The truth about China's doors (16 photos + text)
Digging in the network, we found a lot of unsubstantiated accusations against Chinese doors. Thus, they are often referred to as cans.
Well, try to be objective and compare these 2 product for resistance to "opening».
Visual similarity is obvious. Those figures punched in, apparently, a soft, thin metals.
Comparable resistance to canning knife:
The can is opened.
Chinese door too.
In addition, inside a tin can is nutritious and useful content, and in the Chinese door - corrugated board, which has no food and no certificate is recommended for use inside of a registered dietitian. At the same time, from cans, too, can create barriers that would limit the access door is not worse than the Chinese.
Here we analyzed only some excerpts from various websites of sellers of Chinese doors. Pathetic arguments of the same type superior products while checking network is simply nonsense and deliberate deception of the buyer.
For what myths prokupateli Chinese doors are paying their own safety?
In the manufacture of doors used Chinese structural steel - is steel with a change in the chemical and physical characteristics, stronger than ordinary steel. 1, 25 mm - thick enough doors for residential use.
We verify.
Take a regular opener for 15 rubles and try to open it.
Is easy.
In the other direction, too.
Now measure the thickness of the metal. The photo clearly shows that the steel thickness 0, 8 mm.Tak is why it is easy to cut the can opener.
In fact, it is difficult to recall a single vsposob autopsy, which parodies of these doors can not be opened for a few seconds, what you make, carefully read the page.
The system of powerful and bronechashek bronenakladok protect the lock and cylinder from mechanical impact from the outside of the door.
Limiting the subtlety and softness of the door leaf forcing manufacturers to use only accessories on the bar. With the ease of a simple screwdriver to break the web, this is elementary hardware breaks, freeing access to the cylinder and lock body. Silumin psevdobronenakladki easy to get off with a single blow or digging through the fine linen, revealing naked, defenseless cylinder. Save on all materials from the metal lining up tightening the screws make the owners of these doors vulnerable even before the amateurs.
High security lock gives unique in its capabilities cylinder with two sets of keys (3 + 1 + 5) or (5 + 1 + 5).
This statement is false. Cylinders - is, simply put, the number of different key for this cylinder. Firstly, the perforated cylinders have a single row secrecy extremely low (a minimum height and minimum cylinder pin number). Second, the possibility of conversion significantly reduces the already minimal secrecy as two cylinder pins must be strictly determined height to allow cutting in a conversion of its height. Thirdly, the appearance of additional re-encoding key 4 decreases in secrecy even 4 times. Fourth, play pin inside these cylinders monstrous and pins them to reduce the cost of its made of soft brass, which leads to rapid wear, which in turn allows you to open the cylinder even close to key profile. Secrecy is thus minimal, and the risk of opening the door key selection is great.
In addition, the use of cheap perekodiruemyh cylinders leads to samoperekodirovke and thus to the fact that the customer is always at risk of being closed door even with native key.
Yes, and the protective properties of these cylinders are in serious doubt. Above the cylinder in such doors made fun of all, without exception, Locksmith. The simplest bump key or master key opens them for a couple of seconds.
The door is equipped with a reliable multi-system zamkom.Tri crossbar pop up (in the headroom of the frame), three down (at threshold) and thus do not allow to bend the corners of the door.
To sense that. Theoretically, the number of locking points must increase rigidity. But what kind of rigidity can be discussed when the door does not have the integrity of the design.
At the end of the door leaf is a few tacks. The rest is held by two strokes glue and pieces of cardboard. With a little effort to spin the door just falling apart.
Now directly on the lock. No selection of castles, the only zero castle there and have to take. Because of the poor quality of the manufacture of parts lock mechanism 7 of 10 locks fail in the first months of operation, and an analogue in our stores for a replacement to be found. Also frequent cases of "loose and" vertical drive with ears lock and lock all doors. What else to expect from the castle cost $ 2 and uncontrolled stream of Chinese manufacturing?
Very amused Chinese manufacturers attempt to set its doors in demand in Russia lever locks (key butterfly). All that kind of money they could offer - lock with two grooves on the key with 3 levels of height. Secrecy is obtained as in the chest with his grandmother.
Our door can be strengthened further by the Russian castle, which will increase its burglary protection.
Who has not tried. Useless. To the cardboard and foil simply can not be reliably foothold any fixtures or glue. A use for welding fixture is simply impossible. She burns like paper superfine metal.
These doors are manufactured by industry. Italian quality at a super price. Well, a report from the standard of Chinese enterprises producing doors ("Outpost", "armor", "Atlanta", "Pan-Pan", "Russian Prince", "Leon" and others. HERE.
A very significant material.
Welder mask which only costs. Where Europe is already there. And you can think of anything, so we have these "businessmen". Do not be fooled - you do not sell.
Internal volume is filled with fireproof doors and environmentally friendly material. The door has a high sound and heat insulation.
Again, take a look inside the door. What is it? Yes this is a strip of corrugated cardboard glued together in the form of a honeycomb. Well, what is there to heat and sound insulation? Instead of ribs only glue and cardboard. Well, what kind of rigidity in this design?
So buyers of Chinese door there is a new problem, as it were, inside doors are not bred mice.
Box door is a special bent profile box structure, combined with the trim or protecting fasteners.
First look at the profile of the frame, nor what it no box structure, and an open profile, which stiffness is inferior even primitive angled designs.
Further, when installing frame zapenivaetsya that in its thickness of 1 mm leads to a deformation of the frame (it simply bursting the foam) during installation and tilting doors. In addition, the frame is mounted in a concrete anchors on the aperture, which are inserted into holes drilled in the concrete wall.
Because of the design features of these doors for her ankerirovaniya (mounting in the opening), the holes are drilled in the concrete wall at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge. In view of this fact is easily mount a crowbar to break out with the frame, anchors and pieces of concrete wall.
The surface of the door has a special anti-vandal and weatherproof coating that mimics precious woods.
It is difficult to name a weather-resistant polymer coating or vandalism. Even in summer the doors rust from moisture, the polymer coating is a bubble, quickly fade and crack in the cold. Superfine metal prorzhaveet through the year.
In fact, this coating is called Heat transfer (covering simulating various types of wood or stone. The technology is not hidden by Chinese manufacturers, but withheld by Russian traffickers. On the primed surface is applied to the paper film with a pattern that carries over to the door. The process razglazhivaniya- on the photo from the site production in China.
After which the remains of the film are removed. Door surface is covered with a protective patterned layer of lacquer.
The doors have a modern design and a wide variety of finishes.
Their limits range from soft to press stamped finest steel multiple drawings film coated with imitation of hardwood satisfy only ascetics. In stock, there is a trade margin of two or three models of a certain color. Of course, the flow can put any number of different patterns vyshtampovki. But the delivery of a new reseller in Russia the figure makes him a huge warehouse contain the same type of doors (in inventory right and left door opening of different sizes with a margin to the next container). This increases the cost and affect the price to the end customer. Therefore, the entire selection is to select a door such as a neighbor or neighbors to the right bottom. When this figure doors from different manufacturers are the same, as if sketched a blueprint each other.
These steel doors will serve you for many years without failure, while maintaining quality and reliability.
Reliability - characteristic of impeccable operation of the product for a long time. By chinese door this characterization is not applicable. They come in a hurry from the cheapest material in violation of all the technologies come from China with a bunch of flaws and missing elements. Blame not the Chinese, and our traders seeking to save on everything. Has long been a classic story where one of the largest exporters of Chinese door (sold by the brand name of the Russian factory) chased deshiviznoy, change of supplier and received several containers of defective doors, which successfully sold at a discount on the retail market. Do not chase cheapness. The joy of low prices will be repeatedly blocked vozniknuvshey problems.
Some Chinese doors are better than others.
Our categorical in this matter will end only the advent of new, modified, decent Chinese doors in our market. So far, all the competition among them is akin to joke:
Ivan better than Stepan!
What Stepan!
The same type of door locks with the same type and the same flaws, some technologies. Even drawings vyshtampovok same. Spot the Differences:
Well, try to be objective and compare these 2 product for resistance to "opening».
Visual similarity is obvious. Those figures punched in, apparently, a soft, thin metals.

Comparable resistance to canning knife:
The can is opened.

Chinese door too.

In addition, inside a tin can is nutritious and useful content, and in the Chinese door - corrugated board, which has no food and no certificate is recommended for use inside of a registered dietitian. At the same time, from cans, too, can create barriers that would limit the access door is not worse than the Chinese.
Here we analyzed only some excerpts from various websites of sellers of Chinese doors. Pathetic arguments of the same type superior products while checking network is simply nonsense and deliberate deception of the buyer.
For what myths prokupateli Chinese doors are paying their own safety?
In the manufacture of doors used Chinese structural steel - is steel with a change in the chemical and physical characteristics, stronger than ordinary steel. 1, 25 mm - thick enough doors for residential use.
We verify.

Take a regular opener for 15 rubles and try to open it.
Is easy.
In the other direction, too.

Now measure the thickness of the metal. The photo clearly shows that the steel thickness 0, 8 mm.Tak is why it is easy to cut the can opener.

In fact, it is difficult to recall a single vsposob autopsy, which parodies of these doors can not be opened for a few seconds, what you make, carefully read the page.
The system of powerful and bronechashek bronenakladok protect the lock and cylinder from mechanical impact from the outside of the door.

Limiting the subtlety and softness of the door leaf forcing manufacturers to use only accessories on the bar. With the ease of a simple screwdriver to break the web, this is elementary hardware breaks, freeing access to the cylinder and lock body. Silumin psevdobronenakladki easy to get off with a single blow or digging through the fine linen, revealing naked, defenseless cylinder. Save on all materials from the metal lining up tightening the screws make the owners of these doors vulnerable even before the amateurs.
High security lock gives unique in its capabilities cylinder with two sets of keys (3 + 1 + 5) or (5 + 1 + 5).
This statement is false. Cylinders - is, simply put, the number of different key for this cylinder. Firstly, the perforated cylinders have a single row secrecy extremely low (a minimum height and minimum cylinder pin number). Second, the possibility of conversion significantly reduces the already minimal secrecy as two cylinder pins must be strictly determined height to allow cutting in a conversion of its height. Thirdly, the appearance of additional re-encoding key 4 decreases in secrecy even 4 times. Fourth, play pin inside these cylinders monstrous and pins them to reduce the cost of its made of soft brass, which leads to rapid wear, which in turn allows you to open the cylinder even close to key profile. Secrecy is thus minimal, and the risk of opening the door key selection is great.
In addition, the use of cheap perekodiruemyh cylinders leads to samoperekodirovke and thus to the fact that the customer is always at risk of being closed door even with native key.
Yes, and the protective properties of these cylinders are in serious doubt. Above the cylinder in such doors made fun of all, without exception, Locksmith. The simplest bump key or master key opens them for a couple of seconds.
The door is equipped with a reliable multi-system zamkom.Tri crossbar pop up (in the headroom of the frame), three down (at threshold) and thus do not allow to bend the corners of the door.
To sense that. Theoretically, the number of locking points must increase rigidity. But what kind of rigidity can be discussed when the door does not have the integrity of the design.

At the end of the door leaf is a few tacks. The rest is held by two strokes glue and pieces of cardboard. With a little effort to spin the door just falling apart.
Now directly on the lock. No selection of castles, the only zero castle there and have to take. Because of the poor quality of the manufacture of parts lock mechanism 7 of 10 locks fail in the first months of operation, and an analogue in our stores for a replacement to be found. Also frequent cases of "loose and" vertical drive with ears lock and lock all doors. What else to expect from the castle cost $ 2 and uncontrolled stream of Chinese manufacturing?
Very amused Chinese manufacturers attempt to set its doors in demand in Russia lever locks (key butterfly). All that kind of money they could offer - lock with two grooves on the key with 3 levels of height. Secrecy is obtained as in the chest with his grandmother.
Our door can be strengthened further by the Russian castle, which will increase its burglary protection.
Who has not tried. Useless. To the cardboard and foil simply can not be reliably foothold any fixtures or glue. A use for welding fixture is simply impossible. She burns like paper superfine metal.
These doors are manufactured by industry. Italian quality at a super price. Well, a report from the standard of Chinese enterprises producing doors ("Outpost", "armor", "Atlanta", "Pan-Pan", "Russian Prince", "Leon" and others. HERE.
A very significant material.

Welder mask which only costs. Where Europe is already there. And you can think of anything, so we have these "businessmen". Do not be fooled - you do not sell.
Internal volume is filled with fireproof doors and environmentally friendly material. The door has a high sound and heat insulation.

Again, take a look inside the door. What is it? Yes this is a strip of corrugated cardboard glued together in the form of a honeycomb. Well, what is there to heat and sound insulation? Instead of ribs only glue and cardboard. Well, what kind of rigidity in this design?

So buyers of Chinese door there is a new problem, as it were, inside doors are not bred mice.
Box door is a special bent profile box structure, combined with the trim or protecting fasteners.

First look at the profile of the frame, nor what it no box structure, and an open profile, which stiffness is inferior even primitive angled designs.
Further, when installing frame zapenivaetsya that in its thickness of 1 mm leads to a deformation of the frame (it simply bursting the foam) during installation and tilting doors. In addition, the frame is mounted in a concrete anchors on the aperture, which are inserted into holes drilled in the concrete wall.
Because of the design features of these doors for her ankerirovaniya (mounting in the opening), the holes are drilled in the concrete wall at a distance of 2-3 cm from the edge. In view of this fact is easily mount a crowbar to break out with the frame, anchors and pieces of concrete wall.
The surface of the door has a special anti-vandal and weatherproof coating that mimics precious woods.
It is difficult to name a weather-resistant polymer coating or vandalism. Even in summer the doors rust from moisture, the polymer coating is a bubble, quickly fade and crack in the cold. Superfine metal prorzhaveet through the year.
In fact, this coating is called Heat transfer (covering simulating various types of wood or stone. The technology is not hidden by Chinese manufacturers, but withheld by Russian traffickers. On the primed surface is applied to the paper film with a pattern that carries over to the door. The process razglazhivaniya- on the photo from the site production in China.

After which the remains of the film are removed. Door surface is covered with a protective patterned layer of lacquer.
The doors have a modern design and a wide variety of finishes.
Their limits range from soft to press stamped finest steel multiple drawings film coated with imitation of hardwood satisfy only ascetics. In stock, there is a trade margin of two or three models of a certain color. Of course, the flow can put any number of different patterns vyshtampovki. But the delivery of a new reseller in Russia the figure makes him a huge warehouse contain the same type of doors (in inventory right and left door opening of different sizes with a margin to the next container). This increases the cost and affect the price to the end customer. Therefore, the entire selection is to select a door such as a neighbor or neighbors to the right bottom. When this figure doors from different manufacturers are the same, as if sketched a blueprint each other.
These steel doors will serve you for many years without failure, while maintaining quality and reliability.
Reliability - characteristic of impeccable operation of the product for a long time. By chinese door this characterization is not applicable. They come in a hurry from the cheapest material in violation of all the technologies come from China with a bunch of flaws and missing elements. Blame not the Chinese, and our traders seeking to save on everything. Has long been a classic story where one of the largest exporters of Chinese door (sold by the brand name of the Russian factory) chased deshiviznoy, change of supplier and received several containers of defective doors, which successfully sold at a discount on the retail market. Do not chase cheapness. The joy of low prices will be repeatedly blocked vozniknuvshey problems.
Some Chinese doors are better than others.
Our categorical in this matter will end only the advent of new, modified, decent Chinese doors in our market. So far, all the competition among them is akin to joke:
Ivan better than Stepan!
What Stepan!
The same type of door locks with the same type and the same flaws, some technologies. Even drawings vyshtampovok same. Spot the Differences: