Cat lovers were smarter than dog lovers

Cat lovers and dog lovers are different from each other on a storage card – this is probably why they choose different Pets.
Dog people differ from cat lovers – if you're early it's only suspected, now you can safely refer to scientific data. Research on this subject conducted by psychologists at the University of Carroll, reported the results at the annual conference of the Association for psychological science, which is now in San Francisco.
Denise Gastello (Denise Guastello) and her colleagues surveyed 600 students about whether they like more dogs or cats. In addition, respondents had to say, what qualities attracted them to those in the other. Finally, the students had to fill in a psychological questionnaire aimed at identifying characteristics of the personality.

Purely quantitatively, the dogs took the lead by a considerable margin: in the love of him admitted 60% of respondents, while cat lovers were only 11%. (This, of course, somewhat at odds with the picture of General insanity on the seals, which you can find on the Internet.) Among the remaining 29% were those who equally love dogs and cats or do not like neither one nor the other.
Dog lovers admitted that more appreciate their ability to friendship, to companionship. The cats also appreciated the affection and love that arise from them to the owners. (Although the "friendship" and "affection" – similar concepts, anyone can say what dog friendship is different from a cat's affection.) Of course, it should be understood that in speaking of friendship and affection from dogs and cats, we projected them on his psychology, and because any reasoning about the emotions of animals will bear the stamp of anthropomorphism.

But the most interesting dealt with the personality of Abakarov and Kosolobov. They in something were similar to their Pets: those who loved dogs, had a communicative, energetic and generally had a lively character; cat lovers, in contrast, was more introvert, but they were more susceptible compared to dog lovers. In addition, coccoloba was less conformist, less concerned with conventional rules and was ready to ignore them for the sake of his goal. We can say that the character of the people reflect familiar ideas about the nature of dogs and cats: the first – fun and thick-skinned, the second was closed and wayward, capricious.
And finally, most importantly – the fans of cats in terms of intelligence superior to dog lovers. No comment.
I went there to ask how things are with people of different ages – in this study, the recall involved only University students. On the other hand, the authors refer to a similar 2010 study, which was attended by 4 500 people and the results were similar: dog owners compared to owners of cats were more sociable and were distinguished more by a consciousness in the sense of following the General rules.
It is clear that it's not so much in cats or dogs, as in the character of the people themselves: the extrovert is drawn to dogs because their behavior corresponds to the style, the manner of communication, which appeals to extroverts; the introvert for the same reason are like cats. Although it is possible to imagine a situation where a person's character will change under the influence of a pet. But this pet should probably be very bright personality, or the owner must be crazy about your pet. As to the above-mentioned difference in intelligence, the discussion of this point, we probably delicately down.
Source: nkj.ru