium with the external environment. Experiments show that disruption of higher nervous activity greatly disturbed the functioning of the internal organs, which creates conditions for the early wear of the body, and hence of premature death.
But, on the other hand, and inaction, complacency, a complete absence of annoying and excitatory factors leading to long life.
The longest in Pavlov's experiments, it turns out, she lives a group of dogs, which is not subjected to excessive irritation, but not put in terms of rest, lack of irritation and inactivity, i.e. it is in normal "dog" conditions. The same can be said about the man.
In short, if the long life of the dog need not a special human, a normal dog's condition, and the person needs to live in human and not in the "dog" conditions in which he often lives just because these conditions have placed his society. Often (most often) a man lives in the "dog" conditions that they have created themselves (drinking, Smoking, breaks the mode of labor, rest, sleep, etc.) or society in connection with extreme events (war, earthquake, flood), or social disruption.
But we must understand: no matter how early, no old people, no matter what the reasons for this, either brought — back youth is impossible. Lost youth never to return. But you can save... Save. And keep for a very long time!
I say this with full responsibility for his words, because in 95 years I can drive lectures and doing (without glasses) complex operations.
Author: Theodore G. Corners P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_5408%2Fall
If in the first case we speak of physiological age ending in natural death, the second — speak about pathological, premature old age, ending in premature death.
Therefore all the attention of scientists currently aimed at studying the conditions that allow people to live long, as well as the reasons for reducing his life, causes its early aging. For answers to these questions, there is a whole science — gerontology — with its institutions, laboratories, and an army of scientists.

Of course, it is difficult to expect that such a complex issue that thousands of years mankind has been interested in and have not received a response, will be solved in a short time. However, they have received scientific data allow us to identify the ways in which should move humanity to make their lives long and happy.
First of all we must answer this question: do we really need to live a long life? This question is not invented by me.
L. N. Tolstoy, the great Russian writer and thinker, at the age of 82 years, wrote in his notebook: "In old age think live his life, but on the contrary, there is the precious and necessary work of life for myself and for others. The value of life is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from death".
It is known that people in extreme old age set an example of inspired work, brought great joy and happiness by the creators, and those around them. So Goethe in ' 82 wrote "Faust", Verdi in 79 years has created one of his best operas "Falstaff", and in 81 the year — "King Lear", I. P. Pavlov at the age of 85 has performed a series of remarkable studies on the higher nervous activity to the end of his days continued to work the head of one of the largest groups of scientists and their students. Bernard Shaw at the age of 90 wrote a brilliant article. Hence old age does not necessarily mean feebleness and helplessness. It all depends, on the one hand, from the man himself, his intellect, his willingness and ability to maintain their vitality, not to waste their waste on excesses and dissolute life, and on the other hand, from the culture and humanity of a society that takes care of those who at one time worked for him.
Analysis of modern life convinces us that our life is unacceptably short and trim it often ourselves. If a person wants to do something useful for society, it needs long and hard to learn. Studies in middle and high school is 15-16 years. Then the man three years running after graduation. Then, if it's a scientist, he enrolled in graduate school and five years writing a dissertation, and then, together with practical work, the ten years it takes him to write a doctoral thesis.
All these years people still learning. An established professional, which itself can teach others, he becomes, on average, to 45 years, having studied for 38 years. On the basis of common sense, he should teach others also less than 38 years. But very often a doctoral thesis defending 50 and even 55 years! How much will remain of time that they will give people in my many years of study?! I say this because the life of modern man must be greatly increased compared to the same periods in human life.
When old age starts?
Turns out it's not such a simple question, and responses were given and are given a variety of different scientists, not only at different times, but even simultaneously.
In ancient Egyptian legend, the old man says, "come To me old age. My eyes blinded, my hands no strength, my legs refuse to serve, my heart is weary" [M. D. Grimmen. Gerontology. M. 1964, p. 32.]. Hippocrates writes that the elderly are cold, lethargic temperament, the blood at old age is diluted and the amount is reduced, the skin and the muscles atrophied, the youthful elasticity of the body disappeared.
Later came work on the description of the psyche and the anatomy of the elderly. It was found that anatomical changes do not only depend on age, but also from diseases that often accompany old age.
One thing is certain: the concept of old age is very individual and depends on climate, national characteristics, lifestyle, intelligence, addiction to bad habits, the nature of a particular individual, etc.
And at the same time, hardly anyone in the present age 40-42 years old will be considered as the beginning of old age, and 56 or even 63 years — the beginning of old age. If in this age someone looks very old, but on closer study of this "old man" must be revealed a long and heavy abuse of alcohol or nicotine, or severe exhausting disease in adverse social conditions. But the higher the intelligence, the longer the person retains the features characteristic of youth. Can wear out prematurely and some character traits.
So, according to the observations of scientists ahead of time grow old evil, unfriendly people, while kind, open much longer retain youth and energy. Exactly the same people doing the dastardly deeds, slandering honest people, dealing with squabbles and deceit, people, always hiding his own face, and living in an environment of cheating, misanthropy, people are selfish, thinking only of their own profit —in short, people are angry and loafers — grow old much faster than people are honest, noble, seeking to do good to others and dedicated to work.
And this, from the point of view of the doctrine of I. P. Pavlov, finds the explanation. In fact, no matter how hardened in infamy was no man, every time he commits an evil deed, which, when solved, can bring him punishment, he inadvertently, somewhere in the depth, which breeds fear. And shrink all the vessels, including those feeding the heart and brain. There is a spasm of blood vessels — that is, the lack of blood supply and, consequently, premature wear. The same people, doing good deeds, honest and noble, you feel joy; their organs and tissues normally supplied with blood, and premature wear does not occur.
What is the limit of human life?
What is the term of life allotted to man by God? To this question to answer difficult. The vast majority of the fauna is short-lived. Rats — 30 months, mice of 3.5 years, cat — 9-10 years, wolves and dogs — 10-15 years, moles and horses up to 40 years, some birds (eagles, swans, crows, parrots) — up to 100 years, whales are on average 32 years, elephants — 69 years (although individual members live up to 100 years). Among mammals the longest living people. However, what is the limit of its life, impossible to say. According to the Bible, Adam lived 930 years, Noah — 950 years, Methuselah — 969 years. Modern theologians doubt the veracity of such records.
However, in scientific, scientific-popular and socio-political literature describes many cases of long-life people who are perceived as credible. So misleading that in Pakistan at the age of 180 years died tribal chief Muhammad's Effsea; his father died at the age of over 200 years. Ossetian the Tens Absive lived 180 years. Same lived the resident of the Grozny region Haiti Archery.
A resident of Hungary Zoltan Petra died at the age of 186 years. English fisherman Henry Jenneke died at the age of 169 years in Yorkshire. Another Englishman, Thomas Parr arrived from Yorkshire to London in 1635, to face king Charles I as a miracle of longevity. This English peasant claimed that he was 152 years and 9 months that he survived nine kings and lived from XV to XVII century. Parr died suddenly in London. Its opening was invited to the court physician William Harvey who discovered blood circulation. He wrote a treatise on the autopsy results, which did not question the age of Parra. Death occurred from sudden overeating.
Analyzing the lives of animals, some scholars put forward this theory: if the horse to grow up and become an adult, you have 3-4 years, and she lives 30-40 years; if the dog is to grow up and become adult it is necessary 1,5— 2 years, and she lives 15-20 years, i.e., 7-10 times more, on the basis of this relationship, the person who becomes an adult to 20 years, should live more than 100 years (150-200).
All known long-livers, including Thomas Parr 152 years, Zaro Aga or — died from disease, not from age. First, from sudden overeating at the Royal table, and the second from uremic coma caused by hypertrophy of the prostate. Made the autopsy of the elderly confirmed that none of them died of old age, all died of certain diseases.
Many scientists believe that outstanding longevity is primarily a hereditary property.
I think we all agree with Hippocrates, who wrote: "Life is short". I would add: "Outrageously short".
Isn't it time for us to conduct a thorough analysis of our life and establish, if we live his life, and if not — what are the causes which reduce it?
A man throws thousands of billions for the invention of weapons destroying people. Whether it is a small fraction of these funds to spend on it to if not to extend, at least not to shorten our lives. Therefore, along with the fact that we will try to tell here about how to make our lives longer, we have to say that you have to do in order not to shorten his life and the lives of others.
Life is inevitably accompanied by aging. Changes in the human body occur after the age of 20 years, i.e., barely having reached maturity, our body slowly begins to lean to old age. But only after 60 years found new signs that make adult in the old man. The best and easiest way he said: "a Common old age is a stage of existence of the body, when the forces are weakened and reduced, no more to return".
To accurately specify the age limit at which old age begins, it is impossible. Different people have a different aging occurs in different ways and depends on many reasons: from a social-economic, hereditary to, shall we say, has not been studied.
The cause of old age is not to be sought in the changes of the individual organ or system of organs, and the changes in the whole organism, whose activities are regulated by the nervous system. Especially big role in premature aging of the body playing its highest — cortex. The healthy organism whose nervous system is functioning properly and provides all of its features.
In confirmation of this view by the experiments carried out on dogs who were given too much for them prolonged nervous stress, causes of systematic over-voltage the nervous system. This led to the overexertion of the cerebral cortex. Dogs quickly kahlili, became morose and died from various diseases. At the same time, control dogs, developing in normal conditions, no sick, and lived a lot longer experimental. The disruption of the Central nervous system, mainly the cerebral cortex, can cause premature aging as a disease. Upset the nervous system alters the normal functioning of the heart, respiratory and digestive apparatus, metabolism and other vital functions, modifies the physiological processes that provide the protective abilities of the organism and a state of equilibrium with the external environment. Experiments show that disruption of higher nervous activity greatly disturbed the functioning of the internal organs, which creates conditions for the early wear of the body, and hence of premature death.
But, on the other hand, and inaction, complacency, a complete absence of annoying and excitatory factors leading to long life.
The longest in Pavlov's experiments, it turns out, she lives a group of dogs, which is not subjected to excessive irritation, but not put in terms of rest, lack of irritation and inactivity, i.e. it is in normal "dog" conditions. The same can be said about the man.
In short, if the long life of the dog need not a special human, a normal dog's condition, and the person needs to live in human and not in the "dog" conditions in which he often lives just because these conditions have placed his society. Often (most often) a man lives in the "dog" conditions that they have created themselves (drinking, Smoking, breaks the mode of labor, rest, sleep, etc.) or society in connection with extreme events (war, earthquake, flood), or social disruption.
But we must understand: no matter how early, no old people, no matter what the reasons for this, either brought — back youth is impossible. Lost youth never to return. But you can save... Save. And keep for a very long time!
I say this with full responsibility for his words, because in 95 years I can drive lectures and doing (without glasses) complex operations.
Author: Theodore G. Corners P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/probujdeniechelovechnost?w=wall-66683693_5408%2Fall