Reflections of Vladimir Yakovlev on old age
I think many people remember how the newspaper Kommersant appeared, the first free and independent publication of the 90s. And most likely, many have heard about the creative project “Snob”, which is very popular on the Internet. It was all created by the same person. Vladimir Yakovlev.
Vladimir was always looking for new ways in journalism, trying to do something unusual, and he, I must say, succeeded: Kommersant, Snob, the media group ZhV!, and in 2012 also the project. "The Age of Happiness"He brought thousands of people together and changed their lives for the better.
Today's edition. "Site" I want to share with you the thoughts of Vladimir Yakovlev about old age: in detail about what it is, when to wait for it. is there old age? at all.
Life in old age Vladimir Yakovlev is a very unusual person. All his life he sought to know the world and himself, to create something new, original. His “Age of Happiness” was nothing like anything. The journalist seriously thought about the question of old age, and his reflections led to really interesting conclusions. For 6 years he has been collecting stories of people who live full and active lives in old age. He teaches us to perceive old age not as the end of life, but as a new segment of the path.
Many people over 40 already consider themselves old and are preparing for a period of decline. But what is old age and is it worth spending this golden time sitting on the couch and digging into memories? Yakovlev is sure not. We do not choose when our old age will come, but we can always choose how to spend it.
Yakovlev himself says in an interview: One of the most important things to get into is that the concept of “old age” is constantly shifting. When I started the project five years ago, 57 or 60 years old. Today you tell me that 57 years is youth. And it's actually a very important thing. Because it seems to us that eternal youth does not exist, but in reality we live in it.”
The journalist claims that due to the active growth of life expectancy in the world, the time frames of different stages of human life are shifting. Adolescence now ends later, and old age, on the contrary, is delayed. If 10 years ago, people over 40 were considered old, now old age is about those who are over 60 or more.
This means that our lives are getting longer and there is more time. There is only one problem: how to spend this time happily and productively? After all, the idea that old age is only to get sick and slowly fade away is complete nonsense.
People in their 50s are young and energetic men and women. The only problem is that they don’t know what to do with this stretch of life after 50, because they are much younger in their 50s than their parents were at the same age. And so it will be with each next generation.
That is, according to Yakovlev, we have not only added an additional 20 years of life, but also a new stage. It would seem that people in 50 have already passed their point of maturity, where there was a career, children, a good car and an impressive bank account, and now for them, in theory, old age should begin, but only a new maturity begins.
Yakovlev says: Life after 50 is the only part of life for which we do not have a plan. We don't know how to move on. At 50 years old, no one was so young.
Previously, parents left a note on the refrigerator: “Water, fire the patties.” And this instruction from them ends at the mark of 50 years, and then begins the pioneering and other way of life. It is not easy: you need to find the strength to abandon the old stereotypes and realize that life goes on, this is not the end, you have another 25 years at least. But they need to be lived in a way that is different.”
And this is exactly about the development and Yakovlev speaks in his lectures and books. It is important to realize that life is still in full swing and find something that will bring joy. A person needs certain goals for development. In 35-40 years, the joy and pleasure of life brings us career.
But after 50, the value system changes a little, the next stage of human development begins. At this age, we enjoy not a career, but every day. It’s much harder than just enjoying your career and success.
To explain what this means, Yakovlev gives his personal example: “Now I can easily come up with a publishing project: I have been doing this business all my life.” But it's not as interesting as it would be at 35, because for me it's a repetition of what I've been through.
Finding a job that I enjoy all the time is hard. And at 50, you're facing a crisis -- a crisis of finding problems that you don't know the answer to, but that develop you. And if you find them, you get high again.
Perhaps you think that such a trip is not for everyone, but only for the elect. However, the world is full of people who live a full and active life in 50-60 years, and sometimes even after 80. The main thing is to want it, to look at your life and realize that everything is still ahead.
At 53, becoming a financial broker and earning a million, starting a modeling career at 60, finding the love of a lifetime and moving to another country at 65, making a trip around the world at 67, parachuting to your 80th birthday are all real stories of people who just wanted to live and took everything from life.
We all need to forget about the famous age stereotypes and instead live, just live. And even if you're 67 or 97, just keep on having fun and being active. Realize that you still have a lot of time to do what you've wanted to do for a long time. And it's not just about entertainment, 50 to 75 can still be a new career if you want to.
Today, 50 years is the peak of human life, the time when you can enjoy life as much as possible. This is the time when you can fulfill your dreams, whether it is a desire to lose weight, improve your financial situation, find your favorite job and understand yourself. Everything is possible, no matter how old you are!
And we have also told many wonderful stories of centenarians. For example, the story of Alla Levushkina, the oldest surgeon in Russia, who is still operating at 91.
We are also very inspired by the story of Barbara Beskind, who managed to fulfill her girlly dream and at the age of 90 comes up with ideas for inventions no worse than young specialists.
Do you think you can change your life after 50? Tell us in the comments, and if you know the same inspiring stories, be sure to share with us!
Vladimir was always looking for new ways in journalism, trying to do something unusual, and he, I must say, succeeded: Kommersant, Snob, the media group ZhV!, and in 2012 also the project. "The Age of Happiness"He brought thousands of people together and changed their lives for the better.

Today's edition. "Site" I want to share with you the thoughts of Vladimir Yakovlev about old age: in detail about what it is, when to wait for it. is there old age? at all.
Life in old age Vladimir Yakovlev is a very unusual person. All his life he sought to know the world and himself, to create something new, original. His “Age of Happiness” was nothing like anything. The journalist seriously thought about the question of old age, and his reflections led to really interesting conclusions. For 6 years he has been collecting stories of people who live full and active lives in old age. He teaches us to perceive old age not as the end of life, but as a new segment of the path.

Many people over 40 already consider themselves old and are preparing for a period of decline. But what is old age and is it worth spending this golden time sitting on the couch and digging into memories? Yakovlev is sure not. We do not choose when our old age will come, but we can always choose how to spend it.

Yakovlev himself says in an interview: One of the most important things to get into is that the concept of “old age” is constantly shifting. When I started the project five years ago, 57 or 60 years old. Today you tell me that 57 years is youth. And it's actually a very important thing. Because it seems to us that eternal youth does not exist, but in reality we live in it.”

The journalist claims that due to the active growth of life expectancy in the world, the time frames of different stages of human life are shifting. Adolescence now ends later, and old age, on the contrary, is delayed. If 10 years ago, people over 40 were considered old, now old age is about those who are over 60 or more.
This means that our lives are getting longer and there is more time. There is only one problem: how to spend this time happily and productively? After all, the idea that old age is only to get sick and slowly fade away is complete nonsense.

People in their 50s are young and energetic men and women. The only problem is that they don’t know what to do with this stretch of life after 50, because they are much younger in their 50s than their parents were at the same age. And so it will be with each next generation.
That is, according to Yakovlev, we have not only added an additional 20 years of life, but also a new stage. It would seem that people in 50 have already passed their point of maturity, where there was a career, children, a good car and an impressive bank account, and now for them, in theory, old age should begin, but only a new maturity begins.

Yakovlev says: Life after 50 is the only part of life for which we do not have a plan. We don't know how to move on. At 50 years old, no one was so young.
Previously, parents left a note on the refrigerator: “Water, fire the patties.” And this instruction from them ends at the mark of 50 years, and then begins the pioneering and other way of life. It is not easy: you need to find the strength to abandon the old stereotypes and realize that life goes on, this is not the end, you have another 25 years at least. But they need to be lived in a way that is different.”

And this is exactly about the development and Yakovlev speaks in his lectures and books. It is important to realize that life is still in full swing and find something that will bring joy. A person needs certain goals for development. In 35-40 years, the joy and pleasure of life brings us career.
But after 50, the value system changes a little, the next stage of human development begins. At this age, we enjoy not a career, but every day. It’s much harder than just enjoying your career and success.

To explain what this means, Yakovlev gives his personal example: “Now I can easily come up with a publishing project: I have been doing this business all my life.” But it's not as interesting as it would be at 35, because for me it's a repetition of what I've been through.
Finding a job that I enjoy all the time is hard. And at 50, you're facing a crisis -- a crisis of finding problems that you don't know the answer to, but that develop you. And if you find them, you get high again.

Perhaps you think that such a trip is not for everyone, but only for the elect. However, the world is full of people who live a full and active life in 50-60 years, and sometimes even after 80. The main thing is to want it, to look at your life and realize that everything is still ahead.
At 53, becoming a financial broker and earning a million, starting a modeling career at 60, finding the love of a lifetime and moving to another country at 65, making a trip around the world at 67, parachuting to your 80th birthday are all real stories of people who just wanted to live and took everything from life.

We all need to forget about the famous age stereotypes and instead live, just live. And even if you're 67 or 97, just keep on having fun and being active. Realize that you still have a lot of time to do what you've wanted to do for a long time. And it's not just about entertainment, 50 to 75 can still be a new career if you want to.
Today, 50 years is the peak of human life, the time when you can enjoy life as much as possible. This is the time when you can fulfill your dreams, whether it is a desire to lose weight, improve your financial situation, find your favorite job and understand yourself. Everything is possible, no matter how old you are!
And we have also told many wonderful stories of centenarians. For example, the story of Alla Levushkina, the oldest surgeon in Russia, who is still operating at 91.
We are also very inspired by the story of Barbara Beskind, who managed to fulfill her girlly dream and at the age of 90 comes up with ideas for inventions no worse than young specialists.
Do you think you can change your life after 50? Tell us in the comments, and if you know the same inspiring stories, be sure to share with us!