Lying in bed in the morning, pulling this muscle, you will feel how youth and beauty return to you.

Every woman wants to keep her youth as long as possible. Of course, you can resort to plastic surgery, cosmetics and the like. But what if you want to stay young without spending your family budget? Self-care should be young. The sooner you start taking care of yourself, the later the aging process begins. Therefore, accustom yourself to daily procedures that will help you maintain youth and vigor.

Editorial "Site" I found you the easiest way, How to take care of yourself. It will not take much time and effort, but it will give you youth and longevity. Make it a rule to do this exercise every morning. In a very short time, you will notice how your face has rejuvenated. In addition, this exercise will help you to recharge energy for the whole day. You will have new strength and inspiration!

This exercise helps to affect the so-called muscle of youth. She's on the neck in front. It is on what tone is this muscle, depends on the oval of your face and youth of the body.

All you have to do is lie flat in the morning as soon as you wake up. Stretch out on your back, hands at the seams and start pulling your arms down as hard as you can along your torso. At the same time, throw your head up to the point, only so that it does not hurt. Hold in this position for 4-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat this exercise 7-8 times.

Then get out of bed and go wash. When you get water in your palms, make a water conspiracy. Say this: “Pure water loads with strength, but youth returns.” And then wash yourself with this water.

If you regularly perform this exercise, you will see the first result in 3 weeks. Not only will you rejuvenate, you will have strength and energy. The health and elasticity of the skin will begin to return to you. The face and neck will become tight and elastic.

Taking care of yourself gives results and after a couple of months you simply do not recognize yourself in the reflection of the mirror. You will receive compliments and gifts around you. There will be pleasant moments in your life, and desires will begin to be fulfilled. You will have the opportunity to change your life the way you want.

In all areas of your life, positive changes will occur. Just one small exercise can bring you back to youth and vigor. There is no need to spend money on expensive cosmetologists and plastic surgeons.

Our body is able to regenerate and produce new cells of youth. It is necessary to know what muscles are responsible for in our body. It is also very important to listen to your body and understand what is missing in our body.


Regular sleep and exercise, healthy eating and good thoughts. All this contributes to the preservation and prolongation of a woman’s youth. Women are created to create and inspire themselves. Therefore, you should never be ashamed of your body, but only maintain its health and longevity. And when a woman is happy with herself, the whole world lies at her feet, all her dreams come true.

We want every reader to be happy and happy. We are waiting for your recipes of youth and beauty. Write in the comments, how do you maintain your youth and attractiveness?


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