Metal gazebo in the garden with his own hands

How nice to spend time in the fresh air with a Cup of tea with family or close friends, listening to birds singing, feeling the slight breeze and watching the sun goes below the horizon. To provide this comfort at the cottage or suburban area will built with his own hands metal gazebo surrounded by flowers and climbing plants. Done with the soul, it will become the main decoration of the garden.
Types of garden gazebos Structures are stationary and portable. The first type involves building on the Foundation. Portable often represent a collapsible design that can be moved from one place to another. They are used only in the summer to shelter from the heat.
For gazebo designs are different, too.
- Closed, that resemble a veranda. They not felt so close with nature, as in other embodiments. This glazed design that can be provided for heating. In this case, not afraid of cold weather, strong wind, snow or rain.
- Half open, with blank wall with one or more of the parties. They are able to protect the lungs from the vagaries of the weather, providing fresh air and not closing direct view of the garden. Semi-open are also considered gazebos, which closed the lower part of the walls.
A semi-open gazebo will protect you from wind and rain without obstructing the penetration of fresh air
- Outdoor metal gazebo – this lace design, which provides support and a roof for shelter from sun and rain.
On the market there are many proposals household structures of different materials to suit every taste, but the cost is very expensive, and built their own gazebo will bring much more joy.

The stages of building a metal gazebo Stage I – select the location and the size of the Best option for the location of the design is a shaded area near trees or under their canopies. If you put a gazebo in the outdoor area, it will become quite warm in Sunny weather and will not be able to bring the comfort which is calculated by the hosts. Even in the evening there will be very uncomfortable.
If you choose to attach the pergola to the other structure, it is necessary to choose the right direction to the scorching rays of the sun warmed the structure.
Be sure to take into account how many people have to accommodate a gazebo. The dimensions of this structure are significantly different for hanging 4 persons or 15. In addition, it is not necessary to position the structure away from home – it will be uncomfortable to set the table.
Phase II – create a project structure it is considered that the easiest way to make a rectangular structure, but this opinion is true only for primitive construction. If the same twelve sections to place in a circle, get a gazebo a much greater area.
We must begin with the drawing. Properly executed work at this stage will ensure the successful construction. This task is not quite simple, but quite feasible. Several days will be enough to study the information concerning designing.
The gazebo must be harmoniously look at the background of other buildings
If the gazebo is supposed to be diameter more than three meters, then it's better to do an octagonal, or at the standard height of 2.2 m and 2.3 m of the section will be too wide and will break the harmony of forms.
Design should be combined with the appearance of the house. It can be any color, material for the roof design in the same style. If the gazebo is located near other structures or fence, it should be combined with them.
Important! When designing, we must remember that the small slope of the roof reduces the structural strength. Phase III – do the Foundation Metal of heavy enough material, so for the arbor Foundation needs, and, quite thorough. First, we need to dig a ditch depth of soil freezing. When pouring concrete it is necessary to strengthen reinforced mesh.
In order to save the concrete can be filled with gravel but must be thoroughly compacted each layer.
The Foundation for the metal gazebos to make better concrete
Phase IV – produce the frame and walls Metal frame gives any stock. There the metal is cut to the desired parts in accordance with the project. The details of the frame are prepared and secured by means of clamps. Then they must be boiled.
Next frame is set on the Foundation and secured. In the next stage, welded baffles. For the frame you should choose a thicker material because it will lay the entire burden. Looks great forged, especially if the elements in style with outdoor benches or components of the house.
Important! Welds must be performed efficiently. If there is no certain knowledge in this area, it is better to consult a specialist. Because of the quality of joints will depend not only on the life of the structure, but also the safety of family members and guests. Step V – choose the roof shape of the roof can be either: in the form of a hemisphere, consisting of several triangles, multi-level, lean-to, gable, concave and convex. It all depends on your imagination.
Large roof better protects from small vagaries of the weather
The choice of material also has strict limits. Depending on the preferences of the owners it can be transparent polycarbonate, slate, corrugated, wood and other materials. Very suitable shingles.
Metal roof is less practical, because the heat is very hot and natural tile too bulky for such a lightweight construction.
You should know the Roof is larger than the frame, the best protection from the sun and rain. Decorating gazebos of metal To the building has turned out delicate and airy, you can add wrought iron elements, but independently so decorate design only master in this field. The most simple option is to fit around the arbor of vines (schisandra chinensis, grapes, honeysuckle, curly, etc.). Get the pergola that is, the green room, which will be no worse than the design with elements of forging. And decoration of the walkway leading to the gazebo, will be the flowers.
It is necessary to conduct electricity for lighting gazebos
Be sure to take care of the lighting inside the buildings and at the entrance. It is advisable to conduct electricity and to install the socket. Then you can turn the music, decorate the gazebo colorful garlands for the Christmas holidays.
Grill in a metal gazebo No dishes tastier than those that smell of smoke. Country trips always involve cooking meat or fish in the fresh air. This gazebo must be supplemented by the grill. It can be stationary or portable. But in any case you should see a chimney. To plan such a building is better in the design phase, but ready design is easy to slightly alter.
With the installation of the grill must smoke
Metal gazebo in the garden, made with your own hands, will become the pride of the owner and a favorite vacation spot of all family members. With great pleasure will come guests to celebrate the holidays in the fresh air or simply to escape from the city dust and noise.
Source: 101dizain.ru
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