About fireplaces
In advance I do not consider me an idiot, I'm just a person purely on the city and know little furnaces. Let's go.
Fortanulo me this spring to receive the study at a German firmochki. Well firmochki - firm with a worldwide reputation. He worked there before, but now has decided to grow his career. And so on. To. Now I am staying in this office here to stay, I decided to move closer to their place of work. I considered wagon variants of apartments, but somehow it did not like. And in early August found. Paul House, windows to the floor, to work on foot 2 minutes to the city center 15 minutes away by car, and the main house has a fireplace! Well, not a fireplace, as well, wood stove, but still.
The fact that in this shack since the crucifixion no one lived I was not interested - Home Fireplace! On the other hand window in the wall to the floor. And do not care that the green wall of the bedroom window you can see only the huge gas barrel and prihozhka painted in signal orange. Before his eyes there was only one picture I in the chair by the fireplace, and a pile of snow outside the window! Vbabahav repair of the shed a lot of money, effort and time, I bought leather furniture and glass tables. And blah, so I ate the eyes fireplace that already had to buy a refrigerator. Internet is not (only 24 connected), a comfortable chair by the fire, and the fire does not burn. And yet somewhere in the depths of the mind, I realized that behind and 27 breeding fireplace silly, but ... it was in the evening - there was nothing. I came with each crate of beer and I'm dismissing the tail went strut and show off high ceilings (house more than 100 years, ceilings, even the ladder difficult to get) but with all sorts of electronic nishtyak. After six liters for two "Ostap suffered».
"A cho we sitting here like sheep? We have a fireplace, and another half a box of beer! Start the Party! »
In my heart I had a pile of doubt, but also ... FIRE! For lack of wood on foot cloths were torn Karon packaging of the refrigerator, cabinets and beds. From somewhere came charcoal grill and dry fuel. We decided to plump for the aristocratic, t. E. The fireplace, bl ...
Cram everything combustible in burzhujku with grief in half lit and started. In my defense I can only say that the fireplace is not enclosed instructions and all the valves in chimneys my views were very superficial. t. e. I knew that the smoke has to go somewhere, but by default it has to go into the pipe. But the pipe it from something not desired to leave and went to the apartment, in fact - the smoke was dohrena. No, I would even say I DOX @! (sorry May jacket). Raw cardboard fonil better than tennis balls in the school toilets (those in the know - understand). Smoke quickly became too much and not to palitsya (guessed !!!), we closed all the windows, vents and doors! The main thing that the neighbors did not understand and did not swear! Without air fire quickly extinguished and cease to smoke! (Privately, we did not think) After some time, the smoke was so much that no one could see quite Nichrome, and the pins start already an adult: tell me who a week ago that the cardboard can be ukuritsya to Nirvana - I would not I believed. In short, we were laughing, they threw up all garbage (at departure of more than half a meter up the garbage loses sight and we had to guess where she shlёpnetsya) and shouting songs about Varyag.
Then the smoke began to flash blue and we started dancing. At some point before my undestanding that this is not bugs, and flashing lights, and I fear that fire mudyam to knock out my window, I pulled open the door. Wait too long, for me as Conan the Barbarian with an ax at the ready detinushka ran under two meters tall. (I'm a little toilet in the hallway did not accept seeing his wry hohotalnik) short windows we had saved, door way, too.
Next was the oil painting: at home a few fire trucks, neighbors from the second half of the homes are in the street (someone takes off on mobile), all the windows are open - belching smoke on the terrace of a bunch of evil fire at the parade (and on the street, though the twilight, but the heat under 30), there are two on the terrace buhih in poop, red, nose running, smelly and giggled like idiots Russian peasant tridtsatnik for everyone. And the next dialogue with nachalnegom calculation:
- What are you doing here?
- Fireplace drown !!!
- YES YOU GO @ FIR !!! 30 in the yard !!!
- And we're out of Russia, the Urals !!! - Hell knows what I blurted out.
Firefighters did not find the answer, and shaking their heads went to the machines something tambourine himself and waving his hands in his face. Firefighters have left, and we fell to the grass and began to neigh, neighing ourselves to ourselves, but the police arrived in the small nuances did not understand. Although it is a different story.
PS: With valve I understand. As soon as the start of cold (below 20) - will drown. Cider and beautiful glasses have already bought.
Fortanulo me this spring to receive the study at a German firmochki. Well firmochki - firm with a worldwide reputation. He worked there before, but now has decided to grow his career. And so on. To. Now I am staying in this office here to stay, I decided to move closer to their place of work. I considered wagon variants of apartments, but somehow it did not like. And in early August found. Paul House, windows to the floor, to work on foot 2 minutes to the city center 15 minutes away by car, and the main house has a fireplace! Well, not a fireplace, as well, wood stove, but still.
The fact that in this shack since the crucifixion no one lived I was not interested - Home Fireplace! On the other hand window in the wall to the floor. And do not care that the green wall of the bedroom window you can see only the huge gas barrel and prihozhka painted in signal orange. Before his eyes there was only one picture I in the chair by the fireplace, and a pile of snow outside the window! Vbabahav repair of the shed a lot of money, effort and time, I bought leather furniture and glass tables. And blah, so I ate the eyes fireplace that already had to buy a refrigerator. Internet is not (only 24 connected), a comfortable chair by the fire, and the fire does not burn. And yet somewhere in the depths of the mind, I realized that behind and 27 breeding fireplace silly, but ... it was in the evening - there was nothing. I came with each crate of beer and I'm dismissing the tail went strut and show off high ceilings (house more than 100 years, ceilings, even the ladder difficult to get) but with all sorts of electronic nishtyak. After six liters for two "Ostap suffered».
"A cho we sitting here like sheep? We have a fireplace, and another half a box of beer! Start the Party! »
In my heart I had a pile of doubt, but also ... FIRE! For lack of wood on foot cloths were torn Karon packaging of the refrigerator, cabinets and beds. From somewhere came charcoal grill and dry fuel. We decided to plump for the aristocratic, t. E. The fireplace, bl ...
Cram everything combustible in burzhujku with grief in half lit and started. In my defense I can only say that the fireplace is not enclosed instructions and all the valves in chimneys my views were very superficial. t. e. I knew that the smoke has to go somewhere, but by default it has to go into the pipe. But the pipe it from something not desired to leave and went to the apartment, in fact - the smoke was dohrena. No, I would even say I DOX @! (sorry May jacket). Raw cardboard fonil better than tennis balls in the school toilets (those in the know - understand). Smoke quickly became too much and not to palitsya (guessed !!!), we closed all the windows, vents and doors! The main thing that the neighbors did not understand and did not swear! Without air fire quickly extinguished and cease to smoke! (Privately, we did not think) After some time, the smoke was so much that no one could see quite Nichrome, and the pins start already an adult: tell me who a week ago that the cardboard can be ukuritsya to Nirvana - I would not I believed. In short, we were laughing, they threw up all garbage (at departure of more than half a meter up the garbage loses sight and we had to guess where she shlёpnetsya) and shouting songs about Varyag.
Then the smoke began to flash blue and we started dancing. At some point before my undestanding that this is not bugs, and flashing lights, and I fear that fire mudyam to knock out my window, I pulled open the door. Wait too long, for me as Conan the Barbarian with an ax at the ready detinushka ran under two meters tall. (I'm a little toilet in the hallway did not accept seeing his wry hohotalnik) short windows we had saved, door way, too.
Next was the oil painting: at home a few fire trucks, neighbors from the second half of the homes are in the street (someone takes off on mobile), all the windows are open - belching smoke on the terrace of a bunch of evil fire at the parade (and on the street, though the twilight, but the heat under 30), there are two on the terrace buhih in poop, red, nose running, smelly and giggled like idiots Russian peasant tridtsatnik for everyone. And the next dialogue with nachalnegom calculation:
- What are you doing here?
- Fireplace drown !!!
- YES YOU GO @ FIR !!! 30 in the yard !!!
- And we're out of Russia, the Urals !!! - Hell knows what I blurted out.
Firefighters did not find the answer, and shaking their heads went to the machines something tambourine himself and waving his hands in his face. Firefighters have left, and we fell to the grass and began to neigh, neighing ourselves to ourselves, but the police arrived in the small nuances did not understand. Although it is a different story.
PS: With valve I understand. As soon as the start of cold (below 20) - will drown. Cider and beautiful glasses have already bought.
