How to make automatic ventilation of the greenhouse with your own hands
In order for the greenhouse to function correctly, it is necessary to organize all the conditions for the growth of plants in it. One of the important components that facilitates the operation of the greenhouse is an electric drive on the window. With its help, it is possible to fully automate ventilation in the greenhouse. There are several options for auto drives. We will learn more about their features and installation technology later.
Electric drive by hand scheme - the reasons for ventilation of greenhousesVentilation of greenhouses is a necessary process of their proper functioning. Greenhouses need ventilation for the following reasons:
1. To maintain optimal temperature conditions. To achieve vegetation of plants, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about twenty degrees in the greenhouse. Intensive watering and higher temperature lead to premature spoilage of plants and their wilting. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the greenhouse room.
2. With daily changes in temperatures, plants become tempered, become stronger. Especially important when growing seedlings, which will later grow in ordinary soil.
3. The presence of fresh air prevents the appearance of pests in the greenhouse. High temperature and humidity are excellent conditions for the development of mold and insects. Reducing these indicators can prevent their development.
4. Since air masses move intensively in the greenhouse, pollination of plants and an increase in their fertility occur.
There are several ways to ventilate greenhouses. In relation to the principle of ventilation, they are divided into methods of natural and forced ventilation. Natural ventilation methods are energy dependent, which have an electric drive and systems with auto-drive.
Forced ventilation of the greenhouse involves the installation of several fans, some of which remove air from the greenhouse, and others inject it. In large greenhouses, ventilation devices are also installed, which contribute to the mixing and redistribution of air.
Note that the automatic ventilation system of the greenhouse is equipped with additional batteries that periodically need to be recharged. Otherwise, the system may fail.
Ventilators of electric type - are installed on greenhouse windows. Comparing them with the previous version of the drive, we highlight the following advantages:
Allocate openers for pneumatic and hydraulic type vents. Each system has the same principle of operation. Inside the opener there is a working fluid, which in the process of heating expands and pushes the window opener.
The main component of any opener is a steel hydraulic cylinder, inside which there is a thermal drive. In addition, the device is equipped with cylinder fasteners, a rod, a pusher, locks, levers, corners for fixing the frame, devices for fixing the opener on different types of windows. Note that all automatic window ventilation systems are equipped with expanding substances with great inertia. If the temperature in the room rises too sharply, then they may not work. In this case, it is recommended to open the windows manually.
Homemade electric drives with their own handsIf you buy an automatic drive to open the window in the greenhouse for any reason failed, we recommend making it yourself. In order to make a banking mechanism for opening the window, you will need the presence of:
According to the principle of operation, the window opens in this way: the air temperature rises in the room, while water from one container flows into another, which opens the opening that provides ventilation. When the temperature decreases, the vacuum begins to absorb water, which emptys the can and helps close the window.
In order to independently create a ventilation mechanism, the presence of:
Crane with electric drive with their own hands: mechanisms for ventilation of greenhousesIf for some reason the oil-based electric drive does not suit you, we recommend making an electric drive with your hands. This device works much faster, almost immediately after the temperature rises.
The most important characteristic of an electric drive is its inertia. However, too long heating of the oil leads to spoilage of plants, under the influence of a very high temperature. Therefore, the device should work instantly, immediately after the temperature rises. We offer the option of an electrically driven lock for a greenhouse, which is based on the use of a cylinder from a table for a computer.
First of all, a lift cylinder should be prepared. One side of which is equipped with a metal rod, and the second with a plastic valve rod. Instructions for the manufacture of electric drive with your own hands are as follows:
1. Install the plastic rod in the vise, clamping it in them. Then the rod is sharply pulled out of the drive in such a way as to open the steel pin.
2. Install a steel rod inside the cylinder, which will help relieve it of excess stress.
3. In order to cut off part of the cylinder, use a Bulgarian. Do the work in a mask and protective glasses. Squeeze out of the cylinder a rod made of metal. Try not to damage it, otherwise you will not be able to make a high-quality drive.
4. Press the rod in the vise and install a thread on its end, use a Bulgarian to remove the cuffs.
5. In the inner part of the cylinder there will be a sleeve, which is installed in place. Leave a piston made of aluminum, remove the rubber ring linings from it.
6. Use gasoline to wash all the details. In the inner part of the sleeve, place a rod, do this work carefully, in order to avoid damage to the omentum.
7. Install a nut on the threaded connection, they prevent the rod from falling into the cylinder during operation.
8. Install a piston made of aluminum. Take the pipe and at one end weld the trimmed side of the cylinder.
9. Install the system on the window and pour engine oil into it, having previously removed the air.
Check the efficiency of the thermal drive. For more convenient filling of the system with oil, install a plug on one end of the pipe located in a horizontal direction. On the second part of the pipe, install a ball tap and a container into which oil will flow.
Repair of electric drives by hand - we build from a car cylinderTo perform work on independent production of electric drive will require a gas hydraulic car cylinder. Since this device is gas, it needs to be modified so that it can function as a drive.
First, drill a hole in the cylinder to get rid of the gas. Make a thread on it, to which the hose will be connected in the future. Lock it with a bolt on which there is a hairpin. Thus, the head of the hinge will be fixed in its place.
Next, you should purchase or order a receiver that ensures the functioning of the thermal drive. Remove the air and fill the device with oil. the stem part should be completely immersed in the oil. Check the tightness of the entire system.
Next, you should install the electric drive on the window and wait for the temperature to increase to check its operability.
Another option for the manufacture of an electric drive is the use of a gas-based shock absorber from the Zhiguli car. For these purposes, you will also need two segments of steel pipe, at the ends of which there is a thread. At the end of the gas shock absorber, the lower part of the stud is cut off. And at the bottom, a hole is drilled under the thread.
You should also purchase bolts for brake hoses, additional nuts and bolts. In the central part of the device, a hole is drilled for the installation of plumbing plugs. Inside it are mounted bolts, and they wear a nut. To connect all the details with each other, use pads based on paronite. To connect the plug and tee, use counternuts.
Unscrew one part of the stub and pour oil into it. Release the air from the shock absorber. Twirl the plug and fix the device on the window. Check the operation of the mechanism.
Electric drive price, functions, manufacturing featuresThere are many types of electric drives with which it is possible to perform automatic ventilation of greenhouses. They all differ in shape, size, material. However, the principle of action for almost everyone is the same. Inside the hydraulic device is a liquid, which in the process of heating increases in volume, pushing the piston system. Thus, it is possible to open the frame.
When self-manufacturing an electric drive, it is necessary first of all to stock up on a device and a substance that is able to respond to changes in the temperature regime. Most often, ordinary oil for the car is used as such a substance. In addition, the availability of:
The depreciation rod is fixed on the frame, cut to a spring and connected to the pipe. At the same time, monitor the tightness of the connections. On each side of the device, install taps through which you need to pour oil and release air from the system. In the process of heating the oil, the rod is extended, while opening the window, and when cooling, on the contrary, it closes the frame.
Much work should be done to create such a mechanism. In addition, you will need a certain tool and skill to work with it. Non-compliance with the tightness of all connections leads to the fact that the device will not work qualitatively. And this is fraught with the death of the crop in the greenhouse, because the constant exposure to high temperature adversely affects the quality of plants.
Therefore, the issue of installing an electric drive on the window should be taken very seriously. If you doubt that you will be able to make it with your own hands, it is better to purchase purchased models and install them according to the instructions from the manufacturer.
The method of fixing the appliance is determined by the material from which the greenhouse is built. Some manufacturers offer the services of specialists in the implementation of installation work.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: strport.ru/elektrooborudovanie-svet-osveshchenie/kak-ustanovit-elektroprivod-na-fortochku-dlya-avtomaticheskogo
Electric drive by hand scheme - the reasons for ventilation of greenhousesVentilation of greenhouses is a necessary process of their proper functioning. Greenhouses need ventilation for the following reasons:
1. To maintain optimal temperature conditions. To achieve vegetation of plants, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about twenty degrees in the greenhouse. Intensive watering and higher temperature lead to premature spoilage of plants and their wilting. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the greenhouse room.
2. With daily changes in temperatures, plants become tempered, become stronger. Especially important when growing seedlings, which will later grow in ordinary soil.
3. The presence of fresh air prevents the appearance of pests in the greenhouse. High temperature and humidity are excellent conditions for the development of mold and insects. Reducing these indicators can prevent their development.
4. Since air masses move intensively in the greenhouse, pollination of plants and an increase in their fertility occur.
There are several ways to ventilate greenhouses. In relation to the principle of ventilation, they are divided into methods of natural and forced ventilation. Natural ventilation methods are energy dependent, which have an electric drive and systems with auto-drive.
Forced ventilation of the greenhouse involves the installation of several fans, some of which remove air from the greenhouse, and others inject it. In large greenhouses, ventilation devices are also installed, which contribute to the mixing and redistribution of air.
Note that the automatic ventilation system of the greenhouse is equipped with additional batteries that periodically need to be recharged. Otherwise, the system may fail.

Ventilators of electric type - are installed on greenhouse windows. Comparing them with the previous version of the drive, we highlight the following advantages:
- ventilators installed on the windows allow you to accurately adjust the position of the window, quickly change the settings and allow you to adjust them;
- the power drive has high power, which opens not only one window, but also several windows at once;
- is used in greenhouses with a multi-stage ventilation system, works at a certain temperature.
- temperature regulator;
- Automotive settings relay;
- temperature detector remote type;
- gearbox;
- shaft
- cable
- directly to the window.

Allocate openers for pneumatic and hydraulic type vents. Each system has the same principle of operation. Inside the opener there is a working fluid, which in the process of heating expands and pushes the window opener.
The main component of any opener is a steel hydraulic cylinder, inside which there is a thermal drive. In addition, the device is equipped with cylinder fasteners, a rod, a pusher, locks, levers, corners for fixing the frame, devices for fixing the opener on different types of windows. Note that all automatic window ventilation systems are equipped with expanding substances with great inertia. If the temperature in the room rises too sharply, then they may not work. In this case, it is recommended to open the windows manually.

Homemade electric drives with their own handsIf you buy an automatic drive to open the window in the greenhouse for any reason failed, we recommend making it yourself. In order to make a banking mechanism for opening the window, you will need the presence of:
- wooden timber;
- ventilation framing;
- axis of rotation;
- fixer.
According to the principle of operation, the window opens in this way: the air temperature rises in the room, while water from one container flows into another, which opens the opening that provides ventilation. When the temperature decreases, the vacuum begins to absorb water, which emptys the can and helps close the window.
In order to independently create a ventilation mechanism, the presence of:
- two cans with a capacity of 1000 ml and 3000 ml;
- two lids, steel and capron;
- copper pipe, length of 30 cm, diameter of 0.5 cm;
- flexible pipe;
- tin or silicone sealant.

Crane with electric drive with their own hands: mechanisms for ventilation of greenhousesIf for some reason the oil-based electric drive does not suit you, we recommend making an electric drive with your hands. This device works much faster, almost immediately after the temperature rises.
The most important characteristic of an electric drive is its inertia. However, too long heating of the oil leads to spoilage of plants, under the influence of a very high temperature. Therefore, the device should work instantly, immediately after the temperature rises. We offer the option of an electrically driven lock for a greenhouse, which is based on the use of a cylinder from a table for a computer.
First of all, a lift cylinder should be prepared. One side of which is equipped with a metal rod, and the second with a plastic valve rod. Instructions for the manufacture of electric drive with your own hands are as follows:
1. Install the plastic rod in the vise, clamping it in them. Then the rod is sharply pulled out of the drive in such a way as to open the steel pin.
2. Install a steel rod inside the cylinder, which will help relieve it of excess stress.

3. In order to cut off part of the cylinder, use a Bulgarian. Do the work in a mask and protective glasses. Squeeze out of the cylinder a rod made of metal. Try not to damage it, otherwise you will not be able to make a high-quality drive.
4. Press the rod in the vise and install a thread on its end, use a Bulgarian to remove the cuffs.
5. In the inner part of the cylinder there will be a sleeve, which is installed in place. Leave a piston made of aluminum, remove the rubber ring linings from it.
6. Use gasoline to wash all the details. In the inner part of the sleeve, place a rod, do this work carefully, in order to avoid damage to the omentum.
7. Install a nut on the threaded connection, they prevent the rod from falling into the cylinder during operation.
8. Install a piston made of aluminum. Take the pipe and at one end weld the trimmed side of the cylinder.
9. Install the system on the window and pour engine oil into it, having previously removed the air.
Check the efficiency of the thermal drive. For more convenient filling of the system with oil, install a plug on one end of the pipe located in a horizontal direction. On the second part of the pipe, install a ball tap and a container into which oil will flow.

Repair of electric drives by hand - we build from a car cylinderTo perform work on independent production of electric drive will require a gas hydraulic car cylinder. Since this device is gas, it needs to be modified so that it can function as a drive.
First, drill a hole in the cylinder to get rid of the gas. Make a thread on it, to which the hose will be connected in the future. Lock it with a bolt on which there is a hairpin. Thus, the head of the hinge will be fixed in its place.
Next, you should purchase or order a receiver that ensures the functioning of the thermal drive. Remove the air and fill the device with oil. the stem part should be completely immersed in the oil. Check the tightness of the entire system.
Next, you should install the electric drive on the window and wait for the temperature to increase to check its operability.
Another option for the manufacture of an electric drive is the use of a gas-based shock absorber from the Zhiguli car. For these purposes, you will also need two segments of steel pipe, at the ends of which there is a thread. At the end of the gas shock absorber, the lower part of the stud is cut off. And at the bottom, a hole is drilled under the thread.

You should also purchase bolts for brake hoses, additional nuts and bolts. In the central part of the device, a hole is drilled for the installation of plumbing plugs. Inside it are mounted bolts, and they wear a nut. To connect all the details with each other, use pads based on paronite. To connect the plug and tee, use counternuts.
Unscrew one part of the stub and pour oil into it. Release the air from the shock absorber. Twirl the plug and fix the device on the window. Check the operation of the mechanism.
Electric drive price, functions, manufacturing featuresThere are many types of electric drives with which it is possible to perform automatic ventilation of greenhouses. They all differ in shape, size, material. However, the principle of action for almost everyone is the same. Inside the hydraulic device is a liquid, which in the process of heating increases in volume, pushing the piston system. Thus, it is possible to open the frame.
When self-manufacturing an electric drive, it is necessary first of all to stock up on a device and a substance that is able to respond to changes in the temperature regime. Most often, ordinary oil for the car is used as such a substance. In addition, the availability of:
- car springs;
- a pipe inside which liquid will be poured;
- Two taps - on one side will be poured oil, and on the other - merge.

The depreciation rod is fixed on the frame, cut to a spring and connected to the pipe. At the same time, monitor the tightness of the connections. On each side of the device, install taps through which you need to pour oil and release air from the system. In the process of heating the oil, the rod is extended, while opening the window, and when cooling, on the contrary, it closes the frame.
Much work should be done to create such a mechanism. In addition, you will need a certain tool and skill to work with it. Non-compliance with the tightness of all connections leads to the fact that the device will not work qualitatively. And this is fraught with the death of the crop in the greenhouse, because the constant exposure to high temperature adversely affects the quality of plants.
Therefore, the issue of installing an electric drive on the window should be taken very seriously. If you doubt that you will be able to make it with your own hands, it is better to purchase purchased models and install them according to the instructions from the manufacturer.
The method of fixing the appliance is determined by the material from which the greenhouse is built. Some manufacturers offer the services of specialists in the implementation of installation work.
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: strport.ru/elektrooborudovanie-svet-osveshchenie/kak-ustanovit-elektroprivod-na-fortochku-dlya-avtomaticheskogo
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