"Death - it's the door to the other in the world!" The sensational statement by a scientist who survived clinical death.
If many events in life can prepare in advance, that is such a tragic moments that no one warned in advance. As you understand, we are talking about death. Unfortunately, sometimes it comes so suddenly and unexpectedly, taking the most friends and relatives did not even have time to blink an eye. And, worst of all, no one does not know, as there is, over the horizon, when we close our eyes ... Leading design engineer of OKB "Impulse" Vladimir Efremov was able to visit in the world to live and return. What he shares in his revelations, it defies explanation. Team Ofigenno.cc offers you to stay back and read the story of an incredible journey to the next world. His report on the afterlife became at the time a world sensation, because it is the first application of the scientist that awaits us after death. Goosebumps, does this really?
Beginning of the End
Vladimir went to the light suddenly and unpredictably: just came in coughing and sat down on the couch to relax, and ... froze. When my sister Natalia, doctor, realized what had happened, she instantly started to make Brother artificial respiration, massage the chest to make the heart. The body Volodya answered only in the eighth minute frantic attempts Natalia - the heart beat again. It was like a miracle, because the chances of survival in such cases downright worthless. Sister started hugging his brother might. She later admitted that she had not expected to see him alive, thinking that this is the end. "There is no end - Vladimir G. whispered. - There is also life. But another. Better ... "Subsequent memories Ephraim set the scientific world on its head.
Ephraim, like the real researcher, trusted by many. That he was involved in sending Gagarin into space. His research team four times been awarded the highest state scientific awards. Prior to his apparent death Yefremov considered himself an atheist, and all the facts about the existence of God - nonsense information dope. The scientist himself could not boast of good health: the heart has long been junk, chronic bronchitis did not give light normally open, however, as is often the case, go to the doctor it was still busy. March 12, Ephraim had an attack: light due to heavy coughing refused to breathe, the body was cotton, the heart stopped beating. But consciousness is not shut off, and soon the engineer felt extraordinary lightness throughout the body. He argues that the impression that he was flying through the tube and, moreover, able to control your flight (just like in the works of Bach). However, there is no fear, no discomfort, no sense of dissolution - Only an exceptional lightness. The most important thing at the moment he could think, and therefore soglaen Descartes existed.
The tube
"My mind has worked quite differently than before. It covered all at once at the same time, for him there was neither time nor distance. I admired around the world. It has been rolled into a tube like. Sun is not seen everywhere, even light without casting a shadow. On the walls of the tube seen some heterogeneous structures resembling relief. It was impossible to determine where the top and bottom where "- Vladimir G. confessed in an interview. The terrain over which the flight made a respected scientist, was very similar to the ridges. Then he realized that his memory has some new superpowers - he could easily return to the place that drew in his mind. It was akin to teleportation.
Past TV
Efremov suddenly felt all-powerful, even almighty. He began to wonder how his mind can affect the outside world and unable to see whether it is his past life. Then, suddenly appeared in the memory image of an old TV from the last apartment. However, this time in front of his eyes was not just a lifeless box, and more. Now Vladimir G. could see everything: from which the ore was smelted design TV, steelworker, who did it, the plant where produced a miracle of technology. Then Efremov went even further: he tried to change a broken transistor and his "box" suddenly started to work as good as new. Then the scientist realized that the power of his thoughts is huge. He saw the algorithm for solving the problem on which his whole team was sitting more than one year. I Remember, recorded and implemented.
God is?
At first, Vladimir G. thought that he was alone in the other world that he controls everything that happens to him. After some time, Efremov felt: he manages some higher power, one omnipresent. And that someone was trying to do everything in order not to scare off "newcomer." As recognized scientist, he felt: at the supreme being (rather higher matter), there are no boundaries - it fills the entire space. It can not be seen, but his presence was felt quite keenly right every cell of the body. Vladimir G. realized that it is God. Suddenly there was a struggling start Engineer pull up, like a little kid trying to pull a huge carrot from the garden. Efremov saw the face of her sister. She was scared to death, and the scientific world as blessed.
Do compare the world of the living with the light?
"Unlike our world, all processes take place in the other realm is not linear, and stretched in time ... Objects" in the other world "are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. All and all are with each other in a causal relationship. Objects and properties are enclosed in a single global information structure, in which everything is predetermined by the leading subject (God's) laws. He is subject to the appearance, change, or remove any objects, properties, processes, including travel time, "- Efremov tried to explain after his miraculous resurrection.
These information streams of people, too, can affect the objects in the field available to him. It is very similar to the plot of the famous movie "Solaris", "The Matrix", any computer game. Our world is more static, it has a set of constants, which provide immutable law, is spreading. Time also have great value: it is the link of many events. In the other world is not so constantly, as we do, there is a constant easily modified. The basis of the construction of the world in the Information Education, containing the entire set of known and unknown properties of material objects in the absence of the objects themselves. That is why the recognition of all those who have been "on the other side of the River Styx", very different from each other. Everyone sees what he wants to see! Many people believe that dying patients. Efremov also states otherwise: death - this is the magic that only can happen to a person. It's not even a thousand times better than the love of a woman ...
Life After Death
His invaluable experience Vladimir G. decided to apply in practice. It is in the next world he knew where the key to many doors that were previously closed. "Thinking of all the people has the property of causality. But few people realize this. In order not to cause harm to themselves and others, you need to follow the religious rules of life. The holy books are dictated by the Creator, is the safety of mankind "- says the man, who had felt an avid atheist.
As you can see, this "journey" opened the eyes of the great scientist and forced to radically revise their perception of the world. Even a person who is accustomed to the bone explain everything through science, he admitted that a higher power exists. As a joke by the people: Communism - the first private capital to atheism - shaking up the first flight ... Tell me about these sensational statements to friends and do not forget to share with us your opinion in the comments on this subject.

Beginning of the End
Vladimir went to the light suddenly and unpredictably: just came in coughing and sat down on the couch to relax, and ... froze. When my sister Natalia, doctor, realized what had happened, she instantly started to make Brother artificial respiration, massage the chest to make the heart. The body Volodya answered only in the eighth minute frantic attempts Natalia - the heart beat again. It was like a miracle, because the chances of survival in such cases downright worthless. Sister started hugging his brother might. She later admitted that she had not expected to see him alive, thinking that this is the end. "There is no end - Vladimir G. whispered. - There is also life. But another. Better ... "Subsequent memories Ephraim set the scientific world on its head.
Ephraim, like the real researcher, trusted by many. That he was involved in sending Gagarin into space. His research team four times been awarded the highest state scientific awards. Prior to his apparent death Yefremov considered himself an atheist, and all the facts about the existence of God - nonsense information dope. The scientist himself could not boast of good health: the heart has long been junk, chronic bronchitis did not give light normally open, however, as is often the case, go to the doctor it was still busy. March 12, Ephraim had an attack: light due to heavy coughing refused to breathe, the body was cotton, the heart stopped beating. But consciousness is not shut off, and soon the engineer felt extraordinary lightness throughout the body. He argues that the impression that he was flying through the tube and, moreover, able to control your flight (just like in the works of Bach). However, there is no fear, no discomfort, no sense of dissolution - Only an exceptional lightness. The most important thing at the moment he could think, and therefore soglaen Descartes existed.
The tube
"My mind has worked quite differently than before. It covered all at once at the same time, for him there was neither time nor distance. I admired around the world. It has been rolled into a tube like. Sun is not seen everywhere, even light without casting a shadow. On the walls of the tube seen some heterogeneous structures resembling relief. It was impossible to determine where the top and bottom where "- Vladimir G. confessed in an interview. The terrain over which the flight made a respected scientist, was very similar to the ridges. Then he realized that his memory has some new superpowers - he could easily return to the place that drew in his mind. It was akin to teleportation.

Past TV
Efremov suddenly felt all-powerful, even almighty. He began to wonder how his mind can affect the outside world and unable to see whether it is his past life. Then, suddenly appeared in the memory image of an old TV from the last apartment. However, this time in front of his eyes was not just a lifeless box, and more. Now Vladimir G. could see everything: from which the ore was smelted design TV, steelworker, who did it, the plant where produced a miracle of technology. Then Efremov went even further: he tried to change a broken transistor and his "box" suddenly started to work as good as new. Then the scientist realized that the power of his thoughts is huge. He saw the algorithm for solving the problem on which his whole team was sitting more than one year. I Remember, recorded and implemented.
God is?
At first, Vladimir G. thought that he was alone in the other world that he controls everything that happens to him. After some time, Efremov felt: he manages some higher power, one omnipresent. And that someone was trying to do everything in order not to scare off "newcomer." As recognized scientist, he felt: at the supreme being (rather higher matter), there are no boundaries - it fills the entire space. It can not be seen, but his presence was felt quite keenly right every cell of the body. Vladimir G. realized that it is God. Suddenly there was a struggling start Engineer pull up, like a little kid trying to pull a huge carrot from the garden. Efremov saw the face of her sister. She was scared to death, and the scientific world as blessed.
Do compare the world of the living with the light?
"Unlike our world, all processes take place in the other realm is not linear, and stretched in time ... Objects" in the other world "are presented in the form of information blocks, the content of which determines their location and properties. All and all are with each other in a causal relationship. Objects and properties are enclosed in a single global information structure, in which everything is predetermined by the leading subject (God's) laws. He is subject to the appearance, change, or remove any objects, properties, processes, including travel time, "- Efremov tried to explain after his miraculous resurrection.

These information streams of people, too, can affect the objects in the field available to him. It is very similar to the plot of the famous movie "Solaris", "The Matrix", any computer game. Our world is more static, it has a set of constants, which provide immutable law, is spreading. Time also have great value: it is the link of many events. In the other world is not so constantly, as we do, there is a constant easily modified. The basis of the construction of the world in the Information Education, containing the entire set of known and unknown properties of material objects in the absence of the objects themselves. That is why the recognition of all those who have been "on the other side of the River Styx", very different from each other. Everyone sees what he wants to see! Many people believe that dying patients. Efremov also states otherwise: death - this is the magic that only can happen to a person. It's not even a thousand times better than the love of a woman ...
Life After Death
His invaluable experience Vladimir G. decided to apply in practice. It is in the next world he knew where the key to many doors that were previously closed. "Thinking of all the people has the property of causality. But few people realize this. In order not to cause harm to themselves and others, you need to follow the religious rules of life. The holy books are dictated by the Creator, is the safety of mankind "- says the man, who had felt an avid atheist.
As you can see, this "journey" opened the eyes of the great scientist and forced to radically revise their perception of the world. Even a person who is accustomed to the bone explain everything through science, he admitted that a higher power exists. As a joke by the people: Communism - the first private capital to atheism - shaking up the first flight ... Tell me about these sensational statements to friends and do not forget to share with us your opinion in the comments on this subject.
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