Interesting about cats
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As in the case of dogs, cats domestication was based on mutual benefit. At the dawn of agriculture man had to deal with unforeseen circumstances: rodents devour crops and spoil the its wheat. In their footsteps were voracious predators such as snakes and owls and cats. Cats, has the most friendly character was eventually adopted in human settlements, where they began to appreciate for its ability to kill rodents. Domestic cat was derived from the African wild cat about 10 000 years ago in the Middle East, and since then virtually never left the man. In some cultures, she was worshiped as a goddess in other hated her as the personification of the devil himself. Mating
Anyone who has ever been unsterilized cat can probably confirm how awful she felt during the rut. She howls and constantly tries to run away from home to find themselves suitors. Cats who feel that she started rut, gather around waiting for their turn. The process of mating is more like a creepy exchange, so far removed from romance as myself can only imagine. The female makes a terrible shouts during mating, and for good reason: cats penis is not an instrument of pleasure, but rather an object of medieval torture. It is dotted with backward curved teeth, like fishhooks made of keratin, which scrape the vagina of the female. It is believed that this painful part of the courtship, the females causes ovulation.
Just as tail docking and ear dogs, cats onychectomy is the subject of heated debate in the community of pet owners. While many owners who came home and found a tattered sofa, can assume that declawing cats is a reasonable solution to their problem, the operation needed to remove the claws, pretty cruel. Since the claw grows from the bone, the vet has to cut off the end of the cat's toes, something similar to that, if you cut the first knuckle of your finger. Onychectomy is relatively common in the United States, and only a few localized areas prohibit it (eg, onychectomy banned in San Francisco), but it is regarded as cruelty to animals, and is banned in several countries around the world, including most Europe, Israel, Brazil and Japan.
Cats, hit by a car
Perhaps it is impossible to avoid the fact that at some point, being at the wheel of a car, you run over an animal. For most, it is a terrible event, and feeling, and we will eat on the roadside to do everything possible to help, especially if the animal is clearly someone's pet. Unfortunately, there is a shocking number of people who will go on as if nothing had happened, even if shot down a man, not to mention the animals. In the UK illegally fail to report a traffic accident involving a dog or farm animals, but oddly enough, there is no legal obligation to stop unless people go astray cat.
Despite the fact that the usual vylakaet cat milk from a saucer like sweet ambrosia, in fact, all cats have lactose intolerance. As for some people, as they grow, cats no longer produce the enzyme lactose, which breaks down the milk of the mother. What your friend will leave in your tray then treats, likely will convince you never to give him milk. Oddly enough, your cat (and its mortal enemy, rat) buds are sufficiently effective in order to allow her to drink sea water to rehydrate, then most of the other species do not.
Dogs are well known from the stories of their heroism in saving a person, but most people seem to think that cats are too self-centered to show prowess. In reality, the situation is quite different. In 2012, the cat had just taken out of society for the protection of animals, was able to save the life of his new owner, when one had a diabetic attack. Once she lost consciousness, the cat jumped on her chest, pushing and biting her face until she woke up. Then the cat ran into his son's room and the woman got out of his until he woke up to call for help.
Even more incredible thing happened in Argentina in 2008, when the city of Misiones (Misiones) police found a year-old boy, a ward group of wild cats that did not let him die. The boy, whose father threw him homeless, most likely would have died without intervention cats. They obleplivali it at night to warm up, and brought him food, which is. When the police officers approached the child, his lawyers began violently hissing and yelling at them.
The tradition of pairing of domestic cats and their wild ancestors has more than a hundred years, in this way were first domestic Bengal cats (domestic cats were crossed with wild Asian leopard cat). However, in spite of its exotic appearance, Bengalis on the most part, many generations removed from their ancestors out of the jungle and have a loyal and good-natured disposition.
African Serval is a small cat with leopard spots pattern, the weight of which varies between 9 and 18 kilograms, and that, perhaps, best known for her extremely long legs. Unlike many other wild cats, servals can be good pets. In 1986, the first domestic cat crossed with serval, whence came rock savanna. Since in the 1990s, the breed has become accessible to all, its popularity continues to grow.
The owners claim that the temperament of Savannah cats is similar to a dog, they love to follow their owners, and can even learn to walk on a leash and bring a stick or ball. They can jump incredibly high and many of them like water. However, depending on where you live, the content of savanna may be illegal. For example, Australia, where there are already a big problem with feral cats that destroy the fauna, banned the import of cat breed Savannah. And even if the rules allow you to make one of these beautiful exotic animals, you must have deep pockets - depending on the amount of blood in the pedigree serval, they can cost up to $ 10 000 per individual.
"The Godfather" is recognized as one of the greatest films in history ranked second, following the film "Citizen Kane" in a list compiled by the American Film Institute (American Film Institute). This film is a multiple winner of an Oscar, won the award for best film, best actor and best adapted screenplay. Every aspect of the film has been carefully studied, especially patriarch Vito Corleone (Vito Corleone), the mouth of which was allegedly full of marbles. When we represent the first time that a ruthless mob boss, he is dressed in a tuxedo, celebrating his daughter's wedding, and absently stroking a cat. It's a pretty powerful moment of the film, showing the dichotomy of ruthless power of the Don and his affection for his pet. However, he was shot accidentally. The cat is not supposed to be in the frame - it was a stray cat who wandered in the filming. Marlon Brando took him up to play, and the rest is - a cinematic story.
Black Death
Gregory IX (Gregory IX) was pope from 1227 until his death in 1241, his reign may be characterized by provoking the Crusades and the Inquisition fierce against those who were considered heretics. In addition, he was apparently convinced that black cats were worshiped as manifestations of the devil. His influence has led to large-scale liquidation of cats across Europe. However, 100 years later it appeared horrible, unintended consequences of this campaign. At the end of 1340th years, when there was a plague of rats infected with the plague from Asia, people have discovered that Europe is a real utopia, insecure cats that have thinned the ranks of rodents (and probably would have saved millions of lives). Fortunately, recent popes were more tolerant of cats. As you know, Pope Benedict was very fond of cats, who followed him throughout the Vatican.
Cats were first domesticated for their appetite for mice and rats. Today, the average pet owner is happy if his cat does anything other than sleeping, but, nevertheless, cats still have fierce hunting instincts. Those who allow their cats to make street riding, often suggest getting "gifts" on the mat at the front door. These gifts consist of dead birds and rodents, which successfully captured their livestock. Even today, cats are used for catching rats and mice in places such as Disneyland and the State Hermitage Museum in Moscow, Russia.
Although the story is likely pleased us even more voracious hunters, according to Guinness World Records, the world champion in catching mice is a cat named Tauzer (Towser), inhabit the Glenturretskom distillery (Glenturret). Long-haired tortoiseshell cat named Tauzer (which survived almost 24 years), living in distillery in Crieff (Crieff), Scotland where the whiskey was made "Famous Grouse» (Famous Grouse). According to the Guinness Book of Records, during his reign it killed about 28,899 mice. Tauzer successor to Glenturretskom distillery has become a cat named Amber (Amber), which, despite its rather long life for twenty years did not catch any mice.
Nine Lives
The phrase 'a cat has nine lives "has become such a routine that most of us do not ponder it in importance. Due to its speed and uncanny agility, dogs, seemingly defy death at every turn. The greatest achievement of this animal, in the opinion of many, is its ability to survive a fall from a great height. Humans, by comparison, it turns terribly bad. Despite the fact that there are cases where people have experienced mad drop (in 1972 stewardess Vesna Vulovic (Vesna Vulovic) survived after falling from a height exceeding 9000 meters from the damaged aircraft), the person usually does not survive a fall from a height greater than height of three storeys.
And here at the falling cats have several mechanisms to survive such a fall. Perhaps the most important of which is its sense of balance, which acts as a kind of internal gyroscope called "installation breathing reflex." If the cat will fall from a height of several meters, it is precisely land on all four paws. Flexible and muscular legs cats act like a spring in the moment of landing, distributing a sudden blow. Being relatively light, cats have a much lower speed limit of incidence (the maximum speed at which it can fall) than people: the maximum rate of fall of a cat is about 96 kilometers per hour, and for the people it twice.
It's more than just a hypothesis, there are dozens of reported cases of cats falling from a great height, after which they just got off bruises and minor injuries. In 2011, an elderly cat named Gloucester (Gloucester) fell from a 20th floor apartment on the Upper West Side (Upper West Side), Manhattan and escaped with minor injuries. The following year, the cat in Boston (named Saharok) survived a fall from the 19th floor. In 2009, another cat from Manhattan fell without special effects with astonishing heights - from the 26th floor, this time of his fall was captured on photo window cleaners who worked nearby. How did the name of this fluffy Daredevil? "Lucky» (Lucky).

As in the case of dogs, cats domestication was based on mutual benefit. At the dawn of agriculture man had to deal with unforeseen circumstances: rodents devour crops and spoil the its wheat. In their footsteps were voracious predators such as snakes and owls and cats. Cats, has the most friendly character was eventually adopted in human settlements, where they began to appreciate for its ability to kill rodents. Domestic cat was derived from the African wild cat about 10 000 years ago in the Middle East, and since then virtually never left the man. In some cultures, she was worshiped as a goddess in other hated her as the personification of the devil himself. Mating
Anyone who has ever been unsterilized cat can probably confirm how awful she felt during the rut. She howls and constantly tries to run away from home to find themselves suitors. Cats who feel that she started rut, gather around waiting for their turn. The process of mating is more like a creepy exchange, so far removed from romance as myself can only imagine. The female makes a terrible shouts during mating, and for good reason: cats penis is not an instrument of pleasure, but rather an object of medieval torture. It is dotted with backward curved teeth, like fishhooks made of keratin, which scrape the vagina of the female. It is believed that this painful part of the courtship, the females causes ovulation.

Just as tail docking and ear dogs, cats onychectomy is the subject of heated debate in the community of pet owners. While many owners who came home and found a tattered sofa, can assume that declawing cats is a reasonable solution to their problem, the operation needed to remove the claws, pretty cruel. Since the claw grows from the bone, the vet has to cut off the end of the cat's toes, something similar to that, if you cut the first knuckle of your finger. Onychectomy is relatively common in the United States, and only a few localized areas prohibit it (eg, onychectomy banned in San Francisco), but it is regarded as cruelty to animals, and is banned in several countries around the world, including most Europe, Israel, Brazil and Japan.

Cats, hit by a car
Perhaps it is impossible to avoid the fact that at some point, being at the wheel of a car, you run over an animal. For most, it is a terrible event, and feeling, and we will eat on the roadside to do everything possible to help, especially if the animal is clearly someone's pet. Unfortunately, there is a shocking number of people who will go on as if nothing had happened, even if shot down a man, not to mention the animals. In the UK illegally fail to report a traffic accident involving a dog or farm animals, but oddly enough, there is no legal obligation to stop unless people go astray cat.

Despite the fact that the usual vylakaet cat milk from a saucer like sweet ambrosia, in fact, all cats have lactose intolerance. As for some people, as they grow, cats no longer produce the enzyme lactose, which breaks down the milk of the mother. What your friend will leave in your tray then treats, likely will convince you never to give him milk. Oddly enough, your cat (and its mortal enemy, rat) buds are sufficiently effective in order to allow her to drink sea water to rehydrate, then most of the other species do not.

Dogs are well known from the stories of their heroism in saving a person, but most people seem to think that cats are too self-centered to show prowess. In reality, the situation is quite different. In 2012, the cat had just taken out of society for the protection of animals, was able to save the life of his new owner, when one had a diabetic attack. Once she lost consciousness, the cat jumped on her chest, pushing and biting her face until she woke up. Then the cat ran into his son's room and the woman got out of his until he woke up to call for help.
Even more incredible thing happened in Argentina in 2008, when the city of Misiones (Misiones) police found a year-old boy, a ward group of wild cats that did not let him die. The boy, whose father threw him homeless, most likely would have died without intervention cats. They obleplivali it at night to warm up, and brought him food, which is. When the police officers approached the child, his lawyers began violently hissing and yelling at them.

The tradition of pairing of domestic cats and their wild ancestors has more than a hundred years, in this way were first domestic Bengal cats (domestic cats were crossed with wild Asian leopard cat). However, in spite of its exotic appearance, Bengalis on the most part, many generations removed from their ancestors out of the jungle and have a loyal and good-natured disposition.
African Serval is a small cat with leopard spots pattern, the weight of which varies between 9 and 18 kilograms, and that, perhaps, best known for her extremely long legs. Unlike many other wild cats, servals can be good pets. In 1986, the first domestic cat crossed with serval, whence came rock savanna. Since in the 1990s, the breed has become accessible to all, its popularity continues to grow.
The owners claim that the temperament of Savannah cats is similar to a dog, they love to follow their owners, and can even learn to walk on a leash and bring a stick or ball. They can jump incredibly high and many of them like water. However, depending on where you live, the content of savanna may be illegal. For example, Australia, where there are already a big problem with feral cats that destroy the fauna, banned the import of cat breed Savannah. And even if the rules allow you to make one of these beautiful exotic animals, you must have deep pockets - depending on the amount of blood in the pedigree serval, they can cost up to $ 10 000 per individual.

"The Godfather" is recognized as one of the greatest films in history ranked second, following the film "Citizen Kane" in a list compiled by the American Film Institute (American Film Institute). This film is a multiple winner of an Oscar, won the award for best film, best actor and best adapted screenplay. Every aspect of the film has been carefully studied, especially patriarch Vito Corleone (Vito Corleone), the mouth of which was allegedly full of marbles. When we represent the first time that a ruthless mob boss, he is dressed in a tuxedo, celebrating his daughter's wedding, and absently stroking a cat. It's a pretty powerful moment of the film, showing the dichotomy of ruthless power of the Don and his affection for his pet. However, he was shot accidentally. The cat is not supposed to be in the frame - it was a stray cat who wandered in the filming. Marlon Brando took him up to play, and the rest is - a cinematic story.

Black Death
Gregory IX (Gregory IX) was pope from 1227 until his death in 1241, his reign may be characterized by provoking the Crusades and the Inquisition fierce against those who were considered heretics. In addition, he was apparently convinced that black cats were worshiped as manifestations of the devil. His influence has led to large-scale liquidation of cats across Europe. However, 100 years later it appeared horrible, unintended consequences of this campaign. At the end of 1340th years, when there was a plague of rats infected with the plague from Asia, people have discovered that Europe is a real utopia, insecure cats that have thinned the ranks of rodents (and probably would have saved millions of lives). Fortunately, recent popes were more tolerant of cats. As you know, Pope Benedict was very fond of cats, who followed him throughout the Vatican.

Cats were first domesticated for their appetite for mice and rats. Today, the average pet owner is happy if his cat does anything other than sleeping, but, nevertheless, cats still have fierce hunting instincts. Those who allow their cats to make street riding, often suggest getting "gifts" on the mat at the front door. These gifts consist of dead birds and rodents, which successfully captured their livestock. Even today, cats are used for catching rats and mice in places such as Disneyland and the State Hermitage Museum in Moscow, Russia.
Although the story is likely pleased us even more voracious hunters, according to Guinness World Records, the world champion in catching mice is a cat named Tauzer (Towser), inhabit the Glenturretskom distillery (Glenturret). Long-haired tortoiseshell cat named Tauzer (which survived almost 24 years), living in distillery in Crieff (Crieff), Scotland where the whiskey was made "Famous Grouse» (Famous Grouse). According to the Guinness Book of Records, during his reign it killed about 28,899 mice. Tauzer successor to Glenturretskom distillery has become a cat named Amber (Amber), which, despite its rather long life for twenty years did not catch any mice.

Nine Lives
The phrase 'a cat has nine lives "has become such a routine that most of us do not ponder it in importance. Due to its speed and uncanny agility, dogs, seemingly defy death at every turn. The greatest achievement of this animal, in the opinion of many, is its ability to survive a fall from a great height. Humans, by comparison, it turns terribly bad. Despite the fact that there are cases where people have experienced mad drop (in 1972 stewardess Vesna Vulovic (Vesna Vulovic) survived after falling from a height exceeding 9000 meters from the damaged aircraft), the person usually does not survive a fall from a height greater than height of three storeys.
And here at the falling cats have several mechanisms to survive such a fall. Perhaps the most important of which is its sense of balance, which acts as a kind of internal gyroscope called "installation breathing reflex." If the cat will fall from a height of several meters, it is precisely land on all four paws. Flexible and muscular legs cats act like a spring in the moment of landing, distributing a sudden blow. Being relatively light, cats have a much lower speed limit of incidence (the maximum speed at which it can fall) than people: the maximum rate of fall of a cat is about 96 kilometers per hour, and for the people it twice.
It's more than just a hypothesis, there are dozens of reported cases of cats falling from a great height, after which they just got off bruises and minor injuries. In 2011, an elderly cat named Gloucester (Gloucester) fell from a 20th floor apartment on the Upper West Side (Upper West Side), Manhattan and escaped with minor injuries. The following year, the cat in Boston (named Saharok) survived a fall from the 19th floor. In 2009, another cat from Manhattan fell without special effects with astonishing heights - from the 26th floor, this time of his fall was captured on photo window cleaners who worked nearby. How did the name of this fluffy Daredevil? "Lucky» (Lucky).