Yeast and sugar - all the more poisonous and more sophisticated!
What bread do you buy? You probably do not just somewhere vaguely heard about the dangers of yeast bread, but thought it was not so dangerous, because "our grandparents ate this bread always." However, we hasten to disappoint you: those yeast, which is done on the basis of pastries now become poisonous and sophisticated
. And what is there not to modern yeast! Even if you lose sight of the time about the harmfulness of yeast themselves, in the yeast used in baking bread, add bleach, treated with special plasticizers, dried using dubious methods. Alas, all of which can contribute to the development of various diseases.
And even if you take pure baker's yeast, it will not promote health. Why? Who will tell us more.
As soon as they enter the body, in the gut fermentation process begins, a healthy microflora dies, reduced immunity, and may occur candidiasis and dysbiosis. And even that is not the worst, because the yeast "acidifying" body, contribute to the accumulation of toxins and are dangerous carcinogens.
Another sad fact is that the yeast does not die at high temperatures, and thus are able to show their worst properties in the human body, and after baking.
What's behind the word "yeast»?
Many of you, especially those who had either the kneading yeast dough or seen others do it, know that sugar is needed to activate the yeast. Indeed, yeast feed on sugar. Hence the "sugar addiction", which is characteristic of many representatives of modern society.
The more we use baking yeast, the more want to eat sweets harmful. And that appear on the skin inflammation and the appearance becomes unhealthy. Overgrowth of yeast in the gut leads to a chain reaction of complications, including fatigue, mood swings, stuffy nose, chronic sinusitis, intestinal problems (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence), colitis and allergies.
How yeast suppress the immune system?
Imagine that the yeast is growing and they form a mycelium in the intestine, which literally penetrates the intestinal wall. This in turn increases the intestinal permeability of the intestinal walls and there are "holes". Digestion worsens, the blood absorbed is not ready to digest substances, such as "scraps" of proteins has not yet been turned into amino acids.
Such proteins are our immune system perceives as something alien and leads the immune system to a state of readiness. So there is an immune response, ie, the immune system starts to perform an extra function: digests food. It loads it leads to fatigue in the body and when there is a real danger in the form of microbes, the immune system is unable to cope, because a spent force in the unusual for her work.
Excessive proliferation of yeast also contribute to food allergies, and if you have allergic symptoms, you need to take their medication (most common allergy to wheat (gluten), citrus fruits, dairy products (lactose), chocolate and eggs). Allergies often occur on those products that people love the most: the more you eat this product, the more of its constituent proteins of the immune system sees, and the stronger the allergy.
You can rightly be argued that the portion of the yeast can be obtained without using corn, for example, from the same grape or dairy products. It is worth noting that these yeast - the wild, they have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, and even bear a resemblance to its composition, but abuse them still do not recommend
. To determine whether you have a "saharozavisimost" caused by yeast, infesting the gut, read the following list and mark the items that appear you:
Chronically laid
nose Irritable bowel syndrome (bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation)
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Fungal infection Frequent coughing
Food allergies
Even if you have marked at least 2 points of the above, you can identify themselves as a group of people who have excessive reproduction of yeast.
Thus, the yeast grow by "eating" sugar, and in order to get rid of them, it is necessary for at least 21 days, do not feed them (and yourself) with sweets and pastries containing sugar.
To get rid of the yeast, it is also extremely important to keep the immune system by taking natural immunomodulators such as the infusion of rose hips and lemon and ginger. If you want very sweet, stop your choice on the fruits with low glycemic index: cherry, grapefruit, apples, plums, oranges, peaches, grapes, kiwi, strawberry
. After completing this program, the skin becomes cleaner and get better activity of the gastrointestinal tract. And yes, that is important, the body noticeably clean from toxins, yeasts die, disappear unhealthy craving for sweets harmful. You can eat fruit again and feel their intense fruity taste.
If the parallel with the disposal of the sugar and the yeast depending you decide to try to get rid of allergy (this is often the case, do not know what foods cause it), try to spend a week-long detox of elimination, eliminating all allergenic foods, ie, anything that contains wheat flour and wheat, citrus fruits, dairy products, chocolate, cocoa and peanuts.
After 7 days on a "diet", returns to the diet of foods in one day: first - the milk (if you eat it), then wheat, then the cocoa and chocolate, followed by citrus, and at the very end - peanuts. Pay close attention to your well-being and monitor any changes in your condition. So you will be able to identify a product that not only causes your allergies, but also contributes to the development of yeast and sugar dependence.
And finally - some general tips to get rid of yeast and sugar in the diet:
1. Replace a regular yeast bread to whole wheat sourdough or unleavened bread. Leaven and bread made on it, are often sold at monasteries and temples.
2. Try to completely give up sugar and all products containing it for 21 days to get rid of cravings for sweets.
3. Keep track minute changes in your skin's condition and overall health - you will notice the difference, which will motivate you to move on.
Author: Anja Kirasirova
. And what is there not to modern yeast! Even if you lose sight of the time about the harmfulness of yeast themselves, in the yeast used in baking bread, add bleach, treated with special plasticizers, dried using dubious methods. Alas, all of which can contribute to the development of various diseases.

And even if you take pure baker's yeast, it will not promote health. Why? Who will tell us more.
As soon as they enter the body, in the gut fermentation process begins, a healthy microflora dies, reduced immunity, and may occur candidiasis and dysbiosis. And even that is not the worst, because the yeast "acidifying" body, contribute to the accumulation of toxins and are dangerous carcinogens.
Another sad fact is that the yeast does not die at high temperatures, and thus are able to show their worst properties in the human body, and after baking.
What's behind the word "yeast»?
Many of you, especially those who had either the kneading yeast dough or seen others do it, know that sugar is needed to activate the yeast. Indeed, yeast feed on sugar. Hence the "sugar addiction", which is characteristic of many representatives of modern society.
The more we use baking yeast, the more want to eat sweets harmful. And that appear on the skin inflammation and the appearance becomes unhealthy. Overgrowth of yeast in the gut leads to a chain reaction of complications, including fatigue, mood swings, stuffy nose, chronic sinusitis, intestinal problems (bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence), colitis and allergies.
How yeast suppress the immune system?
Imagine that the yeast is growing and they form a mycelium in the intestine, which literally penetrates the intestinal wall. This in turn increases the intestinal permeability of the intestinal walls and there are "holes". Digestion worsens, the blood absorbed is not ready to digest substances, such as "scraps" of proteins has not yet been turned into amino acids.
Such proteins are our immune system perceives as something alien and leads the immune system to a state of readiness. So there is an immune response, ie, the immune system starts to perform an extra function: digests food. It loads it leads to fatigue in the body and when there is a real danger in the form of microbes, the immune system is unable to cope, because a spent force in the unusual for her work.
Excessive proliferation of yeast also contribute to food allergies, and if you have allergic symptoms, you need to take their medication (most common allergy to wheat (gluten), citrus fruits, dairy products (lactose), chocolate and eggs). Allergies often occur on those products that people love the most: the more you eat this product, the more of its constituent proteins of the immune system sees, and the stronger the allergy.
You can rightly be argued that the portion of the yeast can be obtained without using corn, for example, from the same grape or dairy products. It is worth noting that these yeast - the wild, they have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, and even bear a resemblance to its composition, but abuse them still do not recommend
. To determine whether you have a "saharozavisimost" caused by yeast, infesting the gut, read the following list and mark the items that appear you:
Chronically laid
nose Irritable bowel syndrome (bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation)
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Fungal infection Frequent coughing
Food allergies
Even if you have marked at least 2 points of the above, you can identify themselves as a group of people who have excessive reproduction of yeast.
Thus, the yeast grow by "eating" sugar, and in order to get rid of them, it is necessary for at least 21 days, do not feed them (and yourself) with sweets and pastries containing sugar.
To get rid of the yeast, it is also extremely important to keep the immune system by taking natural immunomodulators such as the infusion of rose hips and lemon and ginger. If you want very sweet, stop your choice on the fruits with low glycemic index: cherry, grapefruit, apples, plums, oranges, peaches, grapes, kiwi, strawberry
. After completing this program, the skin becomes cleaner and get better activity of the gastrointestinal tract. And yes, that is important, the body noticeably clean from toxins, yeasts die, disappear unhealthy craving for sweets harmful. You can eat fruit again and feel their intense fruity taste.
If the parallel with the disposal of the sugar and the yeast depending you decide to try to get rid of allergy (this is often the case, do not know what foods cause it), try to spend a week-long detox of elimination, eliminating all allergenic foods, ie, anything that contains wheat flour and wheat, citrus fruits, dairy products, chocolate, cocoa and peanuts.
After 7 days on a "diet", returns to the diet of foods in one day: first - the milk (if you eat it), then wheat, then the cocoa and chocolate, followed by citrus, and at the very end - peanuts. Pay close attention to your well-being and monitor any changes in your condition. So you will be able to identify a product that not only causes your allergies, but also contributes to the development of yeast and sugar dependence.
And finally - some general tips to get rid of yeast and sugar in the diet:
1. Replace a regular yeast bread to whole wheat sourdough or unleavened bread. Leaven and bread made on it, are often sold at monasteries and temples.
2. Try to completely give up sugar and all products containing it for 21 days to get rid of cravings for sweets.
3. Keep track minute changes in your skin's condition and overall health - you will notice the difference, which will motivate you to move on.
Author: Anja Kirasirova