The best female cat
1. Very difficult raskormit cat to 50-gauge.
2. Cat furry everywhere, not only on the head.
3. Cat and beautiful without makeup.
4. The cat always graceful, even when just sitting on the couch.
5. Any cat can purr.
6. The cat eats less.
7. Mom your cat with you is not familiar.
8. easier to keep the cat in her lap.
9. Cat is watching TV in the evenings.
10. During the night the cat sleeping in the legs, and pulls a blanket over everything.
11. If you are sick, the cat will not go with medications and just sleeping around.
12. The cat stays up in curlers.
13. The cat is not whining that she ran the whole pantyhose.
14. If you have only dumplings, on the third day cat eats them with pleasure.
15. If you do not have even the dumplings, on the fourth day of a cat with a pleasure eating white bread.
16. The cat is always clean and smells good.
17. In the dark cat is not banging his hips on the corners of the table, and does not swear.
18. The cat is not looking surprised heels on the parquet floor, when you have a headache.
19. If you are tired of the cat does not take offense and do not turn their back on you.
20. The cat can retract the claws.
21. The cat is always happy kind words.
22. The cat is not astonished at the question from whom she is pregnant.
23. If a cat suddenly appeared kittens, they can give to friends.
24. The kittens your cat's furry and funny a week after birth.
25. If you want a cat a cat, you can just gently pat.
26. Cats do not have to buy clothes, she was always beautiful, and without clothes.
27. The cat does not shave his legs.
28. The cat knows how to listen.
29. Cat understands everything, but only says "meow" and "mrrrr."
30. If you do not have a cat, make it yourself - easier than ever