Store bread for a long time, I do it myself, with a sleeve for baking, this process has become easier nowhere.

No matter how many times I try. homebread - it's not like you try. It will not burn in the middle, it will burn from above. I could not find a middle ground and had already begun to sin on my oven, when suddenly this wonderful recipe caught my eye. You knew you could bake. sleeve? Yeah, in the same sleeve as vegetables, pork, potatoes and chicken. Now I have bread on my sleeve list.

Unsplash is fragrant, golden, with crisp crust and texture like the best bakeries. I didn’t expect that one purchase yeast can achieve this result – no baking powders or other additives. Just flour, yeast, salt, sugar, water and a little sunflower oil. Write down the recipe!

Bread in the sleeve as one of the best bakeries Most of all I was surprised by a luxurious golden crust. When I tried it for the first time, I thought that the bar would simply ban and cook inside the film, but no! Well, he got up and blustered. Don’t miss the moment when the bread is ready. After removal from the oven, the sleeve must be immediately opened so that the loaf does not soar in it.

Ingredients for bread in the sleeve
  • 700g white wheat flour
  • 400 ml of water (preferably warm)
  • 15g live pressed yeast
  • 3 tbsp sunflower or olive oil
  • 1.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar

  1. Start with leaven: dilute the yeast in warm water along with the sugar. If you don't. yeastedUse the dry ones. In this case, you only need 6 g and 5 minutes of waiting until they wake up.

Now mix the flour and water with the yeast in the bowl, it is better that the bowl was larger. Place lightly, until lumps, then add oil and salt. Now we can. mix. On a flat surface, pour 2 tbsp of flour and proceed to stir the dough. This is an important process because it has to become smooth and elastic. Therefore, you need to hang carefully for 7-10 minutes. Now smear the dough with a spoonful of sunflower oil, and another spoonful of oil grease bowl. Form a smooth ball from the dough, put in a bowl and cover with a film or bag. Leave to climb in a warm place for one hour.

When the dough rises (it will greatly increase in volume), it must be washed. A little stretch it on a flat surface into a rectangle a couple of centimeters thick. Roll this triangle roulette. Pour flour on all sides and make incisions on top. Then place it very carefully. sleeve-roll And put it in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. Done! You can serve on the table in 15 minutes, when the bread is a little cooler.

It is very important to open the sleeve immediately after baking. Don't cut! Bread is still being prepared inside. It is too wet and sticky, while hot, so cut it will not work, the flesh will simply doubt. Wait 15 minutes, preferably half an hour.

The texture is perfect, just like a bakery. But the taste and quality is much better. You can't buy one at the supermarket.

Sometimes I bake a lot of bread, 3 loaves. I'm more comfortable because I save time. test-making. Besides, I have enough bread for the whole week. But for this bread is not enough to bake, you need to make sure that it is always fresh. And the freezer helps me do that. This is what happens in restaurants: bread It's always fresh, not because waiters run to the bakery several times a day. And not because cooks cook bread all day long. Baths are already half-prepared in the refrigerator and waiting for their time.

Here's how I do it: 2 out of 3 loaves of loaves freezer. On day X, when I need bread, I take out a loaf of bread and bake in a heated oven at 150-160 degrees for 30 minutes. It's gonna take some time, depending on your oven. To distinguish this bread from freshly baked is almost impossible! Keep in mind that you can store bread in the freezer for no more than two weeks.


They say that bread is the head of everything. He always sits on the dining table! We eat everything with bread, even rice and potatoes. It is nice when there is a fresh loaf with a crispy crust, as if only from the oven. Have you ever tried baking bread yourself? If not, then this one sleeve You're gonna love it.


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