Claims destroy human
In Buddhist psychology, it says that the major source of energy loss is about. The Christian religion teaches, "No matter what part of the person's mouth, the main thing - what comes out." Some people use this expression to justify his style food, which recalls the style of food Pig in many ways - "eat what you want and what is seen", while ignoring the second part of the statement. Many ascetics and saints went to a secluded place, so that nothing they are not encouraged to engage in idle talk. The Vedas empty talk called "prajalpa". And that it is one of the main obstacles on the path of spiritual and material progress. The first estimate of the person we give by the way he speaks. It defines a person.
Virtually anyone who is interested in yoga, eastern philosophy and psychology, knows the name of the sage Patanjali and his monumental work on Yoga - "Yoga Sutras". But few know that, first of all, he wrote no less than outstanding papers on speech and medicine: "Patanjali-Bhashya" and "Charaka" respectively. "Patanjali-Bhashya", as commentary on Panini's grammar, learn how to speak and how to build your speech.
There is a close link between the mind and speech, mind and body, mind and soul. Healthy body, healthy mind and healthy we create a harmonious personality. Modern research has shown that the error in question is not accidental. They have a deep connection with the mental development. Stuttering and hesitation in the speech appear when there is a serious emotional disorder. Almost all diseases are psychosomatic in nature.
Everyone strives for perfection, to become, first of all, - the doctor treating your body; secondly, - an expert in grammar, followed his speech; Thirdly, - a philosopher, clearing your mind and understand the Absolute Truth.
In the life of such a person may not be a place for physical ailments, indifference to self-knowledge and disorderly speech. That such a man the sage Patanjali called yogi. And whatever kind of yoga, whatever type of spiritual practice of people not engaged, all of the above is applicable to it in full.
From the speech of the health and material well-being. And this applies not only to the spiritual people, but also to those who want to succeed financially. The ability to speak and to listen very seriously studied in all business schools. Even in the criminal world, to climb in the gang hierarchy, must be able to control the tongue. There's a quote realized Buddha's saying that words can kill a person. Three minutes of anger can destroy a ten-year friendship. Words greatly determine our karma. Can ten years engaged in spiritual development, charitable activities, but insulting a great personality, you can lose everything at all levels and to degrade in the lower forms of life.
Where did this come from? From insults. Vedic astrology says that the shadow planet Ketu is responsible for the abuse. Ketu - it is such a planet, which quickly gives the response, often instantaneously. Ketu also grants an exemption. But the negative aspect It punishes insults and derogatory speech, quickly depriving man of all, what he has achieved in the spiritual and material terms. In the Vedic civilization each person taught very carefully monitor their speech. While the man did not speak, he found difficult.
Fool of sage can be distinguished when he speaks. It has a very strong energy. Experts who have thin vision, say that people who communicate mate, rude and insulting to say, in a certain place of the subtle body then gets a black spot, which is a year or two can develop into cancer.
It - it is a manifestation of vitality. The most important thing for us is that the language - this is prayers, mantras and discussion topics, approaches the divine. It is also possible, as appropriate to discuss practical matters, to communicate with loved ones. But, most importantly, do not overdo it. Ayurveda says that it - it is a manifestation of Prana. Prana - the life force, the Universal energy. The more prana, the more healthy, successful, charismatic and harmonious people. So, first of all, the prana is expended when a person says. Especially when someone criticizes, condemns the claims being mothers. According to statistics, 90% of all fights is due to the fact that we are talking about someone bad. The most successful people are the ones that are nice to say and know how to control their speech. In the Bhagavad-gita says that the austerity of speech is the ability to speak the truth pleasant words.
People who speak rudely, take in all the hierarchies of the last places. This also applies to countries as a whole. Please note that countries with high culture of speech more successful - Japan, Germany, and indeed all the member states of the Group of Eight. Although there is now happening cultural degeneration, including the degradation of speech and culture. And it affects the economy and in the spiritual life as a whole. In the East, a person who is elementary can not control his speech, it is considered a very primitive, although it can be a professor in the West.
Karma is defined by our speech. It is important to remember that if we criticize someone, you incur negative karma and bad qualities of character of the man. Thus, the law of karma. And as we take the quality of the person, which is praise. Therefore the Vedas call always talking about God and the saints, and to praise them. This is the easiest way to find the divine qualities. That is, if you want to acquire some quality, you just have to read about some saint who possesses them or with someone to discuss its quality.
It has long been observed that we acquire the quality of the man, which we think, and therefore speak. Therefore, even the Western psychologists are advised to think and talk about successful and harmonious people.
But the more in our selfishness and envy, the harder we talk about someone well. We must learn not to criticize anybody. Those who criticize us, gives us a positive karma and takes away our bad. Therefore, in the Vedas always thought that it was good when we are criticized.
As it works to our karma? In the "Mahabharata," says that if you have something planned, something you want to do, no one does not say. As soon as you say this is 80% less likely, that this would happen, especially if you have shared with envious, greedy man. Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully, reaching more? They do not lose energy. Another simple rule associated with the speech - if we do someone something good and it boasted before the other, then at that moment we lose the positive karma and all the fruit of piety, who have earned this act. Bouncer little to reach. Therefore, we should never brag about their achievements, since at this point we lose all the fruits that have earned.
The Real Story:
The student comes to the master and asked:
- Advise you to live with an open mind (open mind). But then the whole mind can fly, so?
- You just close your mouth tightly. And all will be well.
Thoughts determine it, so it is important not to think badly of anyone. The more we chaotic thoughts in your head, the more they manifest themselves in the language and the more it will be messy. Anyone who thinks clearly, he says clearly.
There is another level - learn to accept criticism. One of the qualities of the mind - that he is able to justify himself in any position. The lower level of the person, the more excuses you hear from him. Even committing the most heinous crime, that person, without blushing, is justified. One of the main indicators of personality, which is on the high level of development, by the fact that she quietly listens to criticism.
Terms of reasonable speech.
The cave meditating yoga three. Suddenly they hear any sound coming from animals. One yogi said - It was a goat. It takes a year. Another yogi replied: - No, it was a cow. It takes a year. Third Yogi says: - If you do not stop arguing, I'll leave you.
The first rule of intelligent speech - before you say something sharp, count to 10. It may seem silly. The first time, we can hardly count to 3. But on the other hand, if you respond after a short pause, then your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes to mind when we are criticized, abused - this desire to justify and answer sharply in response. Therefore, learn to 5-10 seconds to think before answering. Among other things - it will bring down the intensity of the unwanted emotion. A person who is engaged in self-realization, very little and thoughtfully says. In the biography of some great people stated that they never responded directly to the allegations and generally tried not to say anything in anger. They put off the conversation the next day or even up to the moment until they calm down passions. For know - is the anger and irritation affect their speech, the consequences will be sad, and sometimes just devastating.
The second rule is a reasonable question - do not need to go to extremes. God manifested in the details, and Satan - in the extremes. I do not give a vow - "I'll be there like a fish." Especially if you are on your nature bright extrovert, you may only do harm. If your psycho-physical nature that you have to talk a lot, so to speak so that you and the surrounding obtained from this benefit. So be open and friendly, and most importantly - live consciously. It is important to remember that our level is determined by the small, insignificant actions - how we react to rudeness in the store, what emotions we begin to overflow, when we are "unfairly" criticized etc.
.. Three levels of speech.
Man on a high spiritual level, in goodness, that, something about someone saying bad, or it's something defiles saw or heard, can even become physically ill. He may feel that he was doused with mud. Such a person always tells the truth pleasant words. Consciously says every word, and every word brings harmony to the world. In a speech to many harmless humor, often at himself. Such people are almost always healthy and happy.
People in the passion is very sensitive to criticism in their address, they are ready can talk for hours about topics related to sex, money, economic prosperity, the policy discussion purchases, to talk about themselves good, sarcastically discussing someone else, and so on. D. they say they are usually fast. Humor usually vulgar, sex-related. Usually, at the beginning of the conversation, they feel great satisfaction and growth, but after such devastation conversations and disgust. And the higher the level of consciousness, the stronger the feeling. This style of speech leads to degradation at all levels.
Those who are in ignorance, characterized by the fact that their language is full of insults, complaints, denunciations, threats, obscenities and so on. D. All words are impregnated with anger and hatred. When a man opens his mouth, a feeling that the room is filled with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if such a person to say something good about someone, he might get sick. Such people usually do not consciously or deliberately provoke the other, trying to cause them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, t. To. On this wave, they are set lower and feed these destructive emotions. Humor them "black", full of joy and mockery misfortunes of others. They illusion from beginning to end. Such universe treats severe blows of fate and disease. They quickly develop a mental illness. They can not even be close, but even more so to communicate. Usually rare person who resides at only one level. Often there are mixed types or type of person can change quite quickly.
It is very dependent on:
society that we choose - at work, at rest ... for example to chat with a passionate man, a few minutes later we can find that are actively involved in policy discussions. Although another 10 minutes ago, we did not have before them the case.
space. For example, in a casino, nightclubs, pubs around the stalls, the den of drug addicts. Discussion of the spiritual is difficult to imagine. If the place is steeped in passion and ignorance, then there it will be sounding appropriate.
time. For example with 21-00 to 02-00 hours- this time of ignorance, so at this time I want to go to a place ignorant, ignorant to see a movie, talk on the ignorant, at best, passionate theme. Sleep on it - it's folk wisdom. It has long been observed that some of what you said in the evening, especially if you take some decisions, then you regret in the morning or at least to see in a different light. Therefore, follow a simple rule - never take decisions in the evening and do as little as possible to say at this time - will make our life much happier and get rid of many problems and misfortunes. Not by chance, that everything in nature is asleep at this time. Have you ever heard the singing of birds at this time?
At the end of the week, you can perform the test - which had dominated it throughout the week. If goodness, it is easy to notice how the harmony and happiness is part of our lives. If the passions, and especially of ignorance, the natural result will be disease, depression and unhappiness.
An important rule - to get rid of the claims. The first step to love - it is gratitude. In this world, very few people who to thank. Basically, all expressed claim - either implicitly or explicitly. But it is important to remember if we do not someone to thank, then, begin to criticize, to complain, not necessarily even realizing it. The service - it's not just some kind of physical assistance in the first place, it means - to help the person develop consciousness of God, give my love to bring the human to the divine.
All that we do not love, brings only misery and destruction, how noble in appearance it did not look. Teachers are taught that every moment we either get closer to God or away from him. Each situation - it's a lesson. And we need to thank God for each sent us a situation. Most High - all-good and every moment He wants us only good. Every second is aimed at our training.
Once we emerge claims our heart center is blocked. The most frequent complaint - the fate on others, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Claims are shown not only in words, but in the first place, in thought, tone, style of communication and attitude to life. Each situation is given to us in order for us to work on themselves. The less we are harmonious, the more tense, the more we get hard lessons. But as soon as we have a situation of adoption - is relaxation, and therefore this situation is quickly resolved.
Ayurveda says that you can not get rid of the disease, if you do not take. This is the first step towards healing and solving any problems - full acceptance internally as the grace of God, this illness and misfortune, and on the outer plane need to make every effort to solve it. If we do not accept the situation, more than 90% of our energy will go to its "chewing". Our body can cope with any disease. Also we can handle any situation and get out of it a winner. If we are given some kind of test, so we can make it. God tests can not afford not to give. Instead of claims we have to get used to thank everyone. Claims - the first step to disease and misery.
You must keep track of how much you have and how much gratitude you claim to others. You will find that often we have more claims than gratitude. The claims come from the mind and false ego.
All our claims are of a destructive nature, they take away our energy and our heart is closed. True humility is expressed in the fact that we accept any situation. Many understand humility as something ostentatious: hit on one cheek - turning the other. This applies to the internal state. We accept any gift of fate, whatever it was. It is desirable in the mind, or better yet can be repeated more often aloud: "To all - the love of God." People who repeated the phrase, facial expression changed, they became softer, disappeared clamps in the body and, in general, they became happier and healthier. Try it, it works!
If our subconscious mind will be set on the perception of vision around the Supreme Will - it will quickly lead us to perfection.

Virtually anyone who is interested in yoga, eastern philosophy and psychology, knows the name of the sage Patanjali and his monumental work on Yoga - "Yoga Sutras". But few know that, first of all, he wrote no less than outstanding papers on speech and medicine: "Patanjali-Bhashya" and "Charaka" respectively. "Patanjali-Bhashya", as commentary on Panini's grammar, learn how to speak and how to build your speech.
There is a close link between the mind and speech, mind and body, mind and soul. Healthy body, healthy mind and healthy we create a harmonious personality. Modern research has shown that the error in question is not accidental. They have a deep connection with the mental development. Stuttering and hesitation in the speech appear when there is a serious emotional disorder. Almost all diseases are psychosomatic in nature.
Everyone strives for perfection, to become, first of all, - the doctor treating your body; secondly, - an expert in grammar, followed his speech; Thirdly, - a philosopher, clearing your mind and understand the Absolute Truth.
In the life of such a person may not be a place for physical ailments, indifference to self-knowledge and disorderly speech. That such a man the sage Patanjali called yogi. And whatever kind of yoga, whatever type of spiritual practice of people not engaged, all of the above is applicable to it in full.
From the speech of the health and material well-being. And this applies not only to the spiritual people, but also to those who want to succeed financially. The ability to speak and to listen very seriously studied in all business schools. Even in the criminal world, to climb in the gang hierarchy, must be able to control the tongue. There's a quote realized Buddha's saying that words can kill a person. Three minutes of anger can destroy a ten-year friendship. Words greatly determine our karma. Can ten years engaged in spiritual development, charitable activities, but insulting a great personality, you can lose everything at all levels and to degrade in the lower forms of life.
Where did this come from? From insults. Vedic astrology says that the shadow planet Ketu is responsible for the abuse. Ketu - it is such a planet, which quickly gives the response, often instantaneously. Ketu also grants an exemption. But the negative aspect It punishes insults and derogatory speech, quickly depriving man of all, what he has achieved in the spiritual and material terms. In the Vedic civilization each person taught very carefully monitor their speech. While the man did not speak, he found difficult.
Fool of sage can be distinguished when he speaks. It has a very strong energy. Experts who have thin vision, say that people who communicate mate, rude and insulting to say, in a certain place of the subtle body then gets a black spot, which is a year or two can develop into cancer.
It - it is a manifestation of vitality. The most important thing for us is that the language - this is prayers, mantras and discussion topics, approaches the divine. It is also possible, as appropriate to discuss practical matters, to communicate with loved ones. But, most importantly, do not overdo it. Ayurveda says that it - it is a manifestation of Prana. Prana - the life force, the Universal energy. The more prana, the more healthy, successful, charismatic and harmonious people. So, first of all, the prana is expended when a person says. Especially when someone criticizes, condemns the claims being mothers. According to statistics, 90% of all fights is due to the fact that we are talking about someone bad. The most successful people are the ones that are nice to say and know how to control their speech. In the Bhagavad-gita says that the austerity of speech is the ability to speak the truth pleasant words.
People who speak rudely, take in all the hierarchies of the last places. This also applies to countries as a whole. Please note that countries with high culture of speech more successful - Japan, Germany, and indeed all the member states of the Group of Eight. Although there is now happening cultural degeneration, including the degradation of speech and culture. And it affects the economy and in the spiritual life as a whole. In the East, a person who is elementary can not control his speech, it is considered a very primitive, although it can be a professor in the West.
Karma is defined by our speech. It is important to remember that if we criticize someone, you incur negative karma and bad qualities of character of the man. Thus, the law of karma. And as we take the quality of the person, which is praise. Therefore the Vedas call always talking about God and the saints, and to praise them. This is the easiest way to find the divine qualities. That is, if you want to acquire some quality, you just have to read about some saint who possesses them or with someone to discuss its quality.
It has long been observed that we acquire the quality of the man, which we think, and therefore speak. Therefore, even the Western psychologists are advised to think and talk about successful and harmonious people.
But the more in our selfishness and envy, the harder we talk about someone well. We must learn not to criticize anybody. Those who criticize us, gives us a positive karma and takes away our bad. Therefore, in the Vedas always thought that it was good when we are criticized.
As it works to our karma? In the "Mahabharata," says that if you have something planned, something you want to do, no one does not say. As soon as you say this is 80% less likely, that this would happen, especially if you have shared with envious, greedy man. Why do people who speak little and thoughtfully, reaching more? They do not lose energy. Another simple rule associated with the speech - if we do someone something good and it boasted before the other, then at that moment we lose the positive karma and all the fruit of piety, who have earned this act. Bouncer little to reach. Therefore, we should never brag about their achievements, since at this point we lose all the fruits that have earned.
The Real Story:
The student comes to the master and asked:
- Advise you to live with an open mind (open mind). But then the whole mind can fly, so?
- You just close your mouth tightly. And all will be well.
Thoughts determine it, so it is important not to think badly of anyone. The more we chaotic thoughts in your head, the more they manifest themselves in the language and the more it will be messy. Anyone who thinks clearly, he says clearly.
There is another level - learn to accept criticism. One of the qualities of the mind - that he is able to justify himself in any position. The lower level of the person, the more excuses you hear from him. Even committing the most heinous crime, that person, without blushing, is justified. One of the main indicators of personality, which is on the high level of development, by the fact that she quietly listens to criticism.
Terms of reasonable speech.
The cave meditating yoga three. Suddenly they hear any sound coming from animals. One yogi said - It was a goat. It takes a year. Another yogi replied: - No, it was a cow. It takes a year. Third Yogi says: - If you do not stop arguing, I'll leave you.
The first rule of intelligent speech - before you say something sharp, count to 10. It may seem silly. The first time, we can hardly count to 3. But on the other hand, if you respond after a short pause, then your answer will be much more reasonable, because the first thing that comes to mind when we are criticized, abused - this desire to justify and answer sharply in response. Therefore, learn to 5-10 seconds to think before answering. Among other things - it will bring down the intensity of the unwanted emotion. A person who is engaged in self-realization, very little and thoughtfully says. In the biography of some great people stated that they never responded directly to the allegations and generally tried not to say anything in anger. They put off the conversation the next day or even up to the moment until they calm down passions. For know - is the anger and irritation affect their speech, the consequences will be sad, and sometimes just devastating.
The second rule is a reasonable question - do not need to go to extremes. God manifested in the details, and Satan - in the extremes. I do not give a vow - "I'll be there like a fish." Especially if you are on your nature bright extrovert, you may only do harm. If your psycho-physical nature that you have to talk a lot, so to speak so that you and the surrounding obtained from this benefit. So be open and friendly, and most importantly - live consciously. It is important to remember that our level is determined by the small, insignificant actions - how we react to rudeness in the store, what emotions we begin to overflow, when we are "unfairly" criticized etc.
.. Three levels of speech.
Man on a high spiritual level, in goodness, that, something about someone saying bad, or it's something defiles saw or heard, can even become physically ill. He may feel that he was doused with mud. Such a person always tells the truth pleasant words. Consciously says every word, and every word brings harmony to the world. In a speech to many harmless humor, often at himself. Such people are almost always healthy and happy.
People in the passion is very sensitive to criticism in their address, they are ready can talk for hours about topics related to sex, money, economic prosperity, the policy discussion purchases, to talk about themselves good, sarcastically discussing someone else, and so on. D. they say they are usually fast. Humor usually vulgar, sex-related. Usually, at the beginning of the conversation, they feel great satisfaction and growth, but after such devastation conversations and disgust. And the higher the level of consciousness, the stronger the feeling. This style of speech leads to degradation at all levels.
Those who are in ignorance, characterized by the fact that their language is full of insults, complaints, denunciations, threats, obscenities and so on. D. All words are impregnated with anger and hatred. When a man opens his mouth, a feeling that the room is filled with an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if such a person to say something good about someone, he might get sick. Such people usually do not consciously or deliberately provoke the other, trying to cause them the energy of anger, irritation, resentment, envy, t. To. On this wave, they are set lower and feed these destructive emotions. Humor them "black", full of joy and mockery misfortunes of others. They illusion from beginning to end. Such universe treats severe blows of fate and disease. They quickly develop a mental illness. They can not even be close, but even more so to communicate. Usually rare person who resides at only one level. Often there are mixed types or type of person can change quite quickly.
It is very dependent on:
society that we choose - at work, at rest ... for example to chat with a passionate man, a few minutes later we can find that are actively involved in policy discussions. Although another 10 minutes ago, we did not have before them the case.
space. For example, in a casino, nightclubs, pubs around the stalls, the den of drug addicts. Discussion of the spiritual is difficult to imagine. If the place is steeped in passion and ignorance, then there it will be sounding appropriate.
time. For example with 21-00 to 02-00 hours- this time of ignorance, so at this time I want to go to a place ignorant, ignorant to see a movie, talk on the ignorant, at best, passionate theme. Sleep on it - it's folk wisdom. It has long been observed that some of what you said in the evening, especially if you take some decisions, then you regret in the morning or at least to see in a different light. Therefore, follow a simple rule - never take decisions in the evening and do as little as possible to say at this time - will make our life much happier and get rid of many problems and misfortunes. Not by chance, that everything in nature is asleep at this time. Have you ever heard the singing of birds at this time?
At the end of the week, you can perform the test - which had dominated it throughout the week. If goodness, it is easy to notice how the harmony and happiness is part of our lives. If the passions, and especially of ignorance, the natural result will be disease, depression and unhappiness.
An important rule - to get rid of the claims. The first step to love - it is gratitude. In this world, very few people who to thank. Basically, all expressed claim - either implicitly or explicitly. But it is important to remember if we do not someone to thank, then, begin to criticize, to complain, not necessarily even realizing it. The service - it's not just some kind of physical assistance in the first place, it means - to help the person develop consciousness of God, give my love to bring the human to the divine.
All that we do not love, brings only misery and destruction, how noble in appearance it did not look. Teachers are taught that every moment we either get closer to God or away from him. Each situation - it's a lesson. And we need to thank God for each sent us a situation. Most High - all-good and every moment He wants us only good. Every second is aimed at our training.
Once we emerge claims our heart center is blocked. The most frequent complaint - the fate on others, dissatisfaction with oneself and the world. Claims are shown not only in words, but in the first place, in thought, tone, style of communication and attitude to life. Each situation is given to us in order for us to work on themselves. The less we are harmonious, the more tense, the more we get hard lessons. But as soon as we have a situation of adoption - is relaxation, and therefore this situation is quickly resolved.
Ayurveda says that you can not get rid of the disease, if you do not take. This is the first step towards healing and solving any problems - full acceptance internally as the grace of God, this illness and misfortune, and on the outer plane need to make every effort to solve it. If we do not accept the situation, more than 90% of our energy will go to its "chewing". Our body can cope with any disease. Also we can handle any situation and get out of it a winner. If we are given some kind of test, so we can make it. God tests can not afford not to give. Instead of claims we have to get used to thank everyone. Claims - the first step to disease and misery.
You must keep track of how much you have and how much gratitude you claim to others. You will find that often we have more claims than gratitude. The claims come from the mind and false ego.
All our claims are of a destructive nature, they take away our energy and our heart is closed. True humility is expressed in the fact that we accept any situation. Many understand humility as something ostentatious: hit on one cheek - turning the other. This applies to the internal state. We accept any gift of fate, whatever it was. It is desirable in the mind, or better yet can be repeated more often aloud: "To all - the love of God." People who repeated the phrase, facial expression changed, they became softer, disappeared clamps in the body and, in general, they became happier and healthier. Try it, it works!
If our subconscious mind will be set on the perception of vision around the Supreme Will - it will quickly lead us to perfection.