As workers retaliated Russia
One hundred years ago, our country has been through an experiment using cheap labor migrants. The experience was tragic: tens of thousands of Chinese migrant workers with fire and sword marched across Russia, destroying the civilian population.
In 1915, of the Russian Manchuria began importing Chinese workers for the construction of the railway Petrograd - Murmansk, Murmansk port and other projects of national importance. Many Chinese workers directed to various crafts Ural mountains, in the coal mines of the Donets Basin, on logging in Belarus and cold Karelia. The most educated Chinese were selected to work in various enterprises and factories of Moscow, Petrograd, Odessa, Lugansk, Yekaterinburg. In 1916, there were even set up groups of Chinese to dig trenches for the German army on the Russian front. The number of "Catching-walking" is growing exponentially: if at the end of 1915 in Russia there were 40 thousand Chinese, then in 1916 - already 75 thousand people, and the spring of 1917 - already 200 thousand.
And when in 1917 the Russian Empire collapsed, these thousands of Chinese were in a foreign country with no money, no job and no prospects of returning home. And in the blink of an eye innocent "Catching-walking" become a dangerous gang who aimlessly wandered through Russian cities, industrial looting and violence.
The first people to notice the Chinese orphan, the Bolsheviks were called "class brothers" to serve in CHUN - special forces, death squads of the Red Army, which was entrusted to the most "dirty work." What good are the Chinese? The majority of Chinese people do not know the Russian language, and did not represent the country to which they were, their religion, customs and way of life. So they kept their compatriots, forming a closed-knit group with a solid discipline. In contrast to the Russian, Ukrainians and Tatars, the Chinese do not go with the case home, their house was too far away. They do not become deserters because white, aware of all the horrors that were doing "chonovtsy" Chinese shot without trial.
So, the first detachment, where Chinese migrants employed on military service became international group in the 1st case - it's a personal Leninist Guard. Then this unit with a move of the government to Moscow was renamed "The first international legion of Red Army", which was used for the protection of the first persons. Thus, the very first circle of protection Lenin consisted of 70 Chinese bodyguards.
Also, the Chinese guarded and comrade Trotsky and Bukharin, and all other prominent party members.
In 1919, the exploration of the 1st Volunteer Corps Kutepov gathered a lot of information that sometimes Russian Red Army refused to carry out the functions hangman in captured villages. It did not help even that executioners generously watered vodka and gave clothes to make money shot. But "Catching-walking" without any feelings shot, cut off his hands, gouged out his eyes and zaparyval death for pregnant women.
About how the Chinese fought, wrote in his diary Hudozhina Anastasia, a resident of Vladikavkaz, "The massacre was terrible, because the Chinese squad, nowhere grafted in our city, pulled the bell tower of the church of Alexander Nevsky gun and began to pour all of the terms of the fire. "Devils oblique" - hissed my mother and prayed constantly. And these Chinese was abysmal, three hundred pieces, no less. "
And further: "Then it turned out that before the departure of the Chinese shot a lot of people. It turns out they go home at night - in Vladikavkaz had a lot of retired military - and took everyone who served in the White Army, or who have found rewarding weapons or photographs sons in an officer's uniform. Allegedly detained for trial and all were shot andone of the cemetery at the cornfields. "
The most bloody gang migrants became 1st separate Chinese detachment of the Cheka Terek Republic, commanded by Pau Tee San.
This military unit "glorified" in the suppression of the Astrakhan revolt March 10, 1919. Even against the backdrop of the red terror, "Astrakhan shot" stood out for its unparalleled in its scope and rigidity madness. It all started with the fact that the Chinese are surrounded by a peaceful protest at the entrance of the plant. After the refusal of the workers to disperse the Chinese fired a volley of rifles, then floated machine guns and hand grenades. Killed dozens of workers, but as it turned out later, the violence is gaining momentum.
All day the Chinese hunted men. Arrested a first shot, then - in order to save ammunition - began to sink. Eyewitnesses recalled how detainees bound hand and foot, and right from the steamers and barges were thrown into the Volga. One of the workers, remained unnoticed in the hold, somewhere around the car and survivors said that in one night with the steamer "Gogol" was dropped about one hundred and eighty people. And in the city emergency commandant was shot so many that they hardly have time to bring their nights in the cemetery where they dumped piles under the guise of "typhoid».
The Cheka occupied senior positions "migrants»
After the end of the Chinese Civil War mercenaries were out of work - and most of them flocked to Moscow, where he formed a very noticeable Chinese community (according to the 1926 census in Russia, there were more than 100 thousand Chinese).
Century "Chinatown" in Moscow turned out to be short-lived. Sergey Golitsyn wrote: "Chinese General Zhang Dzolin unceremoniously robbed us of CEL, built on the king's money and pass through the territory of Manchuria. Insult we swallowed, but in retaliation put all Chinese people in Moscow and throughout the country. "
I Got "on merit" and T-San Pau, the organizer of "Astrakhan executions." After the war he worked as a translator of the Kiev combined school commanders lived in Moscow. November 10th, 1925 he was arrested and 19 April 1926 the College of the OGPU sentenced to death on charges of counterrevolutionary terrorist activities. The same fate befell the rest of the revolutionary Chinese.
Forgive Chinese internationalists sent to China for the "export of revolution" - to help create the Chinese Red Army and fight against international imperialism in Asia. Thus, the communists killed two birds: getting rid of obsolete and even dangerous allies and "assisted" fighting for the independence of China. And by the end of the thirties of the Chinese diaspora there is nothing left except the battered fans and a reminder that only the well-fed and healthy society can "digest" the huge flow of migrants. In a country with a troubled economy, with the public covered by social ills, migrants become time bomb that sooner or later will explode, destroying and migrants themselves, and the people who gave them work and shelter.
For an understanding of this history lesson Russia has paid too high a price.
That's all, I hope that does not dupe :)
Anti-Bolshevik posters. Pay attention to Chinese figures, painted at the bottom.
Source: Vladimir Tikhomirov, "The historical truth»
In 1915, of the Russian Manchuria began importing Chinese workers for the construction of the railway Petrograd - Murmansk, Murmansk port and other projects of national importance. Many Chinese workers directed to various crafts Ural mountains, in the coal mines of the Donets Basin, on logging in Belarus and cold Karelia. The most educated Chinese were selected to work in various enterprises and factories of Moscow, Petrograd, Odessa, Lugansk, Yekaterinburg. In 1916, there were even set up groups of Chinese to dig trenches for the German army on the Russian front. The number of "Catching-walking" is growing exponentially: if at the end of 1915 in Russia there were 40 thousand Chinese, then in 1916 - already 75 thousand people, and the spring of 1917 - already 200 thousand.
And when in 1917 the Russian Empire collapsed, these thousands of Chinese were in a foreign country with no money, no job and no prospects of returning home. And in the blink of an eye innocent "Catching-walking" become a dangerous gang who aimlessly wandered through Russian cities, industrial looting and violence.

The first people to notice the Chinese orphan, the Bolsheviks were called "class brothers" to serve in CHUN - special forces, death squads of the Red Army, which was entrusted to the most "dirty work." What good are the Chinese? The majority of Chinese people do not know the Russian language, and did not represent the country to which they were, their religion, customs and way of life. So they kept their compatriots, forming a closed-knit group with a solid discipline. In contrast to the Russian, Ukrainians and Tatars, the Chinese do not go with the case home, their house was too far away. They do not become deserters because white, aware of all the horrors that were doing "chonovtsy" Chinese shot without trial.
So, the first detachment, where Chinese migrants employed on military service became international group in the 1st case - it's a personal Leninist Guard. Then this unit with a move of the government to Moscow was renamed "The first international legion of Red Army", which was used for the protection of the first persons. Thus, the very first circle of protection Lenin consisted of 70 Chinese bodyguards.
Also, the Chinese guarded and comrade Trotsky and Bukharin, and all other prominent party members.

In 1919, the exploration of the 1st Volunteer Corps Kutepov gathered a lot of information that sometimes Russian Red Army refused to carry out the functions hangman in captured villages. It did not help even that executioners generously watered vodka and gave clothes to make money shot. But "Catching-walking" without any feelings shot, cut off his hands, gouged out his eyes and zaparyval death for pregnant women.
About how the Chinese fought, wrote in his diary Hudozhina Anastasia, a resident of Vladikavkaz, "The massacre was terrible, because the Chinese squad, nowhere grafted in our city, pulled the bell tower of the church of Alexander Nevsky gun and began to pour all of the terms of the fire. "Devils oblique" - hissed my mother and prayed constantly. And these Chinese was abysmal, three hundred pieces, no less. "
And further: "Then it turned out that before the departure of the Chinese shot a lot of people. It turns out they go home at night - in Vladikavkaz had a lot of retired military - and took everyone who served in the White Army, or who have found rewarding weapons or photographs sons in an officer's uniform. Allegedly detained for trial and all were shot andone of the cemetery at the cornfields. "

The most bloody gang migrants became 1st separate Chinese detachment of the Cheka Terek Republic, commanded by Pau Tee San.
This military unit "glorified" in the suppression of the Astrakhan revolt March 10, 1919. Even against the backdrop of the red terror, "Astrakhan shot" stood out for its unparalleled in its scope and rigidity madness. It all started with the fact that the Chinese are surrounded by a peaceful protest at the entrance of the plant. After the refusal of the workers to disperse the Chinese fired a volley of rifles, then floated machine guns and hand grenades. Killed dozens of workers, but as it turned out later, the violence is gaining momentum.
All day the Chinese hunted men. Arrested a first shot, then - in order to save ammunition - began to sink. Eyewitnesses recalled how detainees bound hand and foot, and right from the steamers and barges were thrown into the Volga. One of the workers, remained unnoticed in the hold, somewhere around the car and survivors said that in one night with the steamer "Gogol" was dropped about one hundred and eighty people. And in the city emergency commandant was shot so many that they hardly have time to bring their nights in the cemetery where they dumped piles under the guise of "typhoid».
The Cheka occupied senior positions "migrants»

After the end of the Chinese Civil War mercenaries were out of work - and most of them flocked to Moscow, where he formed a very noticeable Chinese community (according to the 1926 census in Russia, there were more than 100 thousand Chinese).
Century "Chinatown" in Moscow turned out to be short-lived. Sergey Golitsyn wrote: "Chinese General Zhang Dzolin unceremoniously robbed us of CEL, built on the king's money and pass through the territory of Manchuria. Insult we swallowed, but in retaliation put all Chinese people in Moscow and throughout the country. "
I Got "on merit" and T-San Pau, the organizer of "Astrakhan executions." After the war he worked as a translator of the Kiev combined school commanders lived in Moscow. November 10th, 1925 he was arrested and 19 April 1926 the College of the OGPU sentenced to death on charges of counterrevolutionary terrorist activities. The same fate befell the rest of the revolutionary Chinese.
Forgive Chinese internationalists sent to China for the "export of revolution" - to help create the Chinese Red Army and fight against international imperialism in Asia. Thus, the communists killed two birds: getting rid of obsolete and even dangerous allies and "assisted" fighting for the independence of China. And by the end of the thirties of the Chinese diaspora there is nothing left except the battered fans and a reminder that only the well-fed and healthy society can "digest" the huge flow of migrants. In a country with a troubled economy, with the public covered by social ills, migrants become time bomb that sooner or later will explode, destroying and migrants themselves, and the people who gave them work and shelter.
For an understanding of this history lesson Russia has paid too high a price.
That's all, I hope that does not dupe :)
Anti-Bolshevik posters. Pay attention to Chinese figures, painted at the bottom.
Source: Vladimir Tikhomirov, "The historical truth»
