Methods of heating greenhouses with wood
Have a small greenhouse year round and want to get to the table fresh vegetables? I think that it is an impossible task and still have to go to the "services" of the market? But on this very market selling vegetables the same simple people like you! Therefore, it is realistic to have a small greenhouse, to constantly pamper yourself at least a simple, but fresh herbs from your own garden. If in summer, this task is feasible, then for the winter period, many owners simply "can" your greenhouse to next season.
To get a harvest all year round, in a greenhouse it is necessary to arrange the heating system. The greenhouse is made of glass, conventional film or polycarbonate, which are able to hold inside design of the heat needed to create favorable conditions for your garden. It remains to choose the most economical option heating system and correctly set up.
Many believe that the most comfortable methods of heat supply to the greenhouse are gas boilers, infrared heaters and other heating appliances. Indeed, the heating gas is one of the best options today that can compete perhaps only heat pump.
However, it is important to count the economic impact – how much it will cost to heat and how much of the harvested crop. It may happen that it is cheaper to buy fresh vegetables at the market. Firewood is one of the cheapest ways of heating greenhouses.
METHODS of HEATING GREENHOUSES with WOODtoday, despite the development of modern technology, wood heating is still popular among consumer. The modern system is improved in comparison with the stove of the last century. They have become more versatile and do not need as before-clock monitoring. Such equipment can be done in several ways:
Oven Buleryan in the center of the room
The easiest and most commonly used method of heating the greenhouse. Design can be made with your own hands brick (can be used) or metal sheets connected by welding. In the stove must have a chimney that will go through the roof or wall of the greenhouse. In this case, the heat sources is furnace itself and the chimney, which penetrates the heated smoke.
The main drawback of such furnaces is that the heat to be in the same place – around the oven. And the farther away, the air in the greenhouse will be cooler. While the heat source air can reach a temperature which can have detrimental effects on vegetation.
Tip! In order to distribute warm air in the greenhouse near the stove enough to install a fan which will distribute warm air from the furnace to other places in the heated space. It should be noted that when using the Central wood burning stoves greatly reduces the humidity in the greenhouse itself, the soil dries up, plants can begin to fade. To avoid this you need to install a greenhouse in a large container of water.
Another disadvantage of the use of a Central furnace is the impossibility of storage for her large supply of solid fuel directly in the greenhouse. Firewood will occupy a considerable area and be an additional source of emergence of harmful insects. If you keep the fuel on the street, the constant opening and closing of the doors of the greenhouse will help to move the warm air outside.
Horizontal fireplace further warms the air
The flue should be routed along the walls or under the ceiling, so that people can avoid accidental burns. This design promotes even distribution of warm air throughout the greenhouse area. But there is one thing!
Important! In such systems quickly accumulate soot and to prevent fires, the pipes must be frequently cleaned, which is quite difficult in the case of their horizontal location. To solve these problems, you need to make changes to the system design. You need to arrange the furnace in the pit, and chimney pipe to pass through the greenhouse at an angle or under a small layer of earth. In this case, the design feature will allow you to warm in addition to air, and even soil.
Located outside the furnace and the domestic water circuit
The most effective way of heating a greenhouse with wood is a furnace or boiler with the water system, which avoids the above difficulties. Thus there is the ability to heat evenly without exception, all areas of the greenhouse.
Oven set outside or indoors, or in a separate vestibule. From her through the greenhouse and laid a closed loop of pipe, which, as in the house, circulates the coolant.
If the equipment is installed outside or in a separate vestibule, the wood in this case can be stored in the same place. More precious heat is saved, since it eliminates the need to constantly open the door of the greenhouse for the laying of the fuel. Besides, there are no carbon monoxide gases and reduces the habitat of harmful insects.
Note! When the oven stops burn, water heating is able to retain heat in the greenhouse for a relatively long time.If the greenhouse has a concrete floor, you can skip the underneath of the pipe. This would create a positive effect, because it will warm the soil, which has a positive impact on plants. As you know, for plants the most important earth's temperature, not the ambient air.
Tip! At the organization of system of heating greenhouses, to attain maximum result, a buried pipe directly into the ground. The only drawback of the hot-water heating is the complexity of the installation, which kompensiruet efficiency and reliability of the system.
CONCLUSIONCertainly, the heating of greenhouses with firewood is the most advanced and the best way, but it becomes indispensable in case of lack of gas or frequent power outages.
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Source: otoplenie-guide.ru/otoplenie/drovyanoe/otoplenie-teplici-drovami

To get a harvest all year round, in a greenhouse it is necessary to arrange the heating system. The greenhouse is made of glass, conventional film or polycarbonate, which are able to hold inside design of the heat needed to create favorable conditions for your garden. It remains to choose the most economical option heating system and correctly set up.
Many believe that the most comfortable methods of heat supply to the greenhouse are gas boilers, infrared heaters and other heating appliances. Indeed, the heating gas is one of the best options today that can compete perhaps only heat pump.
However, it is important to count the economic impact – how much it will cost to heat and how much of the harvested crop. It may happen that it is cheaper to buy fresh vegetables at the market. Firewood is one of the cheapest ways of heating greenhouses.
METHODS of HEATING GREENHOUSES with WOODtoday, despite the development of modern technology, wood heating is still popular among consumer. The modern system is improved in comparison with the stove of the last century. They have become more versatile and do not need as before-clock monitoring. Such equipment can be done in several ways:

Oven Buleryan in the center of the room
The easiest and most commonly used method of heating the greenhouse. Design can be made with your own hands brick (can be used) or metal sheets connected by welding. In the stove must have a chimney that will go through the roof or wall of the greenhouse. In this case, the heat sources is furnace itself and the chimney, which penetrates the heated smoke.
The main drawback of such furnaces is that the heat to be in the same place – around the oven. And the farther away, the air in the greenhouse will be cooler. While the heat source air can reach a temperature which can have detrimental effects on vegetation.
Tip! In order to distribute warm air in the greenhouse near the stove enough to install a fan which will distribute warm air from the furnace to other places in the heated space. It should be noted that when using the Central wood burning stoves greatly reduces the humidity in the greenhouse itself, the soil dries up, plants can begin to fade. To avoid this you need to install a greenhouse in a large container of water.
Another disadvantage of the use of a Central furnace is the impossibility of storage for her large supply of solid fuel directly in the greenhouse. Firewood will occupy a considerable area and be an additional source of emergence of harmful insects. If you keep the fuel on the street, the constant opening and closing of the doors of the greenhouse will help to move the warm air outside.

Horizontal fireplace further warms the air
The flue should be routed along the walls or under the ceiling, so that people can avoid accidental burns. This design promotes even distribution of warm air throughout the greenhouse area. But there is one thing!
Important! In such systems quickly accumulate soot and to prevent fires, the pipes must be frequently cleaned, which is quite difficult in the case of their horizontal location. To solve these problems, you need to make changes to the system design. You need to arrange the furnace in the pit, and chimney pipe to pass through the greenhouse at an angle or under a small layer of earth. In this case, the design feature will allow you to warm in addition to air, and even soil.

Located outside the furnace and the domestic water circuit
The most effective way of heating a greenhouse with wood is a furnace or boiler with the water system, which avoids the above difficulties. Thus there is the ability to heat evenly without exception, all areas of the greenhouse.
Oven set outside or indoors, or in a separate vestibule. From her through the greenhouse and laid a closed loop of pipe, which, as in the house, circulates the coolant.
If the equipment is installed outside or in a separate vestibule, the wood in this case can be stored in the same place. More precious heat is saved, since it eliminates the need to constantly open the door of the greenhouse for the laying of the fuel. Besides, there are no carbon monoxide gases and reduces the habitat of harmful insects.
Note! When the oven stops burn, water heating is able to retain heat in the greenhouse for a relatively long time.If the greenhouse has a concrete floor, you can skip the underneath of the pipe. This would create a positive effect, because it will warm the soil, which has a positive impact on plants. As you know, for plants the most important earth's temperature, not the ambient air.
Tip! At the organization of system of heating greenhouses, to attain maximum result, a buried pipe directly into the ground. The only drawback of the hot-water heating is the complexity of the installation, which kompensiruet efficiency and reliability of the system.
CONCLUSIONCertainly, the heating of greenhouses with firewood is the most advanced and the best way, but it becomes indispensable in case of lack of gas or frequent power outages.
SUBSCRIBE to OUR youtube channel that allows you to watch online, download from YouTube free video about the recovery, the rejuvenation of man. Love for others and ourselves, as the feeling of high vibrations — an important factor for improvement .
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Source: otoplenie-guide.ru/otoplenie/drovyanoe/otoplenie-teplici-drovami
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