During pregnancy, you take special care of yourself, you need to maintain this state of mind for the rest of your life.

How often do we forget about ourselves in the turmoil of everyday life? We are always running somewhere, trying to do something. Since childhood, we are taught to be collected, punctual, take care of the elders, the younger and four-legged. We are taught to work well, not to be too demanding, to listen to others. But you know what we don't learn, and we should first? We're not taught at all. caring To myself.

How do you feel when someone tells you to take care of yourself? Most often, people are uncomfortable with such words. After all, we are taught from childhood not to be selfish, to share candy and toys. It doesn't matter how you feel. What a self-care thing.

We go to the hospital when we can’t get there ourselves. And a new face flint can only be bought on big holidays. There comes a time when something changes in you and you start taking care of yourself. The world around you is getting brighter, and you're doing better, and you're doing better.

Even if you find 15 minutes of time each day to take care of yourself, that’s enough to lift your spirits. To take care of yourself is when you go to the store for 5 minutes in the winter, pull on your hat and scarf. To be warm and cozy in the snow. And to enjoy the weather, you could not cringe to run back to the entrance.

Take care of yourself during the weekly vacation. Just let yourself do nothing for one day off. Take your family and go for a walk in the park. Order a food delivery, put on a good movie and spend the day enjoying each other. Forget about endless cooking, ironing and cleaning when you dream that evening will come soon.

Taking care of yourself begins with a simple reluctance to listen to someone’s opinion of how you should live. Filter everything you hear and stop taking negatives and teachings personally.

This is your life and only you know how to do the right thing. If you doubt, ask, you know, do. And don't let someone else's negative experience mark your destiny. You are a different person and only you know what is important to you.

Taking care of yourself is a daily workout, even for 15 minutes. This is a delicious healthy food, enough water, the ability to develop as a person, go to bed on time. And stop pleasing everyone, stop wasting your time on empty talk. Taking care of yourself is learning to say no to people you don’t like.

And taking care of yourself is when you realize that work no longer brings joy and material comfort. And you realize that it's time to move on, spend your energy on a more profitable project. You leave without regret, you are open to new promising offers. And these proposals can only appear in a caring person.

Taking care of yourself is when you realize that you are pleasant, interesting and important, and that you were just forced and told what to do. Taking care of yourself is when you take a taxi because you are tired or want to keep your strength. This is when you can have coffee in your favorite cafe because you want to.

Taking care of yourself is about choosing your surroundings, favorite books, and good movies. And the more people learn to take care of themselves, the kinder and more peaceful our world will become.


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