How to preserve youth and beauty
To slow down the aging process and preserve youth and health is the dream of every person. It is so wonderful to be beautiful, energetic and in a clear mind! There are many methods. How to prolong youth. To date, one of the most effective are the recommendations of Dr. Thierry Ertog - a well-known anti-age consultant, president of the world society of anti-aging medicine and the author of the bestseller "How to prolong youth."
Editorial "Site" I'll introduce you to Thierry Ertog's 10 tips. How to Preserve Youth and beauty.
Beauty and youth of a woman
As you can see, the main culprit of your aging is hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is important to take tests every six months, especially if you are over 30 years old. After all, numerous stresses, a sedentary lifestyle and food of not the highest quality can lead to premature aging. If you keep the level of hormones, especially sex hormones, normal, you can stay cheerful and beautiful for a long time.
We also talked about the secret of longevity of Indra Devi.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with Thierry Ertog's recommendations. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" I'll introduce you to Thierry Ertog's 10 tips. How to Preserve Youth and beauty.
Beauty and youth of a woman
- Do not rush to drink coffee, eat you find it difficult to wake up in the morning or get tired quickly
Our body is always sending signals. If you find it difficult to wake up or you get tired quickly, you must first check your thyroid hormones. They accelerate reactions with the release of energy. A person with a lack of thyroid hormones in the morning usually feels the desire to lie in bed longer. Due to physical activity, blood circulates faster, which improves the supply of nerve and muscle cells with the oxygen and nutrients they need. However, it is only necessary to sit down or lie down to rest, as blood circulation again slows down and severe fatigue piles on the person. Therefore, you need to pass tests and, if necessary, adjust the diet or undergo a course of treatment.
DepositPhotos - Relax and eat right.
Malnutrition reduces the level of hormones and opens the way for the processes of degradation of the body. The same applies to excess nutrition, excessive consumption of sugar, alcohol - this increases the stress of the body, weakens it and leads to premature aging. The simple addition of missing elements normalizes the condition of the body, preventing aging. It is best to eat in a balanced way so that the body takes everything it needs from food. Also during meals you need to be calm and relaxed.
DepositPhotos - Fatigue is not a sign of old age
We often hear that fatigue is the first sign of old age. Like, the body is no longer the same and can not withstand the previous loads. You can try to maintain the old way of life, but a pale face will betray the constant fatigue. Check the level of sex estrogen hormones, especially estradiol, they can reduce or eliminate fatigue. With a lack of these hormones, severe fatigue is felt throughout the day.
DepositPhotos - Play sports.
Regular physical activity helps the body produce growth hormone. Growth hormone increases potassium in the body, thereby improving cellular activity in the elderly. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed an improvement in the quality of life in adults taking growth hormone.
DepositPhotos - Address the lack of organic elements
Iron provides the body with the energy necessary for its normal functioning. Vitamin B12 provides the body with constant energy. It participates in the formation of erythrocytes and the saturation of cells with oxygen. Coenzyme Q10 increases endurance. Sometimes it significantly improves the indicators of cardiac activity. Magnesium is involved in many metabolic reactions with the release of energy, accelerating the course of these reactions.
DepositPhotos - Remove wrinkles with estrogen
The formation of wrinkles can be slowed down, since both wrinkles and skin aging are partly due to a lack of hormones. The first signs for concern: the skin of the neck sags, pigment spots appear on the hands, and small vertical wrinkles form around the mouth. The latter indicate a lack of estrogen in the body of women.
DepositPhotos - Sunbathe, but only during low solar activity
Many studies have shown that UV radiation causes a decrease in the number of retinoid receptors located in the skin, which causes a functional deficiency of vitamin A, and this can contribute to aging and skin cancer. Therefore, smearing with sunscreen is necessary and useful.
DepositPhotos - Antioxidants are a necessity!
Free radicals are essential for cell metabolism. They are produced in small quantities and after performing their function are destroyed by special enzymes. If enzymes are lacking in the body, free radicals begin to damage cells, which leads to accelerated external and internal aging processes. Very important is selenium, which protects the skin from aging, as it is a cellular antioxidant. Of food products, most selenium is found in meat and fish. In plant products, with the exception of onions, garlic and mushrooms, as well as in fruits, selenium is practically absent.
DepositPhotos - Add animal protein and fats to the diet
People who eat meat, fish and poultry have 30% higher levels of sex hormones estrogen and androgens compared to vegetarians. Animal protein and fats are simply necessary for maintaining reproductive function and overall health. If there is a failure in the production of these hormones, then the whole body suffers. This is especially true in women. Any failures immediately manifest themselves in flabby skin, hair loss, bad mood ...
DepositPhotos - Limit consumption of dairy products
Studies show that frequent consumption of dairy products provokes a significant violation of the hormonal balance between estrogen and progesterone. Milk contributes to the occurrence of fungal infections. So milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir should be eaten in small quantities. But it is also not worth giving up completely.
As you can see, the main culprit of your aging is hormonal imbalance. Therefore, it is important to take tests every six months, especially if you are over 30 years old. After all, numerous stresses, a sedentary lifestyle and food of not the highest quality can lead to premature aging. If you keep the level of hormones, especially sex hormones, normal, you can stay cheerful and beautiful for a long time.
We also talked about the secret of longevity of Indra Devi.
Tell us in the comments if you agree with Thierry Ertog's recommendations. Share this article with your friends on social media!
Photo by depositphotos preview.