Firewood - good and different
Well as the country without firewood, especially in winter? Even if the heating runs on gas or electricity, there is a fireplace for coziness, and a — for health and pleasure. And here there is certainly no wood — no way. And wood, meanwhile, are different. Not that one is better, and others worse (although the pros and cons are, of course) — just different.
Birch wood — traditsionnaia many consider the best and for the stove and for the fireplace, and baths. There are reasons for that: dry birch firewood to kindle manage without problems, to burn they will have a long, beautiful flame, with almost no sparks. They give a lot of heat and have the ability to disinfect the air that is filled with a pleasant light fragrance, so fans of baths birch Poleshko appreciate very much. And yet this kind of fuel burning, emit very little carbon monoxide (which is not to say, however, that it is possible to neglect safety rules)
But without a "fly in the ointment" has not done. And the most that neither is present the tar is birch. Because of him in the chimney and the walls of the furnace, which is heated by such wood produces a lot of soot and grime. Traction this is getting worse, and the probability of fire is higher. So, choosing the birch, get ready in advance to the job of the chimney sweep.
Wood of coniferous — pine, spruce, listvennichnaya crackling logs in the fireplace, the bright sparks, and then flying around — signs of burning pine wood. Like birch, they give a lot of heat, only to burn much faster. But for the unique resinous aroma, which is felt in the furnace of pine or fir logs, many flaws to forgive)) Just here to follow the hearth have carefully: "vystrelivshey" a spark can fly out of the furnace and cause great harm.
Spruce wood is not as hot as pine — keep this in mind when harvesting.Larch wood is quite rare — not so the breed of the tree we have common. But if you those logs will fall, remember: burning, they form a lot of carbon monoxide, therefore, in no case do not rush to close the valve and take care of good ventilation. By the way, soot from resinous pine wood on the walls of the stove and chimney will settle no less than from birch.
Firewood alder — consciously manage such firewood to get hold of — consider yourself lucky: they burn hot with almost no smoke and soot, but with a unique aroma, has healing power. It is believed that the bathhouse on alder wood — a sure cure for catarrhal ailments. In the old days, they say that alder was chosen for furnaces in Royal houses and wealthy estates. Appreciate alder firewood and pet lovers smoked. Fresh cut alder are red-orange color, so the stack will look bright and unusual.
There is, however, this wonderful tree one feature, which you can not see buying ready-logs: all this refers to the alder wood, who grew up in a dry place. But the swamp and smoke may, in the bath from the heat heavy.
Firewood oak — tracedriven oak is strong, dense, so it burns hot and long. Aroma of oak wood nice, rich, but good for firewood not every tree. Young oak will not appreciate the heat, and the old will make the air heavy in the bath, for example, not everyone can take it can.
Flare up well and provide excellent warmth only dry firewood of oak "middle age." But these still need to search: the oak is long-lived, grows slowly, and its wood as fuel now used not too often.
Wood fruit — aromatase pruning Apple trees, cherries and other trees in the garden sometimes there are many branches and twigs. Someone them in the fire let me, well, a prudent owner will certainly all neatly cut, chop and stack folded. Because in the bath such wood is quite good: they burn hot, exactly, give easy steam and flavor. And in the fireplace a couple of nice fireplaces to throw. Especially prized Apple wood from them and more heat and almost no smoke. However, this is a rather exotic treat than a daily practice: no one grows fruit trees for firewood.
Yes, keep in mind: if the tree was very old, and the wood inside is rotten, for a bath it is best not to use. However, in a homemade stove from rotten, too little use.
The wood of lime — hot and usestyle too, rather, from the category of curiosities. Though Linden in many cities and is not uncommon, but in the Middle lane of Linden wood still need to search. Except during the annual spring pruning something perepadet. A pity — because this is some of the best wood: a strong, persistent fever, honey aroma and healing power. Bath on Linden wood well influences a skin condition, it is considered useful in treating colds, rhinitis, lung diseases.
If you are still lucky, note: to flare up lime may take time, but the heat is steady.
The aspen firewood — firewood achisayskoe's always a good idea to keep in reserve, because they have a very valuable property that they do not give soot, and formed from other wood Nagar is able to "clean up". However, aspen logs will hardly be able to warm — the heat from the combustion they emit much less than pine or birch.
Old aspen was considered a "wood of the poor". But to throw a few aspen logs, completing the furnace, will not be superfluous: long languages rising from them the flame will save the stove from soot.
Firewood willow — leggieri should abandon these wood — they burn evenly, hot, not smoked. However, burn really quickly. But they and be not difficult if trees in your area are growing. Age they short, and gardeners in cities and towns regularly cut down the old trees, pruned branches, so don't miss the moment!
Important dealiest the nuances of the procurement and storage of firewood which do not depend on the chosen type of wood. They are useful to know:
In winter, the trunks of trees less moisture, so it is preferable to harvest wood at this time of year. Drying takes an average of about a year (of course, depending on tree species, time of harvesting, storage conditions and other nuances of this period may significantly decrease or increase).
Are considered the best option logs with a length of 40-50 cm and a thickness of 8-10. Them to the woodpile to stack conveniently, and for any furnace they come.
If the wood lie on the ground, they accumulate toxins that will be emitted during the combustion of wood. Therefore, when planning to use the wood cut down branches of trees or remnants of building materials, should immediately to take care of their correct storage. But if zagotavlivali deadwood, avoid the long-fallen trunks and branches.
Firewood in a woodpile suggest to stack the bark up — it will protect them from accidentally trapped moisture that evaporates from the crust faster.
Wood burning superstition and powerleveling or not, but they say that...
Source: www.7dach.ru

Birch wood — traditsionnaia many consider the best and for the stove and for the fireplace, and baths. There are reasons for that: dry birch firewood to kindle manage without problems, to burn they will have a long, beautiful flame, with almost no sparks. They give a lot of heat and have the ability to disinfect the air that is filled with a pleasant light fragrance, so fans of baths birch Poleshko appreciate very much. And yet this kind of fuel burning, emit very little carbon monoxide (which is not to say, however, that it is possible to neglect safety rules)

But without a "fly in the ointment" has not done. And the most that neither is present the tar is birch. Because of him in the chimney and the walls of the furnace, which is heated by such wood produces a lot of soot and grime. Traction this is getting worse, and the probability of fire is higher. So, choosing the birch, get ready in advance to the job of the chimney sweep.
Wood of coniferous — pine, spruce, listvennichnaya crackling logs in the fireplace, the bright sparks, and then flying around — signs of burning pine wood. Like birch, they give a lot of heat, only to burn much faster. But for the unique resinous aroma, which is felt in the furnace of pine or fir logs, many flaws to forgive)) Just here to follow the hearth have carefully: "vystrelivshey" a spark can fly out of the furnace and cause great harm.

Spruce wood is not as hot as pine — keep this in mind when harvesting.Larch wood is quite rare — not so the breed of the tree we have common. But if you those logs will fall, remember: burning, they form a lot of carbon monoxide, therefore, in no case do not rush to close the valve and take care of good ventilation. By the way, soot from resinous pine wood on the walls of the stove and chimney will settle no less than from birch.
Firewood alder — consciously manage such firewood to get hold of — consider yourself lucky: they burn hot with almost no smoke and soot, but with a unique aroma, has healing power. It is believed that the bathhouse on alder wood — a sure cure for catarrhal ailments. In the old days, they say that alder was chosen for furnaces in Royal houses and wealthy estates. Appreciate alder firewood and pet lovers smoked. Fresh cut alder are red-orange color, so the stack will look bright and unusual.

There is, however, this wonderful tree one feature, which you can not see buying ready-logs: all this refers to the alder wood, who grew up in a dry place. But the swamp and smoke may, in the bath from the heat heavy.
Firewood oak — tracedriven oak is strong, dense, so it burns hot and long. Aroma of oak wood nice, rich, but good for firewood not every tree. Young oak will not appreciate the heat, and the old will make the air heavy in the bath, for example, not everyone can take it can.

Flare up well and provide excellent warmth only dry firewood of oak "middle age." But these still need to search: the oak is long-lived, grows slowly, and its wood as fuel now used not too often.
Wood fruit — aromatase pruning Apple trees, cherries and other trees in the garden sometimes there are many branches and twigs. Someone them in the fire let me, well, a prudent owner will certainly all neatly cut, chop and stack folded. Because in the bath such wood is quite good: they burn hot, exactly, give easy steam and flavor. And in the fireplace a couple of nice fireplaces to throw. Especially prized Apple wood from them and more heat and almost no smoke. However, this is a rather exotic treat than a daily practice: no one grows fruit trees for firewood.

Yes, keep in mind: if the tree was very old, and the wood inside is rotten, for a bath it is best not to use. However, in a homemade stove from rotten, too little use.
The wood of lime — hot and usestyle too, rather, from the category of curiosities. Though Linden in many cities and is not uncommon, but in the Middle lane of Linden wood still need to search. Except during the annual spring pruning something perepadet. A pity — because this is some of the best wood: a strong, persistent fever, honey aroma and healing power. Bath on Linden wood well influences a skin condition, it is considered useful in treating colds, rhinitis, lung diseases.

If you are still lucky, note: to flare up lime may take time, but the heat is steady.
The aspen firewood — firewood achisayskoe's always a good idea to keep in reserve, because they have a very valuable property that they do not give soot, and formed from other wood Nagar is able to "clean up". However, aspen logs will hardly be able to warm — the heat from the combustion they emit much less than pine or birch.

Old aspen was considered a "wood of the poor". But to throw a few aspen logs, completing the furnace, will not be superfluous: long languages rising from them the flame will save the stove from soot.
Firewood willow — leggieri should abandon these wood — they burn evenly, hot, not smoked. However, burn really quickly. But they and be not difficult if trees in your area are growing. Age they short, and gardeners in cities and towns regularly cut down the old trees, pruned branches, so don't miss the moment!

Important dealiest the nuances of the procurement and storage of firewood which do not depend on the chosen type of wood. They are useful to know:
- The wood has a "shelf life"

In winter, the trunks of trees less moisture, so it is preferable to harvest wood at this time of year. Drying takes an average of about a year (of course, depending on tree species, time of harvesting, storage conditions and other nuances of this period may significantly decrease or increase).
Are considered the best option logs with a length of 40-50 cm and a thickness of 8-10. Them to the woodpile to stack conveniently, and for any furnace they come.

If the wood lie on the ground, they accumulate toxins that will be emitted during the combustion of wood. Therefore, when planning to use the wood cut down branches of trees or remnants of building materials, should immediately to take care of their correct storage. But if zagotavlivali deadwood, avoid the long-fallen trunks and branches.
Firewood in a woodpile suggest to stack the bark up — it will protect them from accidentally trapped moisture that evaporates from the crust faster.

Wood burning superstition and powerleveling or not, but they say that...
- firewood for sauna better harvest on a waning moon; their healing power will be higher, the thinner lunar Crescent at the time of the workpiece;
- the ancient Slavs believed that the maple was once a man (the leaves resemble open palm, and branches like upraised to the sky hands), so I haven't used maple wood;
- in the old days in the province of Tambov was believed that the Veil should only use the stove Apple wood — that the house was warm all winter, even in the fierce cold.
Source: www.7dach.ru
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