12 ideas for decorating gazebos

Such an object as a gazebo on the site will never go unnoticed: arbor immediately sets the style, so her choice and design should be taken very deliberately.
Gazebos associated with many stereotypes that are commonly used and the most familiar, standard forms. But the option "as at all" is not the best option. Unusual design, original finish to match the decor used on the site – and the gazebo is the perfect addition to your garden.
For decoration of pavilions, there are many ideas:

Idea 1. Plant design
Since the gazebo is an element of unity with nature, the best decoration for it – live plants: shrubs, trees, flowers, vertical gardening. Very decorate the structure the clematis, perfoliate honeysuckle, morning glory, sweet peas together with a border of bright annuals and framed by decorative bushes, mock orange, lilac, weigela, almonds trilobate. The base of the gazebo can be decorated with natural stone and planting additional "shade" decorative gravel. Decorate the foot can be conifers and raised flower beds, the stone compositions and plot combinations of plants and garden accessories.

Idea 2. Multi-level roof
If you are just starting the construction of the gazebo, make it multi-level roof. The difference in levels of the roof can be emphasized through various roofing materials or different "figure" styling. The existing pavilion can also be modified, for this build out of the canopy or the whole system of canopies, these canopies can be placed unconventional angle.

Idea 3. Styling
Stylize your garden pavilion by "fairy house", a hut with a roof of reeds, hunting Lodge or a small "Villa"
Idea 4. Unusual architecture
Unusual position the support poles for the gazebo: make them not vertical, but inclined. It gives an extraordinary lightness and dynamics of perception of the structure. Or the structure may be unusual for arbors form. A chance to get a unique design.

Idea 5. Stretch gazebo
There are economical and original design – stretch gazebo. It can be fixed, and then the frame of the gazebo is installed on the base or concreted into the ground, and the walls and roof of a fabric tensioned on the summer season, and for winter cleaning. It can also be collapsible, and then she just placed on the prepared site. This gazebo has its advantages: besides the cost, it is possible to change the "scenery", pulling different fabric.

Idea 6. "Living" gazebo
If you want something special, you can make a gazebo of rare beauty – "live". But it takes time and patience. This gazebo is a small and woven from young, flexible branches of a willow, the construction is simple, it is shaped like a tent or a sea shell. The trick is that the work must begin immediately after cutting of branches from below the ends of the branches to be left free, and then implant them in the ground with the help of rooting stimulants. After some time, when the branches will take root and start growth, "gazebo" is gradually covered with greenery.
Such an object as a gazebo on the site will never go unnoticed: arbor immediately sets the style, so her choice and design should be taken very deliberately.

Idea 7. Hanging pots
Decorate the facade of gazebos hanging containers and pots. There should be a lot, and you have a container garden, only suspended. While vertical gardening is also a must attend, however, do not cover the entire structure with plants. Leave some places on the most beautiful structural elements, and vertical gardening and planters use places.

Idea 8. Pendant accessories
A simple design of a gazebo decorate hanging ornaments: figurines made of plywood, the woven products of straw and rattan, pottery.
Idea 9. The gazebo around the well.
Garden pavilion can be built around the well, especially if your well is beautiful. At the same time at the well appears the roof.

The idea 10. The transparent roof
Make the gazebo a transparent roof made of tinted polycarbonate. It is very simple and quite inexpensive, and the view is extraordinary. Especially suitable for this design for small areas, since the species is the most light, airy design, absolutely without cluttering the garden. Tinted polycarbonate – not glass, he doesn't miss the bright sunlight, so a gazebo will be comfortable in the heat.

The idea 11. A gazebo made of arches
If put side by side parallel to each other a few lattice arches (to make a small arched "tunnel"), this design forms a small and very original gazebo. Of course, it will not protect from the rain but from the sun – please. Its main advantage – especially if arches covered with clematis or climbing roses. A variation of this idea is a gazebo with a green roof. The walls of such a structure is common, classic pergola, but the roof is not solid, instead it is a grid design for vertical gardening.

The idea 12. Finishing materials do Not always need to leave the gazebo as wood or brick. For example, a brick gazebo can be plastered and then lined with pebbles or gravel. Will look trivial and fabulous.
Source: domashniy.ru/
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