How to choose the right heat storage Wood stove house
Type of flame burning hearth at all times has a decorative component of comfort and well-being. Therefore, people pay special attention to the framing of burning firewood in furnaces or fireplaces stoves. But the charm and warmth of a highly efficient stoves should be supported by the right and reasonable choice of design.
hut without chimney I noticed that a private home will become a real comfort when heat-retaining fireplace or stove is installed. Any heat storage stove is the best climate in the winter and home decoration.
Of course, to choose the model of the fireplace stove, you need to focus on the characteristics of the premises, namely the base and the presence of overlap. Certainly, fireplace stoves, photos of which can be seen for hours on the Internet, designed for any consumer:
• stoves with ovens
• tiled stoves
• models created for individual orders.
But each furnace chimney is a proven technology, the installation of experienced craftsmen and an attractive design.
Criteria for selecting the fireplace stove
Selecting the heat storage fireplace stove should be implemented on the following criteria:
• material furnace lining
• The amount and location of the combustion chamber
• view the passage of the fuel and air supply route method.
At European manufacturers of heating equipment hot season. It is necessary to solve the task of improving properties teploakkumulyatsionnyh fireplace stoves, excluding the increase in equipment capacity. It is known that a traditional fireplace, equipped with a closed combustion chamber, produces and radiates heat from the flames through the glass.
Fireplace quickly heats the room, but as the burning of wood in the furnace heat quickly terminated. In furnaces fireplaces heat-storage time interval between the laying of wood and maintaining the heating temperature increased. Energy storage is carried out heat transfer material, which is faced with a fireplace. In addition, the housing part in the process of accumulation.
Put insert into the casing of the fireplace and heat insulated, with the accumulated heat is safely on the path of the heated circulating air. The successful combination of a closed fireplace firebox and the heat insulating lining factory production as a result gives a good result. For example, stoves German company Schmid, equipped with massive lining uniformly transfer heat to the room for 4 hours.
But of particular interest is the Finnish stoves. Scheme supplying air into the furnace provides not only the pyrolysis of wood, but also high temperature combustion gases.
The correct application and use of the crystal structure of the properties facing soapstone and talc magnesites allows thermal energy is focused to spread in the construction of the furnace chimney.
Finnish heat storage stoves - fireplaces are able to maintain the temperature for a long period of time (up to 36 hours)
. Of course, a bright future and prosperous old age, at the Finnish stoves provided.
Finnish Tulikivi fireplace oven can be called the best confidence.
The secret of stoves and fireplaces Scandinavians covered in the material of the assembled pockets. The principle of operation is similar to the principle of fireplace stoves Russian furnace when heating occurs by convection and radiation due to the impressive mass and accumulation tepla.ognenny stone Tulikivi
But compared to the traditional brick and tiled stove in the fireplace stove is involved firestone Tulikivi - talkohlorit and Talkomagnezit. The mineral has a tremendous heat storage properties, does not contain any harmful impurities and background radiation is absent.
Recall that the main characteristics of soapstone are:
• specific heat capacity - 0, 98 Kj / Kg ° C
• thermal conductivity of 2 times higher than that of a brick (6 W / MK)
• coefficient of thermal expansion - 0, 001% / ° C
. In addition, the unique vortex insert, patented by the Finnish manufacturer, reduces emissions to a minimum.
How should I choose a heat storage stove
Thus, based on the basic characteristics of cladding material, the choice of heat-retaining fireplaces, furnaces should be performed taking into account the thermal parameters. Recall that these are the parameters:
• heat transfer time from 20 to 48 hours
• Assumed area
heated space • energy consumption, efficiency, chimney class and its location, the amount of wood.
According to heat engineering characteristics, stoves - fireplaces accumulating can be divided into several types:
• furnace for a small heated area (heat transfer time to 22 hours, heated area from 20 to 75 m with an energy up to 58 kW / h and an efficiency of up to 80% of the amount of wood used 16-18 kg.)
• furnace, designed for a large area to be heated from 40 to 100 square meters, with a time of up to 32 hours of heat, power consumption 77 kW / h and an efficiency of 83%, wood consumption up to 22 kg for a furnace).
Light model interior fireplaces can be installed directly on the foundation plate onto the floor. The foundation is equipped with all sides the fire, thereby excluding the possibility of sparks and ignition.
In addition, it is recommended to make sure at the end of the installation of the furnace heat storage that the base construction keeps weight.
Naturally, in addition to thermal performance and should take into account the overall dimensions of the furnace chimney, overall design and appearance of the door.
Interior design with heat-retaining fireplace
Former Finnish proverb says: «Laita ensin tupaan ja laita uuni, ja sitten tuo vaimo», which means: "First, put the house Gather and oven, and then reducible wife." Having dealt with the thermal characteristics selection stoves fireplaces is the time to try to fit a fireplace in the interior of a private house.
In this case, not hurt to remember that any oven it is a solid structure (some models can weigh up to 2 tons). Therefore, consider the location of the furnace. The collection of producers are pockets that can be placed near a wall, in a corner in the wall opening with the ability to heat two rooms.
In addition, an important role in the interior of the furnace will be playing overall size and the presence of the foundation.
The appearance of heat-retaining furnaces complement the various options flue doors. It may be straight, or panoramic bay door.
The advantage of the rounded shape of the furnace door and the oriel is the opportunity to watch the burning hearth simultaneously from both sides. Scandinavian severity and restraint can be seen in almost all models of fireplaces.
Unlike classical fireplace, superstructure or cornice, laconic elegance Fire stone is the main decoration of a private home.
hut without chimney I noticed that a private home will become a real comfort when heat-retaining fireplace or stove is installed. Any heat storage stove is the best climate in the winter and home decoration.

Of course, to choose the model of the fireplace stove, you need to focus on the characteristics of the premises, namely the base and the presence of overlap. Certainly, fireplace stoves, photos of which can be seen for hours on the Internet, designed for any consumer:
• stoves with ovens
• tiled stoves
• models created for individual orders.

But each furnace chimney is a proven technology, the installation of experienced craftsmen and an attractive design.
Criteria for selecting the fireplace stove
Selecting the heat storage fireplace stove should be implemented on the following criteria:
• material furnace lining
• The amount and location of the combustion chamber
• view the passage of the fuel and air supply route method.

At European manufacturers of heating equipment hot season. It is necessary to solve the task of improving properties teploakkumulyatsionnyh fireplace stoves, excluding the increase in equipment capacity. It is known that a traditional fireplace, equipped with a closed combustion chamber, produces and radiates heat from the flames through the glass.

Fireplace quickly heats the room, but as the burning of wood in the furnace heat quickly terminated. In furnaces fireplaces heat-storage time interval between the laying of wood and maintaining the heating temperature increased. Energy storage is carried out heat transfer material, which is faced with a fireplace. In addition, the housing part in the process of accumulation.

Put insert into the casing of the fireplace and heat insulated, with the accumulated heat is safely on the path of the heated circulating air. The successful combination of a closed fireplace firebox and the heat insulating lining factory production as a result gives a good result. For example, stoves German company Schmid, equipped with massive lining uniformly transfer heat to the room for 4 hours.

But of particular interest is the Finnish stoves. Scheme supplying air into the furnace provides not only the pyrolysis of wood, but also high temperature combustion gases.
The correct application and use of the crystal structure of the properties facing soapstone and talc magnesites allows thermal energy is focused to spread in the construction of the furnace chimney.
Finnish heat storage stoves - fireplaces are able to maintain the temperature for a long period of time (up to 36 hours)
. Of course, a bright future and prosperous old age, at the Finnish stoves provided.
Finnish Tulikivi fireplace oven can be called the best confidence.

The secret of stoves and fireplaces Scandinavians covered in the material of the assembled pockets. The principle of operation is similar to the principle of fireplace stoves Russian furnace when heating occurs by convection and radiation due to the impressive mass and accumulation tepla.ognenny stone Tulikivi

But compared to the traditional brick and tiled stove in the fireplace stove is involved firestone Tulikivi - talkohlorit and Talkomagnezit. The mineral has a tremendous heat storage properties, does not contain any harmful impurities and background radiation is absent.

Recall that the main characteristics of soapstone are:
• specific heat capacity - 0, 98 Kj / Kg ° C
• thermal conductivity of 2 times higher than that of a brick (6 W / MK)
• coefficient of thermal expansion - 0, 001% / ° C
. In addition, the unique vortex insert, patented by the Finnish manufacturer, reduces emissions to a minimum.

How should I choose a heat storage stove
Thus, based on the basic characteristics of cladding material, the choice of heat-retaining fireplaces, furnaces should be performed taking into account the thermal parameters. Recall that these are the parameters:
• heat transfer time from 20 to 48 hours
• Assumed area
heated space • energy consumption, efficiency, chimney class and its location, the amount of wood.

According to heat engineering characteristics, stoves - fireplaces accumulating can be divided into several types:
• furnace for a small heated area (heat transfer time to 22 hours, heated area from 20 to 75 m with an energy up to 58 kW / h and an efficiency of up to 80% of the amount of wood used 16-18 kg.)
• furnace, designed for a large area to be heated from 40 to 100 square meters, with a time of up to 32 hours of heat, power consumption 77 kW / h and an efficiency of 83%, wood consumption up to 22 kg for a furnace).

Light model interior fireplaces can be installed directly on the foundation plate onto the floor. The foundation is equipped with all sides the fire, thereby excluding the possibility of sparks and ignition.

In addition, it is recommended to make sure at the end of the installation of the furnace heat storage that the base construction keeps weight.

Naturally, in addition to thermal performance and should take into account the overall dimensions of the furnace chimney, overall design and appearance of the door.
Interior design with heat-retaining fireplace
Former Finnish proverb says: «Laita ensin tupaan ja laita uuni, ja sitten tuo vaimo», which means: "First, put the house Gather and oven, and then reducible wife." Having dealt with the thermal characteristics selection stoves fireplaces is the time to try to fit a fireplace in the interior of a private house.

In this case, not hurt to remember that any oven it is a solid structure (some models can weigh up to 2 tons). Therefore, consider the location of the furnace. The collection of producers are pockets that can be placed near a wall, in a corner in the wall opening with the ability to heat two rooms.

In addition, an important role in the interior of the furnace will be playing overall size and the presence of the foundation.
The appearance of heat-retaining furnaces complement the various options flue doors. It may be straight, or panoramic bay door.

The advantage of the rounded shape of the furnace door and the oriel is the opportunity to watch the burning hearth simultaneously from both sides. Scandinavian severity and restraint can be seen in almost all models of fireplaces.

Unlike classical fireplace, superstructure or cornice, laconic elegance Fire stone is the main decoration of a private home.
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