How to choose cat food

The most popular variety today is undoubtedly dry food. It is much easier to use and very easy to store. Moreover, after such food, some cat owners do not even consider it necessary to wash the bowl - dry croquets do not leave special traces and do not soil the dishes. However, this product is still not too useful for animals, and even if you choose a premium dry cat food, try to diversify the pet menu with pieces of natural meat (brewed beef is best).

Features of dry food are many, and you can choose cat food with different forms of croquets, which differ in the most diverse composition and the presence of various useful ingredients in it. In particular, such granules often include antioxidants and biotin, which prevent premature aging of animals and improve the appearance of wool. Also, the composition of cat food can include vitamins and various additives necessary for cats of different breeds and types (for example, there is a separate dry food for long-haired cats, food for Persian or British cats or, say, special food for castrated cats). However, such ingredients can only be included in more or less expensive types of feed, so try to give preference to feeds, the manufacturers of which try to monitor the quality of products.

A separate segment in stores is occupied by medical dry food. They are initially specialized and are aimed at ridding your pet of a certain ailment (most often urolithiasis). The specifics of the food is written directly on the box, so you can easily determine which cat food is best and find the variety that you need.

In addition to dry, there is also the so-called “wet” cat food. This is primarily food in the form of canned food. They can be sold both in banks and in sealed portion bags. Their advantage lies primarily in the variety of tastes that will satisfy even the most fastidious pet! For example, all popular cat food now necessarily offer canned chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal and various types of fish.

Cat food can also be specialized. For example, very often the production of cat food offers a separate series of products for pregnant animals and, of course, a separate issue for kittens, allowing babies to develop harmoniously.

And, of course, when choosing food for a cat, it is necessary to take into account its age. As a rule, all offered on the market feed can be divided into three groups:

kitten food (liquid cat food, which is easily digested and contains many nutrients),

feed for mature cats (may have different specialization depending on the condition and even weight of the animal),

food for older cats (usually canned cat food or dry varieties adapted for fragile teeth "old women").



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